A New Marcus PSP Commercial!

Sony PlayStation Portable spokeskid Marcus Rivers is back in a new commercial. After the successful launch of the “Marcus PSP” campaign, Sony is ready to attack the airwaves with new Marcus spots. Check it out and let me know what you think (please)! After the hilarious Kevin Butler and Marcus Rivers commercials, is the newest spot up to snuff?

Author: RPadTV


4 thoughts on “A New Marcus PSP Commercial!”

  1. man this was on par with his other commercials. He "actually" calls this guy to tell him 9.99 and he texts his grandma. I would do that if my grandma wasn't in Mexico or actually knew how to text or use a cell phone.

  2. i like Marcus commercials okay. I really prefer Kevin Butler though. His commercials crack me up.

    PSP games have vastly improved from what they started as and I love my PSP, but it strains my hands and eyes. Portable gaming is starting to slip away from and I just blame it on getting older. I can't play a full game on the PSP but the Minis are just right.

  3. I think I like the Marcus commercials better than the Kevin Butler ones. Of course they are also selling two different things (PS3 and PSP) and I think I have a higher interest in a PSP because of the portability than I do in a PS3. If in a couple of years I have to make any sort of commute on a train or anything in to Chicago than I will definitely be picking up a PSP, so I am a little more interested in Marcus over KB anyways.

  4. I like what ars technica had to say on this commercial, which sounds a little like desparation.

    " Sony is missing some key points here. Cell phone games are popular because they are inexpensive, work on a device that you already carry with you, and can be purchased from nearly anywhere. Still, with only 84,000 units sold in July in the US, Sony has to find new markets for its portable to remain relevant. Going after Apple?"

    if i were sony I'd focus on the other major player that's hurting your device, and is actually a console, the ds.

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