Blast From the Past: Reset’s Pilot Episode

As I mentioned earlier, I’ll be posting episodes of Reset (my old show for Yahoo! Games) while I’m in Asia. Think of it as rerun season. Ha! Seriously though, this was one of the best times of my life. I got to work closely with one of my dearest friends, the amazing Zoe Flower. I adored working with the gang at Yahoo! Studios. Producing video was fresh and new and exciting for me. It was truly the best work experience I’ve ever had. Now here’s the pilot!

(If you only want to watch one of these segmemts, I highly suggest part two.)

Part 1 — Zoe and I hit the show floor at E3 2005. She totally carried me here. At this point, I only hosted a dozen or so videos for GameSpy, while Zoe had a ton of experience hosting The Electric Playground (on real television). I did way too many fae things with my hands. The Scarface gag still cracks me up. You can also see mock-ups of the PS3 and a forgotten handheld known as the Game Boy Micro (did any of you have one?).

Part 2 — This was one of the best times I’ve ever had at work — I got made up as a zombie by a professional makeup artist!!! I’ll never ever forget this experience. It was totally fun walking around E3 as a zombie and goofing off with Zoe. Really…just watch this one. It’s fun.

Part 3 — I love doing man-on-the-street pieces. Those were my best videos at GameSpy. Here I asked a bunch of people (some friends, some randoms) about their E3 2005 experience. One person in this video ended up being my roommate, while another ended up being a coworker. Ha! You can also watch Zoe and I fight with inflatable swords. For the record, I let her win.

Author: RPadTV

10 thoughts on “Blast From the Past: Reset’s Pilot Episode”

  1. watched all 3 videos–impressions

    1. Jesus, there are a TON of hot women at e3
    2. It must have been hard to not have a crush on zoe, shes fuckin adorable
    3. ray, you are a funny guy, but it seemed like you were trying too hard sometimes there, thats prolly what yahoo wanted though…”zany” ray
    4. Sometimes when you interview people, you make it seem like they are doing you a favor by letting you interview them, which technically they are. I would like to see you interview people with a style that says ” im the man here, i was in this industry when you were SHITTING IN YOUR HANDS AND RUBBING IT IN YOUR FACE!!!”

    i think that you had a real shot at that redhead if you hadnt made it so clear that you found her to be out of your league–again, maybe thats what yahoo wanted?

    sorry for the constructive criticism, but you are our jerry maguire, we all followed you here, and by now if you havent figured out that we love you, you dont pay attention very well…:)

    have a safe trip ray

    1. @thundercracker The red head is an editor from San Francisco and a drinking buddy. I was just playing for the camera. Besides, I know her husband too. Ha!

  2. I couldn’t stop laughing when you two went to the first aid room and Zoe got a bandaid on her cheek!

  3. @Ray

    Yeah I had a game boy micro for a little while…overly expensive, sub-par quality, and yet it was still slightly addictive. I gave it up though and just got a game boy advance sp which I later passed down to my little sister once I got my first DS.

    About to watch all three videos now.

  4. LOL
    Video one had Star Craft Ghost and the boomerang controller in it.
    Video two had the best comedic value out of the three. Go zombie comedy
    And video four was funny for retrospect reasons and for what people were waring in correlation with their answers.

  5. Nice cameo from Billy Berghammer! You gotta stop moving your darn hands, Ray. But other than that…pretty awesome!

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