Coffee Talk #297: Will You Buy a 3D Device in 2011?

There’s no escaping 3D in 2011. In addition to more 3D movies and 3D televisions than ever before, you’ll see glasses-free 3D videogame consoles, mobile phones, and tablet computers in 2011. Will you …

Welcome to Coffee Talk! Let’s start off the day by discussing whatever is on your (nerd chic) mind. Every morning I’ll kick off a discussion and I’m counting on you to participate in