The Seven Wonders of Ys Seven

Xseed localization specialist Tom Lipschultz posted this excellent video of the upcoming Ys Seven for PlayStation Portable. The game hits next week, but if you want a glimpse at Ys Seven’s world then check out this video.

I’m super psyched for more Ys. The series means a lot to longtime JRPG nerds. While loads of my friends can’t wait for the game, I was wondering if the series means anything to you. Anyone down for some new Ys action?


NPD Console Sales Figures Top 10 Games of July 2010

July’s best-selling games were also a bit on the Bizzaro side — at least to me. A lot of games that have made the list for the last year were knocked off by newcomers. Check it out:

  1. NCAA Football 11 (Xbox 360): 368,000
  2. NCAA Football 11 (PS3): 298,000
  3. Crackdown 2 (Xbox 360): 208,800
  4. Super Mario Galaxy 2 (Wii): 193,000
  5. LEGO Harry Potter: Years 1-4 (Nintendo DS): 141,700
  6. Red Dead Redemption (Xbox 360)
  7. LEGO Harry Potter: Years 1-4 (Wii)
  8. Dragon Quest IX: Sentinels of the Starry Skies (Nintendo DS)
  9. New Super Mario Bros Wii (Wii)
  10. Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 (Xbox 360)

I’m so not interested in NCAA Football. That’s what I get for going to a Division III college with a crappy sports program. As a Harry Potter nerd, I’m pleased that the game is doing so well. As a fan of Japanese RPGs, I’m disappointed that Dragon Quest isn’t selling more — what’s wrong with you America?!? Despite the general disappointment in the game, Crackdown 2 made the top three.

Anything on July’s list surprise you? Out of curiosity, did any of you go to schools with legendary sports programs?

What Are You Playing This Weekend?

I’m almost definitely not playing videogames this weekend. For some reason, I woke up with a pounding headache this morning (without the benefit of being drunk the night before). I should be receiving a Motorola Droid 2 for review tomorrow. THQ is having an event for the outstanding WWE Smackdown vs Raw 2011 on Saturday, which will be followed by Summer Slam on Sunday. Some San Francisco friends are going to stop by on their drive up from Disney. I also need to go to the post office. There’s no time for games (sadly)!

Actually, I still have games of Wordfeud on Android going with some of you — I’ll definitely be playing those. I’ll even cut off The Miz during our interview just to play with you guys. Ha! So…what’s on your weekend playlist?!?

Assassin’s Creed: Brotherhood Developer Diary 1

Here’s a cool developer diary from Ubisoft Montreal on Assassin’s Creed: Brotherhood. Once you get past the silly concept of the team trying to look menacing in their hoodies, the content is very cool. This installment goes over the game’s background and story. The gang wants you to know that this isn’t AC 2.5, but a full-on sequel that continues Ezio Auditore’s story.

Check it out and let me know what you think (please)! And don’t forget how special the game’s special edition is.

Coffee Talk #198: What’s Your Favorite “Hard” Game?

There’s a fine line between a satisfyingly difficult game and a game that’s so annoying that you want to hurl your controller through your television. Some titles have tough sections that adequately reward your Herculean efforts. Others are just difficult for the sake of being difficult. In my mind it’s the difference between something like Ninja Gaiden and Mega Man 9. It’s so tough to do it right.

Welcome to Coffee Talk! Let’s start off the day by discussing whatever is on your (nerd chic) mind. Every morning I’ll kick off a discussion and I’m counting on you to participate in it. If you’re not feelin’ my topic, feel free to start a chat with your fellow readers and see where it takes you. Whether you’re talking about videogames, whether Lada Gaga is a fashion genius or a fashion nut job, James Toney’s MMA career, or (the asthmatic and old) Dave Batista’s possible MMA career, Coffee Talk is the place to do it.

There’s a fine line between a satisfyingly difficult game and a game that’s so annoying that you want to hurl your controller through your television. Some titles have tough sections that adequately reward your Herculean efforts. Others are just difficult for the sake of being difficult. In my mind it’s the difference between something like Ninja Gaiden and Mega Man 9. It’s so tough to do it right.

Today I’d love to learn about your favorite “hard” games. What are some titles that really challenged you and pushed you to the limits in a satisfying way? While you’re at it, what are some games that were so hard that you had no choice but to quit? Sound off (please)!!!

