Here are a pair of excellent Portal 2 videos for your drooling pleasure. As I mentioned in Coffee Talk #162, I didn’t have time to see the game at E3 2010, which totally bummed me out. The good news is that I can enjoy these videos with you and disccus ’em here! I know a few of you are Portal fans, so kindly check out these clips and let me know what you think (please)!
Tag: PC Gaming
Coffee Talk#167: Who’s Your Favorite Boutique Publisher?
Here’s another simple Coffee Talk topic for you: who’s your favorite small publisher? In the gaming industry, it seems like every other story is about Activision or Electronic Arts, but smaller publishers are important to the business as well. I love that Atlus bring quirky Japanese games to America. I love that Nicalis helps small games like Cave Story get attention.
Welcome to Coffee Talk! Let’s start off the day by discussing whatever is on your (nerd chic) mind. Every morning I’ll kick off a discussion and I’m counting on you to participate in it. If you’re not feelin’ my topic, feel free to start a chat with your fellow readers and see where it takes you. Whether you’re talking about videogames, the NXT season one rookies being renamed “The Nexus”, the stupidity of penalty-kick shootouts, or class action suits against Apple, Coffee Talk is the place to do it.
Here’s another simple Coffee Talk topic for you: who’s your favorite small publisher? In the gaming industry, it seems like every other story is about Activision or Electronic Arts, but smaller publishers are important to the business as well. I love that Atlus bring quirky Japanese games to America. I love that Nicalis helps small games like Cave Story get attention. Small publishers give gamers access to lesser known games and developers. Publishers like Atlus and Nicalis add variety and character to a cookie-cutter business.
As for my favorite boutique publisher, I’m going to go with NIS America. I love Nippon Ichi Software games, especially Disgaea and its various spin-offs. The company brings over loads of great RPGs that are different, cute, and fun. Plus, prinnies are awesome.
Now it’s your turn! Who’s your favorite small publisher?
Coffee Talk #165: What Game Have You Played the Most?
Today’s Coffee Talk is super simple. I want to know what game you’ve played the most. Easy, hey?
Welcome to Coffee Talk! Let’s start off the day by discussing whatever is on your (nerd chic) mind. Every morning I’ll kick off a discussion and I’m counting on you to participate in it. If you’re not feelin’ my topic, feel free to start a chat with your fellow readers and see where it takes you. Whether you’re talking about videogames, all four major American mobile carriers having hot phones in July, the Chicago Bulls getting a ton of salary cap space, or holding your phone properly, Coffee Talk is the place to do it.
Today’s Coffee Talk is super simple. I want to know what game you’ve played the most. Easy, hey?
As for me, it’s definitely Pokemon Pearl. I spent a year writing a Pokemon column for GamesRadar. I also happen to love the series. Put those two things together and you get 600+ hours of Pokemon Pearl. It seems rather insane after typing that number out.
Now it’s your turn! What game have you played the most? Kindly give a guestimate of the hours you’ve put into it. This will be a fun getting-to-know-you exercise. I can’t wait to see your comments!
What Are You Playing This Weekend?
E3 2010 is finally out of my head (i.e. I’m no longer having flashbacks), so it’s time to get gaming again! I recently picked up Turtles in Time: Re-shelled and want to get my t-u-r-t-l-e power on. My ankle is gimped, so I’m going to use that as an excuse to stay in bed and play Glory of Heracles
How about you? What’s on you weekend playlist?
Coffee Talk #164: Five Things That (Sadly) Weren’t at E3 2010
As brilliant as E3 2010 was, there were a few things I was hoping to see that didn’t make it. In some cases, perhaps they were just rumors. In other cases, the publisher wanted to save the game for another trade show. Whether the product is too early or the development team is in disarray, I was still bummed not to see the following.
Welcome to Coffee Talk! Let’s start off the day by discussing whatever is on your (nerd chic) mind. Every morning I’ll kick off a discussion and I’m counting on you to participate in it. If you’re not feelin’ my topic, feel free to start a chat with your fellow readers and see where it takes you. Whether you’re talking about videogames, American football (soccer) totally rocking, 10+ hours matches at Wimbledon, or whether sleeping with a Kardashian results in a championship, Coffee Talk is the place to do it.
As brilliant as E3 2010 was, there were a few things I was hoping to see that didn’t make it. In some cases they were just rumors. In other cases the publisher wanted to save the game for another trade show. Whether the product is too early or the development team is in disarray, I was still bummed not to see the following.
- Windows Phone 7 and Xbox Live: Microsoft has a ton of work to do if it wants to successfully compete with Apple iOS, Google Android, and Palm WebOS. Connectivity with Xbox Live is one way Windows Phone 7 can stand out.
- The Last Guardian: This was on my most wanted list going into the show. I was severely bummed it wasn’t there.
- Beyond Good & Evil 2: So many writers were sure this game was going to be at the show. It wasn’t. Never trust game writers (verbal entertainers are another story).
