Last Call: Merchandise Sale

Here’s a friendly reminder that the swag sale ends tomorrow. Whether it’s a t-shirt, hoodie, coffee cup, or beer mug, I’d appreciate any purchases you can make. Your support is what keeps this site going! Here are the coupon codes:

Here’s a friendly reminder that the swag sale ends tomorrow. Whether it’s a t-shirt, hoodie, coffee cup, or beer mug, I’d appreciate any purchases you can make. Your support is what keeps this site going! Here are the coupon codes:

Coupon Codes:
FALL2010 $5 off subtotal of $25+
HARVEST2010 $10 off subtotal of $50+
AUTUMN2010 $20 off subtotal of $100+

Please enter coupon code FALL2010, HARVEST2010, or AUTUMN2010 before completing checkout. Discount is applied to the subtotal and does not include shipping, taxes, or additional charges. This offer may not be combined with other offers. Coupons valid from 11/14/2010 12:00 am to 11/20/2010 11:59 pm Mountain time.

Thanks in advance! Merchandise Sale!

It’s the first ever merchandise sale! My vendor is running a special promotion this week. Here’s your chance to support the site, get some great swag, and save some money! Here’s the skinny:

It’s the first ever merchandise sale! My vendor is running a special promotion this week. Here’s your chance to support the site, get some great swag, and save some money! Here’s the skinny:

Coupon Codes:
FALL2010 $5 off subtotal of $25+
HARVEST2010 $10 off subtotal of $50+
AUTUMN2010 $20 off subtotal of $100+

Please enter coupon code FALL2010, HARVEST2010, or AUTUMN2010 before completing checkout. Discount is applied to the subtotal and does not include shipping, taxes, or additional charges. This offer may not be combined with other offers. Coupons valid from 11/14/2010 12:00 am to 11/20/2010 11:59 pm Mountain time.

If you pick anything up, please send some photos of you or a really hot girl with your merchandise. As always, I super appreciate your support! With your help, I’ll be able to keep this thing going and growing!!!

N8R Shows Off His Merchandise

RPadholic N8R is a handsome man, but his looks hit Brad Pitt-like levels when he’s wearing an t-shirt and holding an travel mug. Its’ true! Check out the photo he sent in and see for yourself.

If you happen to pick up any gear, please send in your photos and I’ll post ’em. I’m still waiting for one of you to send in a picture of  a sexy girl wearing an camisole. Get on it (please)!!!

Sunday Housekeeping

I hope everyone had a wonderful weekend! I’m not digging the daylight savings. It’s stupid, it robs me of another hour of glorious sunlight, and it doesn’t actually save energy. Anyway, here are some updates on the site.

– Last week was another strong one for the site. Thank you all for reading, commenting, hanging out, and being cool.

– A bunch of you took advantage of Amazon’s buy-two-get-one-free sale. Thanks so much! I super appreciate every purchase you make. It really helps the site keep going. If you’re doing any shopping for holiday gifts, please consider purchasing from Amazon through my site.

– The video content is off to a fantastic start in terms of traffic — it actually exceeded my expectations. Thanks for watching my videos (and if you’re bored, watch ’em again!). Remember, you can watch high quality versions of my videos on Android, iPhone, iPod, and iPad products through my mobile video site. You can also subscribe to my videos on iTunes.

– It’s been interesting promoting the videos. Of course I want people to come to my site, but it’s more convenient for viewers if I embed the videos instead of linking back here. While I’m getting new video viewers, I’m not necessarily getting new readers.

– Know what makes a brilliant holiday gift? An beer mug or coffee cup! Stanford scientists have determined that beer and coffee is 19 percent tastier when consumed from an mug or cup. It’s true! (And it also helps keep the site going.)

– This week’s videos are going to be very different from the usual content on the site. They won’t be about games, technology, and geek stuff, but they’ll cover something that uses technology in a geeky way…and I’m going to make a game out of the whole thing. Stay tuned!

Sunday Housekeeping

I hope everyone had a fun and safe Halloween. Now let’s get to some site updates!

– After a crummy August and September (thanks to a super secret project and a Shanghai shoot), October was a nice month for the site. In fact, it was the second-best month in the site’s brief history. Thank you all for reading, commenting, and being groovy!

– Even though traffic was up, Amazon sales for July and August were slow. September was better, largely because someone bought an Xbox through my site (thanks bsukenyan!). If you’re buying games, books, electronics, music, or movies, please consider buying from Amazon through the site. Every little bit helps keep it going. As a suggestion, why don’t you check out Amazon’s fine foods and beverages? Y’all have to eat and drink, right?

