Jamie Foxx to Play Electro in Amazing Spider-Man Sequel

You’ve seen African-American Kingpin, but are you ready for African-American Electro?!? You better be, because Academy Award-winning actor Jamie Foxx is set to play Electro in the sequel to The Amazing Spider-Man. He recently confirmed the news and told Entertainment Tonight:

Electro is a great character. I met with the director, Mark Webb, I met with Andrew Garfield, and we talked. I think Electro will be an exciting character to play because he’s a…genius electrician-type person, and he gets the short end of the stick from the whole world, and the next thing you know he turns it on.

I’ve been a fan of Foxx since his days in In Living Color, but really came to appreciate his skills as an actor when he played Bundini Brown in Ali. He’s a great actor and I can’t wait to see his chemistry with Andrew Garfield. Considering Electro’s powers and modern CGI, the special effects should be awesome. Most of all, I’m hoping that Garfield busts out one of my favorite Spider-Man vs. Electro lines of all time:

There’s something I’ve always wanted to know. Are you AC or DC?

What do you think of Jamie Foxx playing Electro in The Amazing Spider-Man sequel?


Are You Interested in Redbox Instant Video?

GigaOm scored a major scoop on the upcoming instant-video service by Redbox and Verizon. According to the site, service will start at $6 per month. More expensive options include physical rentals from Redbox kiosks. Video-on-demand for new movies will also be available for one-time charges. The service will initially be available for PCs, Android devices, iOS devices, Xbox 360, and select Samsung consumer electronics (televisions and Blu-ray players).

I know that several of you enjoy Amazon Prime and Netflix instant videos. I also know that some of you like to rent movie discs from Redbox kiosks. Would you be interested in an all-in-one solution that covers all your bases? Do you see yourself dropping Amazon Prime or Netflix in favor of the Redbox/Verizon service? Are you excited? Or are you taking the wait-and-see approach?


Rumor: Darkseid is the Justice League Movie Villain

He’s obsessed with something called the anti-life equation. He can fire all-powerful “omega beams” from his eyes. And, according to Latino Review, he’s set to be the villain in the upcoming Justice League movie. I’m talking about Darkseid, of course. A Jack Kirby creation, Darkseid is one of the most powerful baddies in the DC Universe and is an appropriate villain for a team comprised of heavy hitters like Superman and Wonder Woman. In addition to wielding god-like powers, Darkseid rules over the planet Apokolips with an iron fist.

(Did you know that Darkseid’s face was styled after Jack Palance and his personality was loosely based on Adolf Hitler?)

It’s a rumor for now and lots can change before the 2015 release, but Latino Review has a strong track record. As a fan of Jack Kirby’s Fourth World characters, I’d love to see Darkseid on the big screen. Hopefully this rumor pans out.

How about you? What do you think of Darkseid taking on the Justice League in the upcoming movie?


Steve Jobs Movie Covers Macintosh, NeXT, iPod Launches

Steve Jobs had a colorful life and was responsible for products used by millions of people around the world. With that in mind, there are so many chunks of his time on Earth that could be covered in a movie. Super-scribe Aaron Sorkin revealed that the biopic he’s penning for Sony Pictures will revolve around three product launches: the Macintosh, the NeXT Computer System, and the iPod. Here’s more from The Verge:

Sorkin revealed that the movie will be comprised of three, 30-minute sections that each take place backstage in the moments immediately preceding some of Jobs’ most iconic keynotes.

“This entire movie is going to be three scenes and three scenes only that all take place in realtime,” Sorkin said. “A half hour for you in the audience is the same as a half hour to a character on the screen.” The three presentations that will serve as backdrops in the film will be the original Macintosh, the debut of NeXT, and the first-ever iPod reveal in 2001. Sorkin says he chose the timeframe intentionally, with the classic “Think Different” commercial serving as a potential end point for the film.

In many ways, Sorkin’s idea reminds me of Ali. That Muhammad Ali movie featured some of his most famous fights and ended with “The Rumble in the Jungle” vs. George Foreman. As many of you know, Ali had many fights after that one, including memorable scraps with Earnie Shavers and Ken Norton, as well as the historic and brutal “Thrilla in Manila” vs. Joe Frazier. Like Ali, Jobs’ accomplishments are too vast to contain in a single two-hour movie. The centerpieces Sorkin is using cover the rise, fall, and rebirth of Steve Jobs nicely.

