Verizon’s Inadvertent iPhone 4 Hook: Unlimited Data?

Even though Verizon has plans to move to tiered data pricing, it doesn’t have the structure in place. Some pundits believe that this inadvertently gives Verizon an edge over AT&T in the impending battle of iPhones; the former will offer unlimited data, while the latter lacks an unlimited option for new customers. The Wall Street Journal has reported:

Verizon Wireless, the country’s largest wireless carrier, is confident enough in its network that it will offer unlimited data-use plans when it starts selling the iPhone around the end of this month, a person familiar with the matter said. Such plans would provide a key means of distinguishing its service from rival AT&T Inc., which limits how much Internet data such as videos and photos its customers may use each month.

This makes the decision more interesting for consumers. If everything goes as predicted and Verizon announces an iPhone 4 with unlimited data, what would you do? Do you snap up the old phone on the more reliable network using slower technology simple because it offers truly unlimited data? Or do you wait for the iPhone 5, which will certainly feature tiered data on AT&T and probably feature tiered data on Verizon by the time it’s released (likely June 2011). Ah, the decisions those with disposable income have to make…. (For the record, I’m not one of those people. Ha!)


Today’s Poll: Will Steve Jobs Appear at the Verizon Presser?

Most of the tech world has accepted that Verizon will announce the iPhone 4 at its press conference tomorrow. Some believe that Apple CEO Steve Jobs will be on hand and some don’t. On one hand, it’s a pretty huge partnership and the date is quirky cool (1/11/11 at 11AM!). On the other hand, some believe that Jobs is saving himself for new product announcements like that iPad 2 and iPhone 5; these people believe that an old product on a new network doesn’t merit an appearance by his royal highness grandmaster Steve Jobs.

What do you think? Kindly vote in today’s poll and discuss!

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Verizon to Announce iPhone 4 on January 11?

The word on the street is that Verizon is set to announce that the iPhone 4 will join its lineup in February. The company is holding a press conference on Tuesday January 11, 2011 and The Wall Street Journal says that it’s to unveil the iPhone. Meanwhile, AllThingsDigital has it on good authority that his royal lord worshipfulness grand highness Steve Jobs will be on hand to christen the partnership.

After years of speculation, it looks like the iPhone will finally be on Verizon’s network. Any of you planning to buy one? Do you think an iPhone 4 on Verizon is appealing with the iPhone 5 just months away? How do you think this will impact America’s mobile phone market? Will polarities shift? How about the Earth’s rotation?

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iPhones With Micro USB Coming in 2011

Way back in June 2009, major phone manufacturers agreed with the European Commission to make Micro USB the standard charging port for mobile phones. The participants included Nokia, RIM, Samsung, Motorola, Sony Ericsson, and — wait for it — Apple.

The thought of an Apple iPhone using a standard port seems crazy. I’m talking Brian Fellow, “That’s crazy!!!” Apple makes a ton of money licensing accessories that use its proprietary port (that dates back to the iPod). Accessory manufacturers enjoy the premium price associated with iPhone and iPod accessories. That said, I don’t think it really impacts accessories outside of chargers. I envision the iPhone 5 having both the proprietary iPhone port and the Micro USB port. While it’s smart to play ball with the European Commission, in my head Steve Jobs hates it and is thinking something like:

God damn frogs (not that I believe in God)!!! We bail their asses out of war decade after decade and they repay me by forcing an extra hole on my beautiful products?!? Damn it Jony Ive! Get your people to rescind this stupid frickin’ agreement (and learn to cook some food that doesn’t taste like crap). My iPhone should not have anything in common with inferior phones (i.e. any phone that’s not an iPhone). Everything about it is better and more beautiful — including the charging port! Micro USB is just the first step on the long road to communism.

Also, I wonder what happens if a phone manufacturer doesn’t comply with the agreement? Will they go to European Commission phone jail? Or just be fined a lot of money?


Coffee Talk #275: CES Developments and You

The Consumer Electronics Show (CES) is right around the corner and all sorts of exciting (tech nerd) developments are about to be unveiled. What are you looking forward to at CES 2011?

Welcome to Coffee Talk! Let’s start off the day by discussing whatever is on your (nerd chic) mind. Every morning I’ll kick off a discussion and I’m counting on you to participate in it. If you’re not feelin’ my topic, feel free to start a chat with your fellow readers and see where it takes you. Whether you’re talking about videogames, Brett Favre’s slap on the wrist, the best cut of steak (it’s rib eye), or random closing thoughts on 2010, Coffee Talk is the place to do it.

The Consumer Electronics Show (CES) is right around the corner and all sorts of exciting (tech nerd) developments are about to be unveiled. What are you looking forward to at CES 2011? Televisions are a huge part of the show, with 3DTV and advanced LED implementation leading the way. Android phones should be a major slice of the CES pie, with Verizon set to announce an LTE Android phone from HTC. Video chat through phones and televisions should cause a stir. There will be several Windows ultra-portable laptops on display from numerous manufacturers looking to duplicate the success of the MacBook Air. Tablet computers will be tremendous too, with several vendors serving up Apple iPad alternatives.

What are you looking forward to the most? Kindly take today’s poll and discuss in the comments section (please!).