Spencer Halpin’s Moral Kombat Documentary Available on Hulu

Spencer Halpin’s critically acclaimed Moral Kombat is now available on Hulu (or you can just watch it in the embed above). The documentary covers the “controversy” of videogame violence and first amendment rights. It features some of the biggest developers in the business, including Lorne Lanning and American McGee. My good friend Andy McNamara, editor-in-chief of Game Informer, is in there too.

It’s an interesting documentary with lots of interesting points on both sides of the argument. Check it out if you have a chance and let me know what you think of it (please). Kudos to Hulu for offering content like this!


Scott Pilgrim Set to Take Over Movies and PlayStation Network

So many of my friends are super psyched for the Scott Pilgrim vs. the World movie. I have high hopes for it too, but I’m actually more interested in the game coming out on PlayStation Network. Check out the video above and let me know what you think. It appears to be awesome 2D side-scrolling beat-’em’up action. Any of you going to give it a go?

Why You Want Assassin’s Creed: Brotherhood’s Special Edition

Ubisoft has announced the goodies that come with the American special edition of Assassin’s Creed: Brotherhood. A lot of you will want to consider buying the $100 special edition. I’ll tell you why in a few seconds. Check out the laundry list of bonuses first:

  • Harlequin-in-a-box (GameStop exclusive) or doctor-in-a-box toy
  • Book on the game’s art
  • Map of Rome
  • Two additional single-player maps
  • Bonus disc with “making of” feature, soundtrack, and comic-book preview

There’s a strong rumor going around that one of the writers of the outstanding WWE Smackdown vs Raw 2011 has spent the last few weeks producing the “making of” video for Assassin’s Creed: Brotherhood. I will see what other info I can find on this “super secret project”. *snicker*

Anyone else terrified of the toys that come with Assassin’s Creed: Brotherhood? Which one do you think is scarier? The harlequin or the doctor?

Coffee Talk #195: What’s the Worst Console You Ever Bought?

RPadholic smartguy brought up a fantastic idea for Coffee Talk, so let’s use it today! What’s the worst console you’ve purchased? Surely some of you have been burned by the likes of Nintendo’s Virtual Boy, Nokia’s N-Gage, or Tiger Telematics’ Gizmondo. Now’s the time to let your frustrations out and totally trash the one gaming system you wish you never spent money on! It’ll be cathartic. Give it a go.

Welcome to Coffee Talk! Let’s start off the day by discussing whatever is on your (nerd chic) mind. Every morning I’ll kick off a discussion and I’m counting on you to participate in it. If you’re not feelin’ my topic, feel free to start a chat with your fellow readers and see where it takes you. Whether you’re talking about videogames, Intelligentsia’s Itzamna Guatemala Finca La Maravilla, Tiger Woods’ game going to hell, or Chael Sonnen taking it to Anderson Silva, Coffee Talk is the place to do it.

RPadholic smartguy brought up a fantastic idea for Coffee Talk, so let’s use it today! What’s the worst console you’ve purchased? Surely some of you have been burned by the likes of Nintendo’s Virtual Boy, Nokia’s N-Gage, or Tiger Telematics’ Gizmondo. Now’s the time to let your frustrations out and totally trash the one gaming system you wish you never spent money on! It’ll be cathartic. Give it a go.

As for me, I can’t really think of any console that I hated. I didn’t have every system growing up, so I dodged a lot of bullets. I also try to find something good about everything, so it’s hard for me to get angry at inanimate objects. If I try real hard, I think I’d be disappointed in Sega CD. It was expensive and most of the games weren’t that good. Then again it also had Hideo Kojima’s Snatcher, which is pretty damn cool.

Okay, I suck at this. Why don’t you guys and gals give it a shot? Go off on the worst console you ever bought (please)!

Michael Pachter Says Activision is Teh Doomed!!!

Your favorite gaming industry analyst, Wedbush Morgan’s Michael Pachter, believes that tough times are ahead for Activision. After posting extremely impressive financial results during a (long) stretch of time where most publishers were struggling, Activision’s Q2 financials weren’t the best. According to Industry Gamers, Pachter said:

The Q2 results reinforce Activision’s dependence on a handful of franchises, and calls into question whether its future franchises will contribute meaningfully to the bottom line as performance of additional IP seems uncertain at best.

We fear that after so many years of near-flawless execution, Activision has begun to slip a bit, perhaps in the process becoming overly reliant on the parts of the business that are phenomenally successful.

Do you agree with Pachter’s assessment? Is Activision on the decline? Or is his analysis along the lines of his awesome estimate where he allowed himself a two-million unit margin of error?
