Sunday Housekeeping

I hope everyone had a fun and safe Halloween. Now let’s get to some site updates!

– After a crummy August and September (thanks to a super secret project and a Shanghai shoot), October was a nice month for the site. In fact, it was the second-best month in the site’s brief history. Thank you all for reading, commenting, and being groovy!

– Even though traffic was up, Amazon sales for July and August were slow. September was better, largely because someone bought an Xbox through my site (thanks bsukenyan!). If you’re buying games, books, electronics, music, or movies, please consider buying from Amazon through the site. Every little bit helps keep it going. As a suggestion, why don’t you check out Amazon’s fine foods and beverages? Y’all have to eat and drink, right?

– Another way to support the site and help me promote it is by picking up some swag. Whether you’re showing off your awesome shirt, drinking coffee, or downing some beers, your activities will be 19 percent more enjoyable with swag. This has been scientifically proven.

– The video content is off to a sweet start. If you haven’t checked out my BlizzCon 2010 videos, please do so. Video content is more lucrative than written content, so each view helps. The clips have a bunch of rough spots, but they’ll get better. Hopefully with some help, I’ll be able to host some clips too! Perhaps I can even convince one of my old Reset co-hosts to do some work with me….

Author: RPadTV

6 thoughts on “Sunday Housekeeping”

  1. I'm just glad it helped!! I will be looking for more stuff on Amazon soon enough, and when I scrape a few extra dollars up getting some new clothing. And I am glad I didn't buy any groceries yet, I had no idea amazon sold food- I will be checking that out too.

    I also told my fiance if she buys anything from Amazon to remember to go through your links first, too. I don't know what she plans on buying, but I am going to try to get all my brother and sister's gifts through Amazon if I can.

      1. No problem! I super appreciate having a place to go online to meet new people, talk about things I enjoy, and just hang out.

  2. Thanks for reminding me; I need to buy some dishwasher detergent.

    Oh, yeah, and if you need any of us to persuade Ruby to join, just let us know. I'm sure we can talk her into it, although I suspect ulterior motives aside from "work".


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