What do you think of Aaron Sorkin basing his Steve Jobs movie around the Mac, NeXT, and iPod keynotes?


Hot Star Wars Episode VII Rumors

The Star Wars Episode VII rumor mill is flying faster than the Millenium Falcon on the Kessel Run (less than 12 parsecs). Vulture has loads of exclusive info that Jedi knights, Sith lords, and scoundrels alike will want to read. Here are the highlights.

  • The studio wants Luke Skywalker, Han Solo, and Leia Organa Solo to be in the film.
  • Michael Arndt (Toy Story 3) has written a treatment for the movie.
  • The treatment has been sent to Brad Bird, JJ Abrams, and Steven Spielberg for directing consideration.

Out of these rumors, I’m most intrigued by Brad Bird being considered for the movie’s director. I absolutely loved The Iron Giant and The Incredibles. While I didn’t see it, I’ve heard good things about his job on Mission Impossible: Ghost Protocol. That said, I’m sure loads of sci-fi fanboys are psyched about the possibility of JJ Abrams directing the movie. That would just be too weird for me. My head won’t accept the new Star Wars and Star Trek movies being directed by the same guy. That’s too much nerd power for one man to have.

Naturally, I’d love to hear your thoughts on the latest Star Wars Episode VII rumors. Leave a comment and share your feelings.


Three Reasons Mark Wahlberg Would Rule in Transformers 4

Here’s an interesting rumor with some crazy energon potential: Mark Wahlberg is being considered for a role in Transformers 4. There are several reasons why this is awesome news. Before I get to that, here’s what director Michael Bay recently blogged:

I squashed a rumor that was on the internet last week. It was about Mark Walhberg. Mark was rumored to be staring in Transformers 4. We are working on another movie together, not T4. I had such a great time working with Mark on Pain and Gain, and he gave such a great performance — well let’s say that very internet chatter gave me some ideas. We are at the inception of our story process right now on T4. Let’s say some ideas are gaining traction with me and my writer — so I’m here to say thanks internet chatter.

There are three reasons why I’d love Wahlberg as the new lead in Transformers:

  1. I can’t stand Sean LeBeef Shia LaBeouf. It would be a double-bonus if Wahlberg was the new leading man opposite Optimus Prime. The nightmare, of course, is that LeBeouf will be back and Wahlberg’s character will die in the opening credits.
  2. Wahlberg is cool. Between Boogie NightsEntourage, and The Other Guys, I’m a big fan of Marky Mark’s second career. Also, it would completely rule if Dirk Diggler defeated Megatron.
  3. Speaking of Marky Mark (and the Funky Bunch), if Wahlberg is in the movie then “Good Vibrations” must be in the soundtrack. That would be awesome. Feel the vibrations!!!

What do you think of the possibility of Mark Wahlberg being in Transformers 4?


Rumor: Disney to Buy Hasbro

Since purchasing Lucasfilm wasn’t enough, here’s a rumor that’s both exciting and terrifying: Disney is in talks to buy Hasbro. In addition to being one of the largest toy companies in the world, Hasbro has the rights to Transformers, G.I. Joe, Dungeons and Dragons, Nerf, Magic: The Gathering, and more. Here’s the story from MTV Geek:

We have it on good authority that serious discussions are happening at the highest levels of both Disney and Hasbro to fold the largest toy and game company on the planet into the Mouse.

From what we’re told, these are still just discussions at this point, but serious enough that something could be announced at any time and create ripples throughout the entertainment industry.

While the crossover potential would be amazing, that’s perhaps too much geek power for any one company to have. Imagine a single entity controlling all the beloved characters from Disney movies, Pixar films, Star WarsTransformers (not the crap movie, but the awesome toys/cartoon), G.I. Joe, Marvel Comics, D&D, and more?!? On one hand, it would be awesome that an entertainment company with a track record of hands-off reverence would be controlling these properties. On the other hand, it’s a bit terrifying that one company would singlehandedly control almost everything most of us loved as a kid.

