Warren Ellis, Gun Machine, and the iPad

Renowned comic-book author Warren Ellis wrote a blog post on how he used the Apple iPad to write a large portion of his upcoming novel Gun Machine. The post was a response to another one of my favorite comic-book scribes, Greg Rucka. Ellis used the iPad along with a “Logitech Zagg Keyboard Case for iPad,” PlainText, … Continue reading “Warren Ellis, Gun Machine, and the iPad”

Play Days: Big Discounts on PS3 Accessories

Sony is having its annual “Play Days” event, offering discounts on PlayStation 3 accessories and peripherals. The promotion runs until January 12 and includes discounts as high as 60 percent off the MSRP. Here are some highlights: DualShock 3 Controller: $54.99 $39.99 PlayStation Move Controller: $49.99 $29.99 PlayStation Move Sharp Shooter: $39.99 $14.99 Pulse Wireless … Continue reading “Play Days: Big Discounts on PS3 Accessories”

New Tomb Raider Screens

Here are a bunch of new screenshots from the upcoming Tomb Raider. See Lara Croft get mangled by a wolf, repel down a zip line, get new weapons, pose in front of nifty fire effects, and more. As many of you know, I’ve been high on this game since E3 2011 and I can’t wait for … Continue reading “New Tomb Raider Screens”

Vaping Diaries #13: Heather’s Heavenly Vapes Review

My excellent friend Raina Lee and I checked out three e-liquids from Heather’s Heavenly Vapes. We vaped a trio of juices named after The Lord of the Rings characters: Gandalf, Gollum, and Shadowfax. While we were impressed by the quality of all three, we each had a favorite. Watch the video review to hear details on … Continue reading “Vaping Diaries #13: Heather’s Heavenly Vapes Review”

This Week’s Videogame Releases

It’s an absolutely loaded week for game releases, with heavy hitters like WWE 13 and Assassin’s Creed III hitting store shelves. The latter is accompanied by Assassin’s Creed III: Liberation, which serves as a companion quest for the PlayStation Vita. But wait, there’s more! Need For Speed: Most Wanted might have a recycled name, but it (allegedly) brings all-new … Continue reading “This Week’s Videogame Releases”

Vaping Diaries #2: What’s in E-Liquid/Juice?

One of the most common questions my friends ask when they see me vaping is, “What’s in that?” That’s a great question and a fairly simple one to answer. Unlike tobacco cigarettes, most of which contain hundreds of additives, the ingredients in e-liquid or juice are pretty straightforward. For the most part they all contain … Continue reading “Vaping Diaries #2: What’s in E-Liquid/Juice?”

What Are You Playing This Weekend?

This weekend I’ll be focusing on The Unfinished Swan for PlayStation 3. I’ve been super-high on this game since E3 2012. It’s so wonderfully creative and different…at least in the brief portions I’ve played. Hopefully the game is everything I imagine it to be. I can’t wait to find out! Aside from that, I’ll be playing … Continue reading “What Are You Playing This Weekend?”

This Week’s Videogame Releases

This week is packed full of awesome games. Harvey Smith’s Dishonored has been getting fantastic reviews. I’ve been high on this game since E3 2012 and I’m jazzed by its critical reception. XCOM: Enemy Unknown has also been high on my list of 2012 games. This sci-fi strategy game has an old-school feel and stands out in … Continue reading “This Week’s Videogame Releases”