Wonder Woman Lassoing Her Way to Television

Wonder Woman is heading to television sets around the world thanks to Ally McBeal’s David E. Kelley. Yeah, the most majestic heroine in DC Comics is getting a television show by the guy that used to make a show about some anorexic, goofy-ass lawyer. Here’s the word from E!:

Wonder Woman is back in the news, and this time she’s getting — the Ally McBeal treatment?! Ally creator David E. Kelley is the latest Hollywood bigwig to take a stab at resurrecting the Wonder Woman franchise. But unlike those who’ve ventured into the abyss before him (we’re looking at you, Joss Whedon), Kelley has secured a deal with Warner Bros. to bring the princess to the small screen.

I realize that some people still think of Wonder Woman as Lynda Carter or that chick in Super Friends that did nothing but fly around with Aquaman in an invisible jet, but I appreciate her role as one of the three pillars of the DC Universe. I love the “preach peace, practice violence” contradiction of her character. I think it’s great that the entire DCU has a crush on her, but she’s also matronly, an ambassador, a diplomat, and warrior. I haven’t watched Kelley’s other shows, but I’m absolutely terrified of him making a Wonder Woman show.

What do you think of this news? Do you have any casting ideas for Wonder Woman?


Coffee Talk #202: I Want My Wikipedia TV!!!

Most of you know my television habits — I watch WWE wrestling, HBO boxing, Entourage, Curb Your Enthusiasm, and American Idol. Compared to most of my friends, I don’t watch a lot of TV. I never got into Lost or 24. While I’ve enjoyed some episodes of Dexter, 30 Rock, Parks and Recreation, True Blood, and [insert popular show here], I never really cared enough to follow those series regularly. I’m generally more entertained by the Internet than television, but there’s one thing that would absolutely keep me glued to the tube: Wikipedia TV.

Welcome to Coffee Talk! Let’s start off the day by discussing whatever is on your (nerd chic) mind. Every morning I’ll kick off a discussion and I’m counting on you to participate in it. If you’re not feelin’ my topic, feel free to start a chat with your fellow readers and see where it takes you. Whether you’re talking about videogames, the stupidity of beanball contests, Intel buying McAfee, or Antonio Margarito getting rejected for a California state boxing license, Coffee Talk is the place to do it.

Most of you know my television habits — I watch WWE wrestling, HBO boxing, Entourage, Curb Your Enthusiasm, and American Idol. Compared to most of my friends, I don’t watch a lot of TV. I never got into Lost or 24. While I’ve enjoyed some episodes of Dexter, 30 Rock, Parks and Recreation, True Blood, and [insert popular show here], I never really cared enough to follow those series regularly. I’m generally more entertained by the Internet than television, but there’s one thing that would absolutely keep me glued to the tube: Wikipedia TV.

In my head there’s this interactive Wikipedia experience on television that’s powered by Google Android’s voice search. Results would come up illustrated by oodles of photos and videos. Each entry can be narrated by the voice of your choice (all of my Wikipedia entries would be narrated by Kevin Conroy). This would be a brilliant way to waste time and learn. Kids would get much more out of this than the Disney Channel. Hell, I want to have kids just to see them become geniuses through Wikipedia TV.

What do you think of my vision? Would you use it? Are you even interested in interactive television? Should I call Kevin Conroy’s agent and have him record my voicemail recording?

Coffee Talk #200: Gamers Should Hate Freddie Prinze, Jr.

It’s the 200th edition of Coffee Talk! I want to thank all of you for helping me make it this far!!! If you’d like to thank me then please do me a favor and start hating Freddie Prinze, Jr. You see, I saw him over Summer Slam weekend at the lobby of the Sheraton. Freddie used to be a writer for WWE and was visiting the wrestlers. Anyway, start hating him. Like now.

Welcome to Coffee Talk! Let’s start off the day by discussing whatever is on your (nerd chic) mind. Every morning I’ll kick off a discussion and I’m counting on you to participate in it. If you’re not feelin’ my topic, feel free to start a chat with your fellow readers and see where it takes you. Whether you’re talking about videogames, the awesomeness of Bryan Danielson, the soap opera that is the NY Mets, or stupid bombs on Wilshire, Coffee Talk is the place to do it.

It’s the 200th edition of Coffee Talk! I want to thank all of you for helping me make it this far!!! If you’d like to thank me then please do me a favor and start hating Freddie Prinze, Jr. You see, I saw him over Summer Slam weekend in the lobby of the Sheraton. Freddie used to be a writer for WWE and was visiting the wrestlers. Anyway, start hating him. Like now.