What do you think of the Disney-buying-Hasbro rumor?


GI Joe: Retaliation International Trailer

Here’s the latest trailer for GI Joe: Retaliation. I’m probably going to get a lot heat for this, but I really want to see this movie. Keep in mind that I think Channing Tatum completely sucks (and not in that charming, learning-disabled way like Paul Walker) and I’ve never been big on Bruce Willis. Despite those two factors, I’m convinced that this is going to be glorious in a big-stupid-fun fashion.

As many of you know, I decided long ago never to talk in anyone’s shadow that it was my pro-wrestling-mark duty to support every movie that Dwayne “The Johnson” appears in. The trailers indicate that Roadblock is a great role for him. While I’ve always been hot and cold on Bruce Willis, I prefer his more humorous roles. It looks like he’ll have a lot of zingers as GI Joe Colton. As a comic-book nerd, I’ve loved all the ninja-tastic stories about Snake Eyes, Storm Shadow, and the Arashikage Clan. Ray Park (Snake Eyes) is always good for acrobatic action and I’m really rooting for Byung-Hun Lee (Storm Shadow) to attain some glory after giving up all those homeruns in the 2001 World Series (that was him, right?).

So yeah, despite loathing Channing Tatum and not liking Bruce Willis, I have a feeling that GI Joe: Retaliation is going to rock. Who’s with me?!?

Coffee Talk #533: Who Will Be the Star Wars Chosen One?

Millions of people love the original Star Wars trilogy and consider it a vital part of their nerd identity. Millions of people hate the latest Star Wars trilogy and consider it an affront to something dear to their hearts. With that in mind, there’s a tremendous opportunity for a director and/or writer to “save” Star Wars. At worst, he or she will be celebrated — fairly or unfairly — for not being George Lucas. At best, he or she will be the savior or all nerdkind. Who are some of the people you’d like to see considered for Star Wars Episode 7?…more

Welcome to Coffee Talk! Let’s start off the day by discussing whatever is on your (nerd chic) mind. Every morning I’ll kick off a discussion and I’m counting on you to participate in it. If you’re not feelin’ my topic, feel free to start a chat with your fellow readers and see where it takes you. Whether you’re talking about videogames, Steve Nash’s injured leg, Bristol Pailin selling her car on Craigslist, or Jony Ive’s new influence on iOS, Coffee Talk is the place to do it.

Millions of people love the original Star Wars trilogy and consider it a vital part of their nerd identity. Millions of people hate the latest Star Wars trilogy and consider it an affront to something dear to their hearts. With that in mind, there’s a tremendous opportunity for a director and/or writer to “save” Star Wars. At worst, he or she will be celebrated — fairly or unfairly — for not being George Lucas. At best, he or she will be the savior of all nerdkind. Who are some of the people you’d like to see considered for Star Wars Episode 7?

Many sci-fi and comic-book geeks have been throwing Joss Whedon’s name around. The man has a ton of nerd cred between Buffy the Vampire SlayerFirefly, and The Avengers. Many Star Wars fans were hoping that Timothy Zahn’s novels would be given the big-screen treatment, but RPadholic N8R informed us that won’t be the case. The usual suspects of Christopher Nolan, Darren Aronofsky, and Ridley Scott have been discussed by the sci-fi elite.

Who would you like to see as the director and writer of Star Wars Episode 7? Who will be the chosen one that saves the Star Wars movies? What are the chances of seeing Natalie Portman (in extended scenes) wearing Princess Leia’s metal bikini?

Today’s Poll: Star Wars Episode 7

As if Disney’s acquisition of Lucasfilm wasn’t big enough news on its own, the company also announced that Star Wars Episode 7 will be coming in 2015. This is huge, huge news for all of nerdkind. Some Star Wars marks are afraid of the upcoming movie; they feel that the original trilogy gets tarnished by every new film. Some, particularly fans of Timothy Zahn’s excellent Star Wars novels, are excited by the prospect of seeing cool characters like Grand Admiral Thrawn on the big screen.

How do you feel about Episode 7? Are you worried it will be as lame as Jar Jar Binks? Or are you excited for a movie that’s Han Solo cool? Please vote in today’s poll and expand on your choice in the comments section!

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