Dragon Age: Origins Leliana’s Song DLC Available Now

BioWare has released the “Leliana’s Song” DLC for the outstanding Dragon Age: Origins. This DLC prequel examines Leliana’s past as an Orlesian spy, detailing her relationship with Marjolaine and the circumstances that led her to seek refuge with the chantry. The DLC costs 560 BioWare Points on PC, 560 Microsoft Points on Xbox Live, and $7 on PlayStation Network. Here are some details from the official site:

  • Explore Leliana’s dangerous past and why she joined the Chantry
  • A fully voiced cinematic experience brings the characters to life
  • Unlock a unique reward that transfers into your Awakening and Origins campaign
  • All-new musical compositions instensify the action and intrigue

As many of you know, DA is one of my favorite games this console generation. I’ve already downloaded the DLC and will be playing it later today. Expect a not-a-review in the near future…whether you want it or not, muahahahaha!!!

Anyone planning to download “Leliana’s Song”?

Coffee Talk #172: Counting Down to Digital Distribution

In the last ten days I spent two hours waiting for a PSP game to download and four hours waiting for an Xbox 360 game to download. In both cases I was annoyed and agitated that it took so long to download a relatively small amount of data. Six hours for a little over six GBs?!? That’s a step above cavemen banging two rocks together to start a fire!!! But you know what? It beats the crap out of the alternative.

Welcome to Coffee Talk! Let’s start off the day by discussing whatever is on your (nerd chic) mind. Every morning I’ll kick off a discussion and I’m counting on you to participate in it. If you’re not feelin’ my topic, feel free to start a chat with your fellow readers and see where it takes you. Whether you’re talking about videogames, the NY Knicks signing Amare Stoudemire, Team Armstrong vs. Team Landis, or the the super pretentious Paris Apple Store, Coffee Talk is the place to do it.

In the last ten days I spent two hours waiting for a PSP game to download and four hours waiting for an Xbox 360 game to download. In both cases I was annoyed and agitated that it took so long to download a relatively small amount of data. Six hours for a little over six GBs?!? That’s a step above cavemen banging two rocks together to start a fire!!! But you know what? It beats the crap out of the alternative.

Waiting two hours for a PSP is much better than going to a mall, dealing with crowds, and interacting with funployees. The four hours the Xbox 360 download took is much better than waiting for a package to arrive. I’m so ready for digital distribution to be the norm. I can’t wait for console companies and crap-bag ISPs (like my friends at Time Warner Cable) to get their acts together so that digital distribution can happen now.

I know that some of you still have issues with digital distribution and that a few of you still love boxes (I don’t get it). Are you anxious for digital distribution to hit? Or is waiting okay with you?

This Week’s Videogame Releases

There’s only one interesting game coming out this week — Crackdown 2. So…anyone planning to pick this title up? I enjoyed the first one and like what I saw when I previewed the sequel in April. The game is actually on my Xbox 360 now and I need to fire it up later today. You guys want a not-a-review for this?

LEGO Harry Potter Collector’s Edition Behind-the-Scenes Video

Just in case you didn’t buy the collector’s edition of LEGO Harry Potter, here’s one of the behind-the-scenes videos from the set. It’s a cute clip that contains several moments of the cast goofing off while making the first four movies. It’s kind of crazy that these kids have been working on these movies for a decade…and that Hermione has gotten really hot.

Anyway, it’s a fun video for you Harry Potter nerds (like me!) out there.

Coffee Talk #170: Your 2010 Videogame Backlog

In yesterday’s Coffee Talk, we discussed the games we loved in the first half of 2010. It really is remarkable that so many excellent games have been released already. The problem is that it’s really hard to play all the great ones. Today I want to know what awesome 2010 releases are in your gaming backlog.