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Skype Launches Video Chat for iOS (iPhone, iPad, iPod)

After months of sitting on its ass while smaller companies beat it to the punch, Skype has finally (and I mean that in the way The Rock says “finally”) launched video chat for iOS. The latest version of Skype offers video chat on numerous iOS products, including the iPhone 4, iPhone 3GS, iPod Touch, and iPad. Obviously the products without front-facing cameras will not have full video-chat functionality.

There are several implications (for mobile tech nerds). On the iOS front, it will be interesting to see how this impacts Apple’s FaceTime product. FaceTime is simple and it works, but Skype has hundreds of millions of users around the world. Will Skype be able to beat out FaceTime due to its enormous user base?

Secondly, where’s the Android version? Skype for Android is pretty crappy compared to the iOS version. Will a new and improved Skype for Android — complete with video chat — be unveiled at CES 2011? As a frequent Android and Skype user, I certainly hope so.


My iPad 2 Dream Might Come True!

It looks like my wish for an iPad 2 with Retina Display technology and dual cameras will come true. Well, that or the peeps are Reuters are being annoying teases. The company hit up four of its sources and discovered:

One of those said the revamped model would feature cameras on the front and rear, while the other said the new model would be slimmer, lighter and have a better resolution display.

Camera module makers Genius Electronic Optical Co Ltd and Largan Precision Co Ltd were also starting new supply deals with Apple, two sources said, but neither could confirm for which product the modules were intended.

A front-facing camera was a given considering Apple’s aggressive plans for FaceTime. A high-resolution rear camera for photos would be a huge plus for me. Apple’s vaunted Retina Display would make the iPad 2 a joy to look at and give the company a convenient way to maintain current price points. I hope all these rumors pan out! Any of you excited for an iPad 2 with the aforementioned features?


Apple iPad 2 Shipping in February 2011?

According to DigiTimes, Chinese manufacturer Foxconn will be shipping the Apple iPad 2 as soon as February 2011. The original iPad was released on April 3, 2010. Apple has been very good at sticking to one-year product cycles with its iPhone and iPod Touch products, so it’s surprising that the iPad would be refreshed so soon. Then again, the market will be flooded by Google Android, Microsoft Windows, and RIM BlackBerry tablets in 2011, so perhaps Apple’s hand is being forced. Here’s the skinny:

Foxconn Electronics’ (Hon Hai Precision Industry’s) plants in Shenzhen, China have recently been notified they will ship Apple’s iPad 2 within the next 100 days with initial shipments to reach 400,000-600,000 units, according to sources from Taiwan-based component makers. However, Foxconn declined to comment on its products or clients. The sources pointed out that the iPad 2 will ship as soon as the end of February in 2011.

I’m super amped for an iPad 2, especially if the rumors of it having dual cameras and a Retina Display screen pan out. I would love for it to come sooner rather than later. How about you? Are you excited for the second coming of the iPad? Do you think Apple will stick to an April release date or will it ship earlier?


Coffee Talk #261: Has Apple Doomed the 3DS and PSP2?

In a recent episode of Pach Atttack starring Wedbush Morgan analyst Michael Pachter (I’ll give you a few moments to soak that all in), your favorite videogame analyst and mine (not really) said that Apple’s iOS is the future of mobile gaming.

Welcome to Coffee Talk! Let’s start off the day by discussing whatever is on your (nerd chic) mind. Every morning I’ll kick off a discussion and I’m counting on you to participate in it. If you’re not feelin’ my topic, feel free to start a chat with your fellow readers and see where it takes you. Whether you’re talking about videogames, if the NY Knicks have finally gotten past years or mediocrity, Verve Roasters’ Ethiopia Nigusie Lemma, or your holiday shopping, Coffee Talk is the place to do it.

In a recent episode of Pach Atttack starring Wedbush Morgan analyst Michael Pachter (I’ll give you a few moments to soak that all in), your favorite videogame analyst and mine (not really) said that Apple’s iOS is the future of mobile gaming. In fact, he felt so strongly about the iPod Touch that he doesn’t see a bright future for Nintendo’s and Sony’s next portable systems. Check it out:

I think the ubiquity of the iPod Touch is cutting into the handheld market, I think the PSP was dead on arrival and I think the PSP2 is going to be dead on arrival. It looks to me like young kids are just as happy playing with an iPod Touch or a Nano. The Touch is cool, it plays games, plays music, they’re going to put a camera in it and you’re going to get all kinds of cool stuff.

The 3DS will prolong the handheld market for the game manufacturers, but ultimately, I think handhelds are in trouble. After the 3DS has had its little rush I think the handhelds will continue to decline.

What do you think of Pachter’s stance? Is he on the money? Or is he just talking out of his ass to get more attention? Will the multifunction wizardry of the iPod Touch beat out the sheer power of the PSP2 and the 3D wonder of the 3DS? Can’t we live in a world where all of them do reasonably well? Share your feelings like a Care Bear (please)!

White iPhone 4 Coming Spring 2011: Better Late Than Never?

After a comical string of delays, it looks like the white iPhone 4 is finally coming…in Spring 2011. *snicker* CrunchGear spotted an Apple Store sign that shows a release date for the white model. Of course when that date rolls around, the iPhone 5 will be months away. Do you think anyone (aside from fashionistas) will give a damn about the white iPhone 4 in Spring 2011?
