Rage Launch Party Pictures

Here are a bunch of random pictures from id Software’s launch party for Rage. (You know, that thing I was at when I sent you those drunk messages on Google+) It was a pretty big blowout and way better than most LA videogame parties. Of course there were lots of celebs around. Charlize Theron was the … Continue reading “Rage Launch Party Pictures”

Are You Interested in Sony’s PlayStation 3D Display?

Sony posted a friendly reminder that its bonus program for the PlayStation 3D Display expires on September 30, 2011. This 24-inch HDTV comes with a pair of 3D glasses and Motorstorm Apocalypse. If you pre-order by the end of September, you’ll get a copy of Resistance 3 as well. The PlayStation 3D Display retails for … Continue reading “Are You Interested in Sony’s PlayStation 3D Display?”

The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim Character Creation Screens

Here are a bunch of screens of the character creation process in The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim. The screenshots show the facial presets for the game’s various races. Head shots of argonians, dark elves, nords, orcs, and more are included. Some of you will recall that Skyrim was in my E3 2011 personal top five. My … Continue reading “The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim Character Creation Screens”

Watch Ken Levine Talk About BioShock Infinite

Check out this interview of Irrational Games’ Ken Levine talking about BioShock Infinite. The game was one of the best things I saw at E3 2011. Ken is awesome, BioShock Infinite will likely be awesome, and your day will be better for this double dose of awesomeness.

Samsung Hercules (Galaxy S II) is Tempting…and Not

More info on the Samsung Hercules for T-Mobile has been leaking out and I’m really tempted to pick one up, but I also have some concerns that prevent it from being a day-one purchase. I first read about the phone on ThisIsMyNext and recently saw a photo of it on TMoNews. Although it’s being positioned … Continue reading “Samsung Hercules (Galaxy S II) is Tempting…and Not”

Watch This Stylish Sound Shapes Video and…

…let me know if you understand what the game is all about. I’m totally into Sound Shapes. It’s the PlayStation Vita game I’m looking forward to the most and it was in my top five games of E3 2011. That said, it’s really tough to “get” through screens and videos. One of my friends is … Continue reading “Watch This Stylish Sound Shapes Video and…”

Spider-Man Reboot Trailer Leaked

Here’s a leaked trailer of the upcoming Spider-Man reboot starring Andrew Garfield. It’s most likely the trailer that was going to be used to dazzle the kids at Comic Con 2011. You can watch it now in all of its filmed-off-a-screen glory! The trailer was originally posted by We Got This Covered. Please check it … Continue reading “Spider-Man Reboot Trailer Leaked”

This Week’s Videogame Releases

I usually don’t include downloadable games in this spot, but I’m so psyched for Bastion that I can’t help myself. I’m definitely picking it up this week and hope a bunch of you do too. Other notable released include Call of Juarez: The Cartel, Captain America: Super Soldier, Just Dance Summer Party, and The Smurfs … Continue reading “This Week’s Videogame Releases”