– Another way to support the site and help me promote it is by picking up some swag. Whether you’re showing off your awesome shirt, drinking coffee, or downing some beers, your activities will be 19 percent more enjoyable with swag. This has been scientifically proven.

– The video content is off to a sweet start. If you haven’t checked out my BlizzCon 2010 videos, please do so. Video content is more lucrative than written content, so each view helps. The clips have a bunch of rough spots, but they’ll get better. Hopefully with some help, I’ll be able to host some clips too! Perhaps I can even convince one of my old Reset co-hosts to do some work with me….

Get Your Shirts, Mugs, and Other Goodies

Would you be a dear and help me promote the site by wearing an t-shirt? Here’s your chance! Head on over here to buy some goodies, including shirts, coffee cups, beer mugs, and more. The goods are a little on the pricey side, but I’ve read great things about this vendor, so hopefully they’ll last you a long time.

If you happen to pick up a shirt or twelve, please send me pictures of you wearing it. I’d love to post them. I’d also love to post any photos you snap of famous people or hot chicks wearing an shirt. I’ll post those and use them as wallpaper.

Sunday Housekeeping

– BlizzCon 2010 is done! I had a really good time at the show, but it was super tiring (though exciting at the same time). I’ve covered shows as a writer, on-air talent, and a segment producer, but this was the first time I did the “one-man crew” thing. I was so beat after the show that I didn’t do a whole lot after. I really need a cameraman so that I can make the segments more entertaining…and so I can save some energy for drinking with friends. I’ve already enlisted one of you to possibly help me out with a shoot next year. There’s also an interesting event in Boston and I’m hoping one of you (that plays word games with me on Xbox Live and Android) would be interested in helping me film (*hint* *hint*).

– Three people from three different editorial outlets gave me props for the site. They’re all editors at major publications and it was super nice to hear them compliment my small operation. They were really impressed with the number of comments and quality discussion here. I would be all impressed with myself, but that’s really on you guys. Thanks for making the site a cool place to hang out!

– I’m going to attempt to put together one of my BlizzCon 2010 videos tonight. The raw footage is pretty good, but keep in mind that the gear is totally new to me as is the editing software. I’m sure the first few videos will be rough, but I’m confident that they’ll get to where I want them to be soon. Please be patient with me (especially when I become idiot Spike Jones with the camera).

Happy Birthday!!!

Today is the site’s birthday! Thank you all so very much for being part of this crazy ride. It has been a fun, crazy, challenging, and funky year…but the best is yet to come. Any second now I’m going to flip a switch to give the site a new look. In the months to come, I plan to have some fun video content. I’m nervous and excited about doing video again. There will definitely be some growing pains, but I hope you dig it! Anyway, thank you thank you thank you for reading the site and hanging out with me here. Your company and readership mean so much to me.

Now let’s play a game! To celebrate the site, I’d like to hear about your favorite memory (or memories). Were there any conversations or articles that stood out to you? Or maybe something more abstract like the general vibe of the site? Kindly share your warm and fuzzy stories. Let’s make the site blush!

Sunday Housekeeping

It’s funny how time flies. It was roughly a year ago that I lost my job at G4tv due to assorted idiocy. Things have been crazy and challenging since then. Whether I was up or down, you guys have been there to keep me company. I’m so honored by your support, Amazon purchases, site donations, and readership. Thanks for hanging out! Now let’s get to some odds and ends.

– Traffic was down in August since I was working on that super secret project. It really took a dive when I was in Asia. Things have picked back up, but my Alexa ranking — which is based on he last three months of traffic — has taken a massive hit. If you happen to be using a new computer or if you just haven’t gotten around to it, I’d super appreciate you installing the Alexa toolbar (And visiting my site a lot. Ha!).

– Next week is the site’s first birthday! There are numerous improvements and additions planned for the next year. Some of the stuff you’ll see soon. Other things will take a little longer. Here’s a hint — it looks like I’ll finally be able to put the “tv” in!

– Facebook has been a great source of traffic over the last few months. Thanks to everyone that posts my stories on “the Facebook”! In the site’s first six months, Twitter was a much greater source of traffic than Facebook. The last six months Facebook has been more beneficial.

– Mobile traffic has been great ever since I launched the phone-friendly version of the site. I’ll leave you with the site’s top five mobile platforms:

  1. iPhone
  2. Android
  3. iPad
  4. BlackBerry
  5. Symbian

Help Me Out on

If you’re interested in helping me promote the site, I’d super appreciate you playing around with OneTrueFan. It’s kind of like Foursquare for web browsing. You can check into your favorite web sites, see what your friends are reading, and help promote the sites you enjoy. If any of you sign up, please let me know.