SlickyFats Magnet Pic

After two failed attempts at sending RPadholic SlickyFats a magnet, he finally has one!!! You see boys and girls, persistence pays off. Ha! Anyway, here’s the photo he sent over.

If any of you don’t have magnets, please let me know. I have a few left and would love to send you one (note to self: buy more stamps). If you already have magnets and want to send in new photos, please do. Photos of an magnet attached to an exotic dancer get priority (just kidding).

Author: RPadTV

28 thoughts on “SlickyFats Magnet Pic”

  1. @ RPAD

    Wow I just posted my thank you in the wrong thread. Ill send a pic too but is not going to be as kool (because his pic is so damn cool it has to be spelled with a K) as SlickyFat. Nice game selection dude!

  2. @R-Pad

    Cami and I were going to try and get a stripper to cover her niples with our magnets, but the whole part about me going in a strip joint kind of got in the way.

  3. Wow that picture came out kinda dark. I own way too many games.

    @Big blak


  4. I actually had to pull all of my games forward on top of the freezer door so that none were hidden from view. Well then I forgot I had done that and a few hours later I opened the freezer to get my Cap'n and everything came crashing down. took 10-15 minutes to put all of the games and books back into the cases, they went everywhere. That probably would have been a better picture.

  5. Come on now I bought Haze brand new for $4.99. I never did get very far into because it was really craptastic, But I figured it was the same price to rent it back in the day I might as well buy in and give it a try (lesson learned)

  6. i know I am just such a game whore though.

    On a side note, never been to a strip club. Was supposed to go last weekend, but I just really have no desire to go to one. We had 3 girls going with us and I ended up going to a "western" club and riding a mechanical bull with the teller from my bank. (I hate western/cowboy bars also)

  7. @ Slicky

    It depends on the strip club. I personally don't like the high class ones. I want to go to the ones in the middle of the ghetto that makes you wonder how they still have a liquor license.

    There was a place in Pittsburgh that did lap dances in a cramped closet while you sat on a broken old school lawn chair. This room was maybe 5 sq. feet and one side of it was a doorway with no door on the hinges and led to the basement. Several times had I seen a stripper almost fall down those stairs in high heeled boots.

    Good times.

  8. @N8R

    Wow that ….really…..makes me want to go to one now.

    The girls were promising me a good time for free because the strippers flock to the girls. Also the place we were going to is BYOB so only cost is getting in the door.

  9. @n8r

    I agree. In chicago the best one i've been too is Harvey, IL. Not the best area for a strip club but it still has it's license. They have lap dances for $5 and don't take you anywhere dances are done on the spot.

  10. @ Slicky

    Basic rules of thumb

    The strip clubs almost ALWAYS flock to the girls that come.

    A BYOB place in most states is usually full nude, but the places like I described will do it anyway because they could give a damn about the liquor control board to begin with.

    Don't expect the strippers to be really hot unless there's a high cover charge to get in.

    You will get kicked out for throwing dimes at them.

    They run out of singles fast, so take your own you got from somewhere else.

    Every girl there will try to get you to buy a private dance.

    The less money you have to spend, the more fun the experience can be.

  11. @ tokz

    At the one I mentioned, I used to go there with my band almost weekly. We built such a good relationship with them that we were the first and only band to ever play there. We featured them in our movie "Gone The Way Of Flesh" and put out a DVD of just the live performance as well.

    When i think back, I'm not even sure all of their girls were over 18.

    They knew us all by name. We went there on my birthday one year and every girl working bought me a private dance. On top of that, the one girl was trying to get totally freaky. She groped the hell out of me. I told her i was engaged (now married, but engaged at the time), and she was like "I've met your girl, I'll get with her too."

    These are the benefits of a privet room for the dances and knowing the establishment.

  12. What, my pic from outside the strip club wasn't good enough, so now I gotta go take a pic in a dark room with overpriced beer and fake boobs?

    @N8R: I've been in a few of those hole in the wall places, and I'm pretty sure that were I not married that I could get a hotter girl to actually let me touch her for free than what you have to pay for in those establishments.

  13. @ Nightshade

    That statement doesn't do your wife justice, dude. Read it again, and think about… but I know what you meant.

    I'm a fan of sleaze… what can I say. It really has little to do with eroticism for me. It's more the aura I'm drawn to. I also don't judge people.

  14. @Raymond Padilla or anyone else

    I want to send in a pic, what's the e-mail address?

  15. @ Slicky;

    I'll make it simple for you. Come down to Miami, let me know and I'll take you to a handful of good places that you will love. Also, bring your magnet. Combined with mine, we can make an RPad "chick magnet" top. We'll need one more for the full bikini, though.


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