Coffee Talk #164: Five Things That (Sadly) Weren’t at E3 2010

As brilliant as E3 2010 was, there were a few things I was hoping to see that didn’t make it. In some cases, perhaps they were just rumors. In other cases, the publisher wanted to save the game for another trade show. Whether the product is too early or the development team is in disarray, I was still bummed not to see the following.

More Shacknews Previews From E3 2010

Here’s another batch of E3 2010 previews I wrote for the fine people at Shacknews. Check ’em out and let me know if you have any questions about the games. Remember, if you post comments over there, please be nice to the Shackers. They’re good peeps. Time Crisis: Razing Storm: Good, mindless fun with the … Continue reading “More Shacknews Previews From E3 2010”

Coffee Talk #162: 10 Things I Missed at E3 2010

It’s impossible for one person to see all the cool games at E3, but this year’s show was exceptionally difficult. Most of my friends at the show agreed that E3 2010 was much more interesting than E3 2009. It’s great for the gaming business, but bad for a single attendee. Here’s a list of things that I wish I saw at this year’s show.

Coffee Talk #161: 10 Cool Things I Saw at E3 2010

Now that my eyes and ears have settled down after being bombarded by the glorious conference known as E3 2010, I wanted to go over a few of my favorite things. Rain drops and roses and whiskers on kittens…wait, that’s not what I meant. I wanted to go over a few of my favorite things I saw at the show. In no particular order, here are 10 cool things I saw at E3 2010.

Grading the “Big Three” at E3 2010: Nintendo vs. Microsoft vs. Sony

Another E3 is in the bag and it’s time to judge how the “big three” did at this year’s show. Usually I just rate the companies’ respective press conferences immediately after the last one, but since I was working for the excellent people at Shacknews, I didn’t get a chance to. Using the pressers and … Continue reading “Grading the “Big Three” at E3 2010: Nintendo vs. Microsoft vs. Sony”

Greetings From E3 2010!!!

– E3 2010 has been fantastic so far, but totally surprising. I can’t believe that my two favorite games of the show (so far) are Wii titles!!! Kirby’s Epic Yarn and Epic Mickey are just incredible. They’re very different, but I’m digging them for the same reasons — clever gameplay and unique art direction. – … Continue reading “Greetings From E3 2010!!!”

E3 2010 Videos: Activision’s E3 2010 Party

As promised, here are a bunch of videos from Activision’s crazy E3 2010 party. They were all taken on my HTC Evo 4G, so the quality isn’t the best. They’re quick and fun clips that’ll give you an idea of what last night was like. In the immortal words of Booker T, “Can you dig … Continue reading “E3 2010 Videos: Activision’s E3 2010 Party”

E3 2010 Party Pics: Activision Takes Over the Staples Center

Activision threw one of the most ridiculous E3 parties I’ve ever been to. First off, the company held it at the Staples Center — you know…that place where the Celtics are going to beat the Lakers later today. Secondly, the sheer amount of talent that performed was frickin’ crazy! Kicking things off DJ Hero 2 … Continue reading “E3 2010 Party Pics: Activision Takes Over the Staples Center”