This Week’s Videogame Releases

There’s only one interesting game coming out this week — Crackdown 2. So…anyone planning to pick this title up? I enjoyed the first one and like what I saw when I previewed the sequel in April. The game is actually on my Xbox 360 now and I need to fire it up later today. You guys want a not-a-review for this?

Author: RPadTV

12 thoughts on “This Week’s Videogame Releases”

  1. do you pay for your games ray? seems like you get everything free

    personally, id like a review if you can find the time sir

  2. @thundercracker I get some games for free, but not most. It used to be an automatic thing when I was working for a big company, but these days I often have to pester to get games I want to write about.

  3. I'd like to get your take in a not-a-review of the game. I also liked the first one and played it a lot more than I should have thanks to the cocaine-like addictiveness of collecting the green orbs.

    Damn, man. The rehab needed to get me off the orb collecting was tough. I … I don't know if I can go through all that again.


  4. I still was never able to play the first one because the disc wouldn't read in my 360. I am not picking anything up this week though, but hopefully soon I will be able to play through some newer titles. I need to actually find a review of this game, but every day at work (Target in the mornings, I don't remember if I said anything about that recently or not…*announcement* I work at Target now!!) I see Toy Story 3 for all the systems and for some reason I really want to see how the game is. I don't know where this impulse comes from, I just wanna play!

  5. I know nothing about the 1st or 2nd game. I'd be interested to read what you think.

  6. @Orb Collecting

    Did anyone else start to hear that pinging noise everywhere? I would hear it at work and at home. I would be playing through Crackdown and hear that pinging everywhere. I am still a bit obsessed with it. I have searched endlessly for the LAST orb and I can't find it anywhere. Same thing happened to me the first time I played through inFamous, got all but 1 shard.

  7. @Slicky

    I hear the achievement unlocked sound all the time, if that's the same thing. haha.

  8. @bsu

    nah. With so many Orbs to collect in Crackdown you hear them none stop at first but then you begin to listen very closely for the sound and even during a fire fight you'll hear it. The closer you get the louder the "radar ping" will get until you zero in on it. Even then it can be vertically away from also.

    Dang all this talk of Crackdown makes me want to go home and play it, Sadly am studying for and tutoring for my Nursing Entrance exam. It seems too easy so far

  9. @Slicky

    Haha, maybe you are underestimating how many achievements I get and how many times I hear that sound in a day. lol jk, I wish I got that many.

    Good luck on the entrance exam.

  10. @bsu

    Thanks. I just got signed up for it on Friday. I was planning on taking it much later but a girl I know wanted to take it sooner and she wanted me to tutor here over the Math & Physics sections because I have degrees in both. So We are taking the test on the 15th at 8am. So we have only a few days to get prepared. This is the last test date they offered this year.

  11. I'm interested in the new plot. Gang related games are almost always a miss with me, but playing the cop was a saving grace in the first one. Now that it has shifted away from gangs all together, I'm even more interested in the game.

    P.S. Never got addicted to the orbs. Collectibles are another huge miss for me. They have to be done right for me to like them.

  12. @ SLicky

    Yes man that happened to me, it really is like cocaine lol. Ah just thinking about that sound is getting me excited lol.

    @ Rpad

    A not a review would be great because I'm still on the fence with CD2.

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