Welcome to Coffee Talk! Let’s start off the day by discussing whatever is on your (nerd chic) mind. Every morning I’ll kick off a discussion and I’m counting on you to participate in it. If you’re not feelin’ my topic, feel free to start a chat with your fellow readers and see where it takes you. Whether you’re talking about videogames, Mel Gibson’s love of racial slurs, Andrew Garfield as Spider-Man, or Steve Carell leaving The Office, Coffee Talk is the place to do it.

In yesterday’s Coffee Talk, we discussed the games we loved in the first half of 2010. It really is remarkable that so many excellent games have been released already. The problem is that it’s really hard to play all the great ones. Today I want to know what awesome 2010 releases are in your gaming backlog.

My backlog is ridiculously high. I started a few of these games, but didn’t get very far. Some of them are still shrink wrapped. Here my list: BioShock 2, Super Mario Galaxy 2, Mass Effect 2, God of War III, and MLB 10 The Show. Sadly, I don’t know when I’ll get to these fine titles. My weekend playlist is full and I promised a friend (and myself) that I’d get around to completing Blue Dragon this year. *sigh* Priorities.

Now it’s your turn! What 2010 game releases are in your backlog?

What Are You Playing This Weekend?

I have that awesome problem of having too many good games to play this weekend. If you’ve read my (not a) review of Hot Shots Tennis then you know that I’m loving the game. I’m going to play it more than I ought to this weekend. Last night I started LEGO Harry Potter and was totally charmed. I’ll definitely be spending more time at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. For more practical reasons, I should play Crackdown 2. I’ll spend some time with the game, but it’s going to lose time to the first two titles I mentioned.

How about you? What’s on your weekend playlist?

(Not a) Review of Hot Shots Tennis: Get a Grip

Last Saturday I spent two hours downloading Hot Shots Tennis: Get a Grip for Sony Playstation Portable. I was immensely annoyed that it took so long to download a relatively small amount of data. Five days later, I don’t regret the wait. This game has been a most pleasant surprise. Hot Shots Tennis for PSP is a cute combination of arcade sports and role playing that’s a tremendous value. If you find arcade sports remotely entertaining then I highly recommend this game.

Hot Shots Tennis: Get a Grip takes Clap Hanz (Hot Shots Golf) art style and combines it with RPG elements that reminded me of Mario Tennis: Power Tour for Game Boy Advance. You start off with a pair of players on a journey to spread joy to the world through the Love Tennis Club. The silly premise is just an excuse to travel to different locations, beat dozens of players, recruit new allies, and add a bit of story to the excellent gameplay.

As you travel from location to location, there are plenty of RPG trappings to enjoy in between matches. You’ll have to talk to different characters to gather information. There are simple fetch quests. There are plenty of hidden objects and characters to find. There are hundreds of rats to kill for experience points (okay, I made that last one up). Naturally, there are “boss fights” at the end of each level. Linking it all is a surprisingly deep and thoroughly fun tennis system.

As someone that has played hundreds of hours of actual tennis, I really appreciated the addictive gameplay and subtle nuances in Hot Shots Tennis: Get a Grip. The different play styles — baseline, net, and all-around — are distinct. The difference between players is really pronounced. Character stats can be manipulated through the use of different outfits, racquets, and accessories. The art is cute and the RPG elements are fun, but none of it would matter if the gameplay wasn’t any good. The tennis in this game is way more than good. It’s great.

Most of you know that I’m a big RPG fan. Some of you know that I dress far better than most game writers. With all of that in mind, you can understand why I enjoyed the game’s customization system. Some of the outfits are ridiculous — horse heads, stag beetle costumes, bikinis, ninja outfits, etc. While I enjoyed seeing my players look ridiculous on the court, I loved maxing out stats through outfits. I find accessorizing fun. Sue me.

As with any great portable game, Hot Shots Tennis: Get a Grip is fun for two minutes or two hours. Even though I beat the game’s story mode last night, I know that I’ll be playing it for dozens of hours in the future. Maxing out the various characters, trying out new outfit combinations, and playing multiplayer matches (ad hoc only) with friends will definitely be part of my gaming future.

