The Newsroom Episode 6 “Bullies”: Realism At Last!

Review: Realism finally arrives on The Newsroom. In tonight’s episode (“Bullies“), Olivia Munn’s Sloan Sabbith makes a tragic on-air mistake, earning the scorn of viewers, producers, and executives. This is the role she was born for! I kid, I kid. Seriously though, I’m starting to enjoy her character. She’s been getting a lot of screen time … Continue reading “The Newsroom Episode 6 “Bullies”: Realism At Last!”

NBA Baller Beats Soundtrack Listing

Majesco has revealed the complete soundtrack for the upcoming NBA Baller Beats. The game features a diverse group of artists including Cee Lo Green, Common, LMFAO, Queen, Young MC, Lady Gaga, Run DMC, Onyx, Kanye West, and more. NBA Baller Beats surprised me at E3 2012. I love the idea of a Kinect basketball game that’s controlled with … Continue reading “NBA Baller Beats Soundtrack Listing”

Coffee Talk #492: Modern Communications Methods and You

Welcome to Coffee Talk! Let’s start off the day by discussing whatever is on your (nerd chic) mind. Every morning I’ll kick off a discussion and I’m counting on you to participate in it. If you’re not feelin’ my topic, feel free to start a chat with your fellow readers and see where it takes … Continue reading “Coffee Talk #492: Modern Communications Methods and You”

This Week’s Videogame Releases

There are a bunch of fun games coming out this week, but I wanted to kick things off with one of my E3 2012 surprises that was released last week. I’m talking about Brave, the game based on the Pixar movie. I had no expectations for this game and was delighted to find an action-RPG that … Continue reading “This Week’s Videogame Releases”

Coffee Talk #488: Michael Pachter and the JetBlue Guy

So yeah, there I was at the Wedbush Securities E3 2012 party (aka Pachter-Palooza) when this guy introduces himself to me. At first, I was disarmed by his shockingly low and booming voice. Two seconds later, I noticed his name tag said “JetBlue”, so I asked, “So, JetBlue…. What brings you to a videogame party?”…

Read My Minecraft XBLA Review (Please!)

I totally forgot to post this link before E3 2012. Oops. If you have time, please check out my Minecraft (XBLA) review for The game can be a blast if you’re into Minecraft’s particular type of wash-rinse-repeat gameplay. It’s truly one of those “you get what you put into it” games. Now here’s the part where … Continue reading “Read My Minecraft XBLA Review (Please!)”

Satoru Iwata Talking Nintendo Wii U at 3PM PDT Today

Yesterday, Nintendo announced that company global president Satoru Iwata will be revealing new information on the upcoming Wii U at 3PM PDT today. You can watch the announcement here. The timing is very curious. The company has a major press conference scheduled for Tuesday, a large number of E3 attendees are traveling on Sunday, and … Continue reading “Satoru Iwata Talking Nintendo Wii U at 3PM PDT Today”

What Are You Playing This Weekend?

I shouldn’t play any videogames this weekend. I should save my eyes for the visual assault they’ll be receiving next week during E3 2012. However, the secret game I’m playing is so much fun! It’s very unusual for a modern console game — heady, thoughtful, and cerebral with a very deliberate pace. It definitely feels more … Continue reading “What Are You Playing This Weekend?”

Battlefield 3 Razer BlackShark Headset Looks Sweet

Are you a Battlefield 3 fan that’s looking for a new headset? If so then check out the upcoming Razer BlackShark. With a cool design inspired by military aviation, enhanced bass for awesome videogame explosions, and Razer’s outstanding quality, this headset should be a winner. The Razer BlackShark will retail for $129.99 and is scheduled to … Continue reading “Battlefield 3 Razer BlackShark Headset Looks Sweet”

What Are You Playing This Weekend?

This will be my last weekend before E3 stuff starts and my last weekend with secret game. It’s been fun, but it’s time to move on. Thankfully, I’ve had to review Minecraft for Xbox 360 for another site. It’s just as addictive as the PC and mobile versions of the game — just a little tougher … Continue reading “What Are You Playing This Weekend?”