Freddie is young, handsome, and rich. He’s also a total nerd. He loves videogames. He loves wrestling. I hate that he turned his markdom into a job with WWE (especially when my WWE writing skills are far superior to his). I hate that he’s young, handsome, and rich. I hate that he’s married to an incredibly hot woman. And by hate, I mean I’m completely jealous of this man to the point where I almost have a crush on him.

To help me deal with this issue, please let me know if there are any celebrity gamers that you hate. If you like, I can hate them too!

A New Marcus PSP Commercial!

Sony PlayStation Portable spokeskid Marcus Rivers is back in a new commercial. After the successful launch of the “Marcus PSP” campaign, Sony is ready to attack the airwaves with new Marcus spots. Check it out and let me know what you think (please)! After the hilarious Kevin Butler and Marcus Rivers commercials, is the newest spot up to snuff?

My WWE Summer Slam 2010 Wish

As many of you know, I’m hitting up Summer Slam 2010 this Sunday. I’m really looking forward to the card, particularly the Raw vs. Nexus main event. It’s been one of the hottest angles all year and I’m hoping for a nice payoff that highlights some new talent. That said, there’s one thing missing…

As many of you know, I’m hitting up Summer Slam 2010 this Sunday. I’m really looking forward to the card, particularly the Raw vs. Nexus main event. It’s been one of the hottest angles all year and I’m hoping for a nice payoff that highlights some new talent. That said, there’s one thing missing…

…Bryan Danielson. I was super psyched that Danielson was part of NXT season one. He’s been one of my favorite Ring of Honor wrestlers for the last few years. Since Shawn Michaels retired, WWE hasn’t been the same for me and I was counting on Danielson to fill the void. Then he got fired for a seemingly ridiculous reason.

How awesome would it be for Danielson to be Raw’s seventh man (currently they have six to Nexus’ seven)?!? The Nexus would be trouncing the Raw Superstars when Danielson rushes to the ring. The Nexus would sport devious grins, thinking that they have an even greater advantage…when Danielson nails Wade Barrett with a punch, revealing his allegiance to Raw! It would be great for Danielson and extend the Nexus angle.

It’s probably not going to happen since Danielson’s schedule looks full, but who knows?!? He appears to have an opening on Sunday.

Spencer Halpin’s Moral Kombat Documentary Available on Hulu

Spencer Halpin’s critically acclaimed Moral Kombat is now available on Hulu (or you can just watch it in the embed above). The documentary covers the “controversy” of videogame violence and first amendment rights. It features some of the biggest developers in the business, including Lorne Lanning and American McGee. My good friend Andy McNamara, editor-in-chief of Game Informer, is in there too.

It’s an interesting documentary with lots of interesting points on both sides of the argument. Check it out if you have a chance and let me know what you think of it (please). Kudos to Hulu for offering content like this!


Coffee Talk #190: What’s Your Favorite Star Trek?

Last week a few of you started a fun Star Trek fight debate. It started with The Original Series vs. The Next Generation, moved onto Kirk vs. Picard, and even touched on Spock vs. Data. I was thoroughly entertained and hope you’re up for it again! This time around let’s include all of the Star Trek shows — even Voyager (Come on! A woman captain and a black vulcan?!?). Let’s start with the poll:

Welcome to Coffee Talk! Let’s start off the day by discussing whatever is on your (nerd chic) mind. Every morning I’ll kick off a discussion and I’m counting on you to participate in it. If you’re not feelin’ my topic, feel free to start a chat with your fellow readers and see where it takes you. Whether you’re talking about videogames, Intelligentsia’s Edelweiss Finagro Estate Tanzania, if Roy Oswalt is a difference maker, or the rumor that Apple’s new trackpad uses sorcery instead of magic, Coffee Talk is the place to do it.

Last week a few of you started a fun Star Trek fight debate. It started with The Original Series vs. The Next Generation, moved onto Kirk vs. Picard, and even touched on Spock vs. Data. I was thoroughly entertained and hope you’re up for it again! This time around let’s include all of the Star Trek shows — even Voyager (Come on! A woman captain and a black vulcan?!?). Let’s start with the poll:

[poll id=”61″]

I’d love to learn more about your Star Trek preferences. In addition to your favorite show, I want to know your favorite characters, aliens, weapons, etc. As for me, I have four words for you: “There are four lights!!!”

Tommy Dreamer Asks TNA to Give ECW One More Night

TNA is using several ECW originals for a “one more night” angle. One one hand, WWE did a terrible job with the ECW brand and ended up pissing on what made the original show so unique. On the other hand, going with this angle is another example of using old talent instead of creating new stars. While Tommy Dreamer delivered a passionate promo, if you hit the mute button you see a bunch of wrestlers that are way past their primes…and also Rhino.

What do you think of this angle? Is it just a bunch of old guys taking the spotlight away from younger talent? Or is it one more chance for the “real” ECW to shine after being tarnished by WWE?