Nintendo E3 2010 Press Conference Live Blog

It’s live blog time boys and girls! It took me a while to get a decent Internet connection, so let’s jump right into it. (I’ll write a proper intro later.)

Click here for the live blog!

Author: RPadTV

32 thoughts on “Nintendo E3 2010 Press Conference Live Blog”

  1. I hate to say it, but Zelda looks like crap. The lag looks really bad, and Miyamoto seems to have to do half the motions 2 or 3 times to get it to register.

  2. Nintendo just put on their best show in 3 or 4 years, even though the Zelda demo was disappointing.

  3. I was impressed after the rocky start too. I'm at the nintendo website right now listening to the Miyamoto-Iwata interview about the 3DS. It's making me want it more.

  4. yeah i agree nintendo brought back a lot of classic franchises

    what the hell took so long?

    nintendo just bitch slapped microsoft, i think sony should have a really good press conference as well…im DYING to see that new psp man

  5. Gonna be hard for Sony to top that. Honestly if the PSP2 is just a stronger PSP, I don't think it can compete with the 3DS.

  6. they are now talking about and showing gameplay on the new legend of zelda game and the use of Wii motion plus.

    if anyone is interested.

  7. @smartguy

    apples and oranges bro, ray is playing the 3ds as we speak….as a tech guy i cant wait for a quad core handheld

    that 3ds might sell 1 billion units (hyperbole)

  8. @Thundercracker

    Those apples and oranges were the same ones when it was DS vs PSP.

  9. no yeah dude, in this case, apples sell a LOT more than oranges

    im not saying that the psp2 is gonna outsell anything, im saying that they are two TOTALLY different machines. I dont know enough about the psp2 other than to say im intrigued by it, but i know enough about the 3ds to say that i want one now

  10. @thundercracker

    Ah, we were on 2 different wave lengths man lol. I think from an engineering/tech standpoint both devices will be intriguing, but the 3D w/o glasses is quite interesting.


  11. im watching g4 (blech) and the 3ds model girl went to "demo" the 3ds, all it was was the bleeping logo across the screen….im sure itll be great, but why demo the system without an actual demo?


    im prolly gonna buy both

  12. @Thundercracker

    I'll probably buy this new PSP since it will integrate with the PS3 and the online store in a big way.

  13. @slicky

    watch and find out…lol

    i feel a 24 hour bug coming on…sorry UPS, i wont be there tomorrow

  14. I find it odd that Sony is hedging on 3D to throw it over the hump here when the 3D sets and glasses are so damn expensive. The PS3 didn't necessarily fly off of shelves when it was $600.


    I've thought about it and then read about it and cannot think of an enhancement.

  15. @Ray

    Their email hasn't shown up yet for me to finish the registration process. Hopefully it will show up before I get off work tomorrow. Needless to say, I so would been the first comment on your article.

  16. @big blak

    Wow! I doubt they will have this ready for this year so probably next year. By then Jobs will be announcing the newer version of the iPad and iPhone.

  17. That game does look neat. I think I will get it. The art style alone has my attention.

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