- PSP2: I was pretty sure this wasn’t going to happen at this year’s show. Going head-to-head with Nintendo’s 3DS outing would have been silly. Still, I really wanted to see what changes Sony planned to make with its second at-bat in portable gaming.
- Final Fantasy Tactics (iPhone): Shortly before the show started, I heard that my favorite game of all time was headed for the iPhone. While Square Enix showed a teaser video of the iPhone version of FFT, I really wanted to get my hands on it. Oh well, it’s only a few months away.
Now it’s your turn! Was there anything you were expecting to “see” at E3 2010 that no-showed? Leave a comment and let me know (please)!
Coffee Talk #162: 10 Things I Missed at E3 2010
It’s impossible for one person to see all the cool games at E3, but this year’s show was exceptionally difficult. Most of my friends at the show agreed that E3 2010 was much more interesting than E3 2009. It’s great for the gaming business, but bad for a single attendee. Here’s a list of things that I wish I saw at this year’s show.
Welcome to Coffee Talk! Let’s start off the day by discussing whatever is on your (nerd chic) mind. Every morning I’ll kick off a discussion and I’m counting on you to participate in it. If you’re not feelin’ my topic, feel free to start a chat with your fellow readers and see where it takes you. Whether you’re talking about videogames, the “mystery” RAW general manager, the French being French in the World Cup, or Antonio Tarver fighting at heavyweight Coffee Talk is the place to do it.
It’s impossible for one person to see all the cool games at E3, but this year’s show was exceptionally difficult. Most of my friends at the show agreed that E3 2010 was much more interesting than E3 2009. It’s great for the gaming business, but bad for a single attendee. Here’s a list of things that I wish I saw at this year’s show.
- Journey: Everyone that saw thatgamecompany’s (Flower) next title raved about it and said it was easily one of the best things they saw at the show. Unfortunately it was only being shown behind closed doors at Sony’s booth and I didn’t have time to pester my way into a demo. I loved Flower and I love what I’m hearing about Journey…though the game’s name makes me think about “Separate Ways”, “Don’t Stop Believin'”, etc.
- Portal 2: It hurts that I didn’t get a chance to see this game.
- Deus Ex: Human Revolution: This one also hurts. Ouchie.
- Rage: The graphics in id Software’s upcoming shooter are supposed to be amazing. I wish I got to see them.
- Mortal Kombat: A lot of people were interested in the new MK after seeing the trailer. People that got to see it at E3 were even more excited. It looks like an excellent throwback.
- WWE SmackDown vs. Raw 2011: The lines for this game were ridiculously long — I’m talking Nintendo 3DS long. Rumor has it that the guy that wrote two of the best storylines in SvR 2010 has returned for two more plots in this year’s game.
- Dr. Mike Capps: I had a nice chat with Epic’s Mark Rein. I spent some quality time with Cliff Bleszinski. I didn’t see Epic’s Mike “Busta” Capps. My Epic dealings felt incomplete without Mikey C.
- Rock Band 3: I’m hearing wonderful things about the “pro” instruments. Whether it’s Devo or Europe, I want to get my keytar on!
- Dr. Ray Muzyka: Unlike Epic’s Dr. “Busta” Mikey C, BioWare’s Dr. Ray is a real doctor, not some computer doctor. It was brilliant spending time with Dr. Greg, but it would have been nice to see Ray too. They’re both excellent people. Besides, Ray has the cooler name.
- Don Daglow: The man is one of gaming’s living legends. Plus, he’s just warm and makes you feel good. I wish we got to bump into each other.
Part of me wishes E3 took place in Las Vegas. The convention center is superior and it’s a much better city for a trade show. If I didn’t spend so much time walking between West Hall and South Hall, I could have seen some of the games on my “miss” list. Las Vegas is also more compact than Los Angeles, so it would have been easier to bump into some of the people I missed. Oh well, there’s always next year!
Coffee Talk #161: 10 Cool Things I Saw at E3 2010
Now that my eyes and ears have settled down after being bombarded by the glorious conference known as E3 2010, I wanted to go over a few of my favorite things. Rain drops and roses and whiskers on kittens…wait, that’s not what I meant. I wanted to go over a few of my favorite things I saw at the show. In no particular order, here are 10 cool things I saw at E3 2010.
Welcome to Coffee Talk! Let’s start off the day by discussing whatever is on your (nerd chic) mind. Every morning I’ll kick off a discussion and I’m counting on you to participate in it. If you’re not feelin’ my topic, feel free to start a chat with your fellow readers and see where it takes you. Whether you’re talking about videogames, your new WWE champions, America getting jobbed by a corrupt referee, or Toy Story 3 Coffee Talk is the place to do it.
Now that my eyes and ears have settled down after being bombarded by the glorious conference known as E3 2010, I wanted to go over a few of my favorite things. Rain drops and roses and whiskers on kittens…wait, that’s not what I meant. I wanted to go over a few of my favorite things I saw at the show. In no particular order, here are 10 cool things I saw at E3 2010.
