Up For an RPad.tv Invitational? What Do You Want to Play?

Anyone up for some online gaming later today? Wednesday is the usual day for RPad.tv invitational tournaments, but I have to go to an Iron Man 2 screening. Hopefully some of you have time today. I super enjoyed Scrabble last week and hope some of you want to play again. That said, I understand that Uno is more accessible. I would love to have a Super Street Fighter IV tournament, but I don’t know how many of you have picked up the game.

Anyway, let me know if you have time to play today and what game you’d like to play.

Another RPad.tv Chick Magnet Photo

Thanks to RPadholic tokz_21 for sending in this excellent photo. Since we talk comics a lot, he thought it would be cool to include several comic books and action figures in his photo. He’s right! It’s totally cool!!!

Guys and gals, keep sending your photos! I’m still waiting for pictures of an RPad.tv magnet on an exotic dancer (female, please).

Questions Wanted: Ask Jesse Divnich!

I’ll be catching up with EEDAR director of analyst services Jesse Divnich this week to get his thoughts on the current state of the gaming industry. Also, I kind of just want to catch up with him and see how he’s doing because he’s a cool dude. Naturally, I want your questions! If you have anything you’d like Jesse to answer — preferably taking advantage of his experience as a gaming analyst and not as a former resident of a trailer park — please leave your questions in the comments section.

SlickyFats RPad.tv Magnet Pic

After two failed attempts at sending RPadholic SlickyFats a magnet, he finally has one!!! You see boys and girls, persistence pays off. Ha! Anyway, here’s the photo he sent over.

If any of you don’t have magnets, please let me know. I have a few left and would love to send you one (note to self: buy more stamps). If you already have magnets and want to send in new photos, please do. Photos of an Rpad.tv magnet attached to an exotic dancer get priority (just kidding).

Almost Back!

Hello guys and gals! Thanks for keeping the site moving while I’m away. Things will be back to normal (whatever that means) soon! I’m currently typing away in the Cathay Pacific lounge in Hong Kong, waiting for my flight to Los Angeles. I’ll be back on Thursday night and will crank out a bunch of content on Friday.

Asia has been fantastic on several levels, but I really miss you guys!!!

Today’s question: how are you doing?

Tuesday Housekeeping: Off to Asia!

Good morning ladies and gents! As I mentioned in a few other stories, I’m off to Asia for a bit. I’m going to be a bit busy doing some video production, but I’m definitely going to keep tabs on the site. Here are some odds and ends to keep in mind while I’m away.

Amazon is having a deal on magazines…that is to say that it would be great for me if some of you subscribed to some magazines through Amazon. There’s actually some good stuff there, including several gaming mags. A lot of the books give you a two-year sub for the price of one. Check it out through the link above or the box in the right sidebar.

– While I’m gone I will try very hard to post one Coffee Talk column and one episode of Reset every weekday. Y’all know what Coffee Talk is, but some of you might not be familiar with Reset. It’s a videogame show I produced for Yahoo! from 2005 to 2006. It was such a brilliant time in my life and I want to share it with you. Please, please, please watch them…and think about ideas for a new show…should I start producing one…around August or so.

– I’ll have my laptop, BlackBerry, and iPhone with me. I’m sure jetlag will hit me. And really, I can’t think of a better way to deal with it than hanging out with you guys and gals on the site.

Fat Princess or Scrabble on Sunday?

I wanted to keep the online gaming going, but had an unexpectedly busy week. One of the results of the week is that I’m going to Asia on Tuesday to produce a shoot. I wanted to get in another RPad.tv Invitational before I left. Fat Princess was slated to be the next PS3 game, while Scrabble was set for the next Xbox 360 game. Are any of you up for playing either on Sunday? If so, please let me know what time.

Sunday Housekeeping

– March has been an outstanding month for RPad.tv. The daily traffic record was broken thrice. A new weekly traffic record was established. A new monthly traffic record was set over a week ago. Obviously a lot of it has to do with my Nintendo 3DS story from GDC. This Dragon Age: Origins Awakening story has been getting excellent traffic too. Of course the biggest reason for the site’s success is you. Thanks for supporting the site!!!

– Keeping on the success tip, the site’s Alexa ranking has been skyrocketing. Thanks to everyone that downloaded and installed the Alexa toolbar. It helps out a ton. If you haven’t installed it yet, I’d super appreciate it. If you have installed it and have time for a site review, I’d super appreciate that too!

– The Amazon sales have been great this month. Thanks to everyone that purchased something through my Amazon links. If you’re in the buying mood, please considering buying from Amazon through my site.

– In terms of ads, the latest company I’m trying is better than the last one, but still not as good as Google — not by a long shot. Hopefully the site’s growth will get Microsoft or Yahoo to accept the site into their programs. This will vital to the site’s future.

– Thanks again!!!