Tuesday Housekeeping: Off to Asia!

Good morning ladies and gents! As I mentioned in a few other stories, I’m off to Asia for a bit. I’m going to be a bit busy doing some video production, but I’m definitely going to keep tabs on the site. Here are some odds and ends to keep in mind while I’m away.

Amazon is having a deal on magazines…that is to say that it would be great for me if some of you subscribed to some magazines through Amazon. There’s actually some good stuff there, including several gaming mags. A lot of the books give you a two-year sub for the price of one. Check it out through the link above or the box in the right sidebar.

– While I’m gone I will try very hard to post one Coffee Talk column and one episode of Reset every weekday. Y’all know what Coffee Talk is, but some of you might not be familiar with Reset. It’s a videogame show I produced for Yahoo! from 2005 to 2006. It was such a brilliant time in my life and I want to share it with you. Please, please, please watch them…and think about ideas for a new show…should I start producing one…around August or so.

– I’ll have my laptop, BlackBerry, and iPhone with me. I’m sure jetlag will hit me. And really, I can’t think of a better way to deal with it than hanging out with you guys and gals on the site.

Author: RPadTV


9 thoughts on “Tuesday Housekeeping: Off to Asia!”

  1. i remember reset, you used a line about going back to your cabana…from some movie

    that show looked so fun, just you in a bar

  2. Also, I so wanted a GBM. Ended up getting a DS instead since it was the next gen handheld at the time and it could play GBA games. (Never owned a GBA myself. Played the hell out of friends' and relatives' though.)

  3. Of course you should produce a show!

    Keep the topic as vague as possible and keep the interaction as high as possible are my only suggestions.

    I’m totally available for tech work as well (hint, hint)

  4. @N8R I just wrote the post for the first official episode of Reset. 65% of the second segment is me drunk and talking to people. I miss that show. Ha!

  5. Awesome! I have a butt load of hip hop beats if you should ever need free music.

  6. Have fun in Asia, just don’t get too addicted to starcraft while you are there. There’s gotta be something in the water. I recently saw an article where a couple was facing criminal charges because their infant child died while they were on one of their 24 hr internet gaming binges.

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