- Nintendo 3DS: Forget PlayStation Move, Xbox Kinect, and Sony’s 3D stereoscopic gaming. This is the technology everyone at the show was buzzing about. Although I want to see how well it works for hours of entertainment, it’s brilliant for minutes at a time.
- Kirby’s Epic Yarn: Charming and stylish art coupled with clever make Kirby’s Wii debut a triumphant one.
- Disney Epic Mickey: Charming and stylish art coupled with clever make Mickey’s Wii debut a triumphant one.
- Star Wars: The Old Republic: I bumped into BioWare’s Dr. Greg Zeschuk and he gave me a personal demo of the game. Never mind that I missed a meeting because of this. Similar to if someone asks if you’re a god, if Dr. Greg asks, “Do you want to see the game?” you say yes! He’s awesome. The game is also awesome…and could be the end of me.
- Return of the “Big” E3: After a few years of mini-E3 in Santa Monica, people weren’t sure if E3 would return to its former glory. All the money spent on making this year’s show a spectacle shows that it’s back. You’d never know that the economy is in a major recession and the gaming industry is way down in terms of year-over-year revenue. E3 2010 was loud and proud! The only thing missing was Sony’s ridiculous parties.
- Child of Eden: This was — by far — the most interesting motion-control game I saw at the show. Of course it would take someone like Tetsuya Mizuguchi to make motion this cool.
- Majin and the Forsaken Kingdom: I was disappointed that The Last Guardian wasn’t at the show, but I found a substitute that’s more than worthy. This game reminded me of Ico with more involved combat. I’m really looking forward to this one.
- Crazy Activision Concert: A chick in a bikini climbed up a 50-foot stripper-pole…and a ridiculous amount of artists performed.
- Dance Central: Harmonix’ upcoming dance title was surprisingly fun. I gave it bonus points for having Bell, Biv, DeVoe’s “Poison”, but I was impressed by how well it used Kinect in a fun way. Sorry Dance Dance Revolution. This game makes you look silly.
- Razer Onza Controller: I was super excited about this product when I first heard about it in January and even more excited after I spoke with Robert “Razerguy” Krakoff about it. After playing with one at E3 2010, it’s the peripheral I want most for Xbox 360. Sure it has a wire, but it also has some unique features and the superb build quality Razer is known for.
Well, there’s my list. Obviously I didn’t get to see everything at the show and tomorrow’s column will consist of me whining about the things I didn’t see. For now, I’d like to know what caught your eye at E3 2010. What games and hardware have you amped?!?
What Are You Playing This Weekend?
I’ll be playing Green Day: Rock Band for a good chunk of the weekend. I’m reviewing the game for Machinima…but honestly, I rather not be playing anything. I want to rest my eyes. I want to rest me ears. Next week my senses are going to be blitzed by E3 2010! I’m excited for the show, as always. I can’t wait to see the new games, catch up with some of my favorite developers, and punch Cliffy B in the neck. While I need to spend some time rocking out with Green Day to help pay the bills, I rather be in a sensory-deprivation tank until the first pre-E3 party on Sunday.
How about you guys and gals? What’s on your weekend playlist?
StarCraft II Commercial Airs During NBA Finals
Did you miss the Starcraft II: Wings of Liberty commercial that played during the NBA finals? If so, you can watch it above. If you did catch it then watch it again. When you’re done, let’s talk about the spot. The commercial is pretty cool…though probably not as cool as watching the Lakers lose. I bet Kobe sucks at StarCraft.
Coffee Talk #157: E3 Games That Excite You
E3 is next week! There are going to be oodles and oodles of fantastic games at E3 2010 — some of them you know about already and others are sure to surprise. I want to know what games you’re looking forward to learning more about at this year’s show. Shoot off one game you know about and one game you’re hoping for.
Welcome to Coffee Talk! Let’s start off the day by discussing whatever is on your (nerd chic) mind. Every morning I’ll kick off a discussion and I’m counting on you to participate in it. If you’re not feelin’ my topic, feel free to start a chat with your fellow readers and see where it takes you. Whether you’re talking about videogames, the NXT invasion, Elton John singing at Rush Limbaugh’s wedding, or your prediction for the NBA finals, Coffee Talk is the place to do it.
E3 is next week! There are going to be oodles and oodles of fantastic games at E3 2010 — some of them you already know about and others are sure to surprise you. I want to know what games you’re looking forward to learning more about at this year’s show. Shoot off one game you know about and one game you’re hoping for.
As for me, I can’t wait to see more of The Last Guardian for PlayStation 3. I loved Ico and really liked Shadow of the Colossus. I can’t wait to see what Team Ico does next! As for surprise titles…I can’t really say right now. The one I’m looking forward to the most is something that was told to me off the record. *tease*
So let me know what E3 2010 games you’re looking forward to (please)!