Fresh Batch of Final Fantasy XIII-2 Screenshots

Square Enix has sent over some new Final Fantasy XIII-2 screens. Most of them are shots of battle sequences, but there are a few images of event scenes too. Some of you will recall that FFXIII-2 was one of my top five games of E3 2011. If you need more background info on the game then … Continue reading “Fresh Batch of Final Fantasy XIII-2 Screenshots”

T-Mobile MyTouch 4G Slide Sports Cutting-Edge Camera

I’ve never been a fan of T-Mobile’s MyTouch line. I don’t care for the industrial design and I hate the “Espresso” version of HTC Sense the phones use. The recently announced MyTouch 4G Slide addresses several of my issues with the line and packs a camera that rivals the iPhone 4’s excellent shooter (on paper). … Continue reading “T-Mobile MyTouch 4G Slide Sports Cutting-Edge Camera”

This Week’s Videogame Releases

It’s a great week for videogame releases! FEAR 3 has been getting some good reviews and is a fine pick for those longing for some atmospheric action. Shinki Mikami (Resident Evil) and Suda 51 (No More Heroes) team up on Shadows of the Damned. I totally goofed on Dungeon Siege III last week; it comes out … Continue reading “This Week’s Videogame Releases”

Nokia’s MeeGo Powered N9 Looks Beautiful

At Nokia Convention in Singapore, Nokia unveiled its upcoming N9 mobile phone. The N9 features Nokia’s typically gorgeous hardware paired with the MeeGo operating system. Judging from the numerous videos the company posted, the N9 looks like a wonderful phone — so wonderful that many people are wondering why Nokia committed so extensively to Microsoft’s … Continue reading “Nokia’s MeeGo Powered N9 Looks Beautiful”

Tomb Raider Dives Into Lara Croft’s Past, Shows Bright Future

Although Lara Croft is the first lady of modern gaming, Naughty Dog’s Uncharted games have supplanted Tomb Raider as the best action-adventure videogame series. Square Enix has Lara set for a huge comeback by delving into her past. The upcoming Tomb Raider game stars a young Lara Croft as she embarks on her first adventure. From … Continue reading “Tomb Raider Dives Into Lara Croft’s Past, Shows Bright Future”

This Week’s Videogame Releases

I didn’t get around to this article on Monday since my brain was still melted from E3, but it’s an interesting week for videogames. The sequels or spiritual successors to three old franchises were released this week. After years of being a running joke, Duke Nukem Forever was finally released. Longtime fans of Rez will … Continue reading “This Week’s Videogame Releases”

I Am the Angelina Jolie of Videogame Verbal Entertainers

It’s true! Do you know how I know this? Virgin Mobile’s Sarah Carroll said so. It was great spending the Thursday of E3 2011 seeing all kinds of outstanding games, but I missed Sarah. She was so sweet in the YouTube video above. If you can, please drop her a line on her Twitter account … Continue reading “I Am the Angelina Jolie of Videogame Verbal Entertainers”

What Do You Think of the PlayStation Vita?

One of the biggest surprises of E3 Day 0 was the PlayStation Vita. Everyone knew that the hardware was going to be powerful since details were known when the system was codenamed NGP. The big surprise was the price point — $249 for the WiFi model and $299 for the 3G/WiFi model. That’s a bit … Continue reading “What Do You Think of the PlayStation Vita?”

Nintendo 3DS Getting 3D Pokedex on June 6

The Nintendo 3DS is getting a significant software update on June 6. I’m not at all interested in the new web browser. I should be excited by the new (and way late) Nintendo eShop online store. What really has me excited is the 3D Pokedex for Pokemon Black/White! Here are some details from the press … Continue reading “Nintendo 3DS Getting 3D Pokedex on June 6”