Best of all, Hot Shots Tennis: Get a Grip is pretty cheap, with an MSRP of $19.99. Again, if you dig arcade sports titles like Hot Shots Golf and Mario Tennis then I highly recommend this game. It offers a tremendous amount of fun for a relatively low price. Going into the game, I knew I’d like it, but I was surprised that I ended up loving it.

NPD Console Sales Figures Top 10 Games of May 2010

Here are NPD Group’s console software sales figures for May 2010. There were a lot of great releases in May, which is traditionally a slow month for the business. Some of your favorites made the list and there were a few surprises as well. Let’s check out the digits!

  1. Red Dead Redemption (Xbox 360): 945,900
  2. Red Dead Redemption (PS3): 567,100
  3. Super Mario Galaxy 2 (Wii): 563,000
  4. UFC 2010: Undisputed (Xbox 360): 221,100
  5. UFC 2010: Undisputed (PS3): 192,300
  6. Wii Fit Plus with Balance Board (Wii)
  7. New Super Mario Bros. Wii (Wii)
  8. Alan Wake (Xbox 360)
  9. Pokemon SoulSilver (Nintendo DS)
  10. Skate 3 (Xbox 360)

Perhaps it’s just me, but I’m used to seeing more Nintendo games in the top 10. Ha! Obviously Red Dead Redemption was May’s killer title. UFC 2010 did well, which shouldn’t be a surprise. I was happy to see games like Alan Wake and Skate 3 on the list; they didn’t get as much hype and commercial time as some of May’s other titles, but they did well. Naturally, Nintendo continued to do well with Mario and Pokemon.

Anything on May’s list surprise you?

Future Heavy Rain Chronicles Delayed Due to Playstation Move

Millions of Heavy Rain fans were psyched to learn that the game will be patched to support Playstation Move. Unfortunately, motion-control support will come at the expense of original content. Instead of creating more Heavy Rain Chronicles, Quantic Dream was told to prioritize Move support. Quantic Dream founder and co-CEO David Cage told NowGamer:

We proposed three episodes about one hour long and being focused on the background of the main characters. I thought fans would really enjoy these episodes because they explained many aspects of HR and why characters are who they are. Unfortunately, Sony preferred to ask us to focus on Move to support the device rather than on creating new content.

Move support for Heavy Rain is important and I totally understand why Sony would want that over new content. It absolutely makes sense from a business perspective. As a huge fan of the game and Quantic Dream, I’m bummed that the company has put original content on the back burner.

How do you feel about this move? Would you rather have new chapters in Heavy Rain? Or are you more interested in PlayStation Move support?


Coffee Talk #169: Your Favorite Game of the First Half of 2010

2010 is halfway over! Since it’s halftime, I wanted to see what your favorite game of 2010 was, thus far. It has been a very unusual year for the videogame business with so many outstanding games released in the first half of the year. Which one was your favorite?

Welcome to Coffee Talk! Let’s start off the day by discussing whatever is on your (nerd chic) mind. Every morning I’ll kick off a discussion and I’m counting on you to participate in it. If you’re not feelin’ my topic, feel free to start a chat with your fellow readers and see where it takes you. Whether you’re talking about videogames, Twilight: Eclipse taking over the world this week, Tony La Russa supporting the tea party, or Funny People, Coffee Talk is the place to do it.

2010 is halfway over! Since it’s halftime, I wanted to see what your favorite game of 2010 was, thus far. It has been a very unusual year for the videogame business with so many outstanding games released in the first half of the year. Which one was your favorite?

As for me, not much has changed from Q1 2010. I’ve enjoyed Dragon Age: Origins Awakening, Heavy Rain, and Final Fantasy XIII the most. If I had to go with one, I’d pick Dragon Age, though I’m surprised by how much I’ve enjoyed FFXIII the more I’ve played it.

Now it’s your turn! Let’s have it ladies and gents. What has been your favorite game of 2010 so far?