Coffee Talk #85: Your Favorite Videogame Valentine’s Couples

Welcome to Coffee Talk! Let’s start off the day by discussing whatever is on your (nerd chic) mind. Every morning I’ll kick off a discussion and I’m counting on you to participate in it. If you’re not feelin’ my topic, feel free to start a chat with your fellow readers and see where it takes you. Whether you’re talking about videogames, what Tiger is buying Elin for Valentine’s Day, your favorite American Idol hopeful, or Kevin Smith’s performance at MacWorld, Coffee Talk is the place to do it.

With a lovey dovey holiday coming on Sunday, I thought it would be a great time to talk about your favorite romantic couples in gaming. Whether you like traditional romances, bisexual elf assassins, or the timeless tale of a paddle and ball, I want to know who your favorite videogame couple is and why.

As for me, I’m going with Zack Fair and Aerith Gainsborough from Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII. Their love was innocent and tragic. It also led to one of the most emotionally powerful game endings I’ve experienced in years. Here’s part of the ending (spoilers ahead, duh!):

*sniff* Excuse me…a gnat flew into my eye. I have to run off and take care of this gnat-eye problem. For now, tell me who your favorite videogame couple is. Name the couple, the game, and why you chose them (please)!

Author: RPadTV

25 thoughts on “Coffee Talk #85: Your Favorite Videogame Valentine’s Couples”

  1. I did dig the innocent romance with Revan and Bastilla on Knights of the Old Republic, Mass Effect did a good job with Shepherd and Ashley Williams too I guess. Leliana and Morrigan were pretty fun romances as well. here here, Bioware.

    I'd say the most awkward romance award goes to Lucas Kane and the girl detective on Indigo Prophecy. that one was pretty contrived.

  2. Not in the same realm as Ray's but Naked Snake and The Boss. Kojima created a very good emotional relationship between the two.

    honorable mention: CJ and his many bitches.

  3. On topic: Nathan Drake and Elana Fisher

    Off topic: I said that I wouldn't play the Heavy Rain demo but I couldn't help myself. I was completely sucked into the demo and I wanted more. I want to find the killer. The emotion was there and the atmosphere was there. Can't wait to play the full game.

  4. Ok I'd like to put up my second least-favorite romance. The McCreary girl from GTA4. did anyone else feel like they forced this relationship on Niko? I never even took her out on a date and at the end of the game (Spoilers) all of the sudden I was marrying her? WTF?

  5. @RROD – nice, pretty innocent in the first game but I liked how the developed it in the second, especially the part where they kind of hated each other.

  6. @ #4, i take that back I just realized that was Roman not me, still though, the romance was forced and I didn't dig that

  7. @Topic – Rydia and Edge/Rosa and Cecil from FFIV. One of the only games that actually showed a kind of Happily Ever After moment when everything was said and done.

    @ME2 – I would love to see the chart BioWare put together to decide who lives and who dies in the final area. I made it through my first playthrough with everyone alive, but having finished my second yesterday, I was sad to say that I lost Zaeed to the distraction team. My roommate managed to lose Samara to the swarm when she didn't make it from the bubble room.

    The first time, I based my decisions off logic, making personel moves based on what I thought the character was capable of based on their stories and powers. My Second go round, I used my number 2 choice by the above criteria.

    *Everyone in the above was loyal. I chose Miranda as my romance option in the first playthrough, and actually stayed loyal to Liara with my chick Shepard for my second.

  8. I would like to nominate Mario & Princess Peach. Mario has been saving that piece for 30 years almost. Obviously its worth the effort.

  9. @Shockwave

    Roman's romance made sense if you took into account that everything in his life was just scraping by and he had to do what had be done. I think the girl was with Vlad sometimes so he wouldn't hurt Roman.

    As far as Niko goes…unfortunately she got killed. Which actually made the story really good in that game. I'm in the minority who liked that game period.

  10. @RROD

    That was contingent on what you did in the game actually. My ending his girlfriend got gunned down by mobsters.

  11. @smartguy – ya that's right in one ending she died, funny thing was I never took her out so I felt almost nothing about it. anyway I did really like GTA4 as well.

    @Redtail – it was a good one.

    @Larcenous – ME2 SPOILERS that's odd I've never lost Samara in the Bubble room. I lost Mordin on my first try but that's because I left him to defend with the rest of the team. I think it's popular opinion to send Mordin back with the crew (if you so choose) or take him with you to the final fight.

  12. @Shockwave

    I took her out once and tried to go upstairs with her. "Would you mind if I come upstairs for some hot coffee?" lol.

    Took me 3 times. I really enjoyed when you took her out drinking and had to drive back drunk. I called a cab but got no answer from the cell phone, then I flagged one down and he cussed me out and sped off. So I had to steal a car and then avoid the cops on the way back. Drunk driving was so hard in that game lol.

  13. I'm surprised no one has mentioned Fei and Elly from Xenogears. That will always, for me at least, remain my favorite couple.

  14. I nominate april o neil and the teenage mutant ninja turtles

    did they really think they were gonna hit that?

  15. Speaking of Bioshock, I haven’t played Bioshock 2 yet. Anyone else? There hasn’t been a lot of hype for this game, surprisingly.

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