Sony posted a slick video of its Tokyo Game Show 2010 booth. In addition to seeing the upcoming God of War, KillZone, and PlayStation Move games, it gives you a good feel of what Sony’s massive booth is like. *sigh* I wish I was scouring Makuhari Messe with my friends.
Category: PSP
New Analog Stick for Sony PlayStation Portable
Kotaku has posted pictures of an upcoming Monster Hunter Portable 3rd limited edition PSP that sports a redesigned analog stick. The new stick appears to be concave for her pleasure added comfort. It also comes with an extended battery, which is perfect for all those Japanese Monster Hunter addicts that sit in large rooms with dozens of other gamers and play the game for hours (I’ve seen this. It’s…weird).
The Monster Hunter Portable 3rd PSP will be available in Japan on December 1, 2010.
What do you think of the new analog stick? Would you get a new PSP because of it? I’ve been struggling to understand the Monster Hunter phenomenon in Japan for years. Do you get it? If so, kindly explain it to me.
This Week’s Videogame Releases
This is a pretty huge week for the videogame business. In the short term, Halo Reach is out and it will surely be one of the biggest games of 2010. PlayStation Move is also out this week; while analysts are unsure of its short-term impact, Sony will be trying to make it a big deal for years to come. Lastly, Lord of the Rings: Aragorn’s Quest hits several platforms…which is great for gamers still living in 2004.
I know that some of you are buying Reach (thanks so much for those Amazon orders!). Anyone else want to fess up to their Halo purchases? Any other games on your wish list this week?
NPD Console Sales Figures Top 10 Games of August 2010
[Michael Buffer voice] Are you ready?!? And now…the top ten games…of August 2010 as cited by NPD Group. Let’s get ready to rumble!!! [/Michael Buffer voice] Here they are:
[Michael Buffer voice] Are you ready?!? And now…the top ten games…of August 2010 as cited by NPD Group. Let’s get ready to rumble!!! [/Michael Buffer voice] Here they are:
- Madden NFL 11 (Xbox 360): 920,000
- Madden NFL 11 (PS3): 893,600
- Super Mario Galaxy 2 (Wii): 124,6000
- Mafia 2 (Xbox 360): 121,600
- New Super Mario Bros.
(Nintendo DS): 110,400
- New Super Mario Bros. Wii (Wii)
- Mafia 2 (PS3)
- Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 (Xbox 360)
- NCAA Football 11 (Xbox 360)
- Wii Fit Plus (Wii)
Nobody should be surprised that Madden topped the charts. I was very surprised that New Super Mario Bros. for DS made it back to the top ten. That’s pretty crazy. I’m happy for the peeps at 2K that Mafia 2 did well. On a petty note (and one that I can’t entirely explain), I’m please that Just Dance is nowhere to be found.
Any thoughts on August’s top ten?!? Shout it out in the comments section (please)!
NPD Console Hardware Sales Figures for August 2010
NPD Group has released its console sales figures for August 2010. August is a traditionally weak month for the business and the numbers reflect that. Check it out:
NPD Group has released its console sales figures for August 2010. August is a traditionally weak month for the business and the numbers reflect that. Check it out:
- Xbox 360: 356,700
- Nintendo DS: 342,700
- Nintendo Wii: 244,300
- PlayStation 3: 226,000
- PlayStation Portable: 79,400
For the second month in a row, Microsoft has topped the charts. Although the Wii continues to be the market leader, it’s clear that it won’t be putting up numbers like it did in the past. The question is, will this pattern hold for the rest of the year? Since all of you are capable of being industry analysts, I’d love to hear your opinion. How do you think the console wars will play out for the rest of 2010?
Coffee Talk #209: Do You Care About Console Warranties?
While I was in Asia, Sony announced that PlayStation Plus customers are eligible for a discount on the PlayStation Protection Plan. The deal adds a bit of value to PlayStation Plus, but I was wondering how many of you care about console warranties. Certainly console buyers — especially new ones that were burned by the Xbox 360’s red ring of death — are more cautious these days, but does that translate into plopping down cash on something like the PlayStation Protection Plan or a Best Buy warranty?
Welcome to Coffee Talk! Let’s start off the day by discussing whatever is on your (nerd chic) mind. Every morning I’ll kick off a discussion and I’m counting on you to participate in it. If you’re not feelin’ my topic, feel free to start a chat with your fellow readers and see where it takes you. Whether you’re talking about videogames, 6′ 9″ Aloisia allegedly getting fired from NXT because of naughty photos, Floyd Mayweather, Jr. seemingly getting a pass for being a racist prick, or your U.S. Open picks, Coffee Talk is the place to do it.
While I was in Asia, Sony announced that PlayStation Plus customers are eligible for a discount on the PlayStation Protection Plan. The deal adds a bit of value to PlayStation Plus, but I was wondering how many of you care about console warranties. Certainly console buyers — especially new ones that were burned by the Xbox 360’s red ring of death — are more cautious these days, but does that translate into plopping down cash on something like the PlayStation Protection Plan or a Best Buy warranty?
I’ve had amazing luck with consoles. My Xbox 360 Elite was the first and only console to die on me. With that in mind, I’ve never bought a console warranty — never felt the need to. That said, if the PlayStation 4 cost $600 and the PlayStation Protection Plan is still around…well, I might have to pull the trigger on that one.
Now it’s your turn! Kindly take the poll and share your thoughts on console warranties.
[poll id=”66″]
PSP 2 Has Touch Controls on its Butt?
According to three of Eurogamer’s sources, the next PlayStation Portable console has touch-sensitive controls…that are placed behind the screen. If you’ve ever played with the Motorola Backflip then you know what I’m talking about. If not, picture an electronics slab that’s mostly screen on the front, controlled by motions on the back of the device. Here’s the deal:
According to three separate development sources who have seen and used the new PSP, the screen is rich and detailed but the headline feature is the way games are controlled — by a touch-sensitive area on the back of the unit behind the screen.
One source told us he expects it to launch by the end of 2011, although another was less convinced, believing we won’t see anything for at least a couple of years. Sony has not specified when it will release a successor to the current platform.
It’s thought that Sony considered a disc-based storage solution for the new PSP, but has since decided against it following developer feedback. Flash media support, similar to the PSPgo, seems most likely.
Eurogamer has even more details on the system. The article is definitely worth supporting and checking out.
Are any of you down with controlling a handheld console by fingering it?!? *snicker*
A New Marcus PSP Commercial!
Sony PlayStation Portable spokeskid Marcus Rivers is back in a new commercial. After the successful launch of the “Marcus PSP” campaign, Sony is ready to attack the airwaves with new Marcus spots. Check it out and let me know what you think (please)! After the hilarious Kevin Butler and Marcus Rivers commercials, is the newest spot up to snuff?
This Week’s Videogame Releases
New games are still thin on the ground (what does that even mean?), but there are a pair of titles that might interest some of you. First up is Kane and Lynch 2: Dog Days for PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360. If old-school RPGs are your thing then you might want to pick up Ys Seven
There’s really not much else aside from these two games…which is just the calm before the storm — from September to November you’ll be flooded with more titles than you can handle! Any of you picking up new games this week?
The Seven Wonders of Ys Seven
Xseed localization specialist Tom Lipschultz posted this excellent video of the upcoming Ys Seven for PlayStation Portable. The game hits next week, but if you want a glimpse at Ys Seven’s world then check out this video.
I’m super psyched for more Ys. The series means a lot to longtime JRPG nerds. While loads of my friends can’t wait for the game, I was wondering if the series means anything to you. Anyone down for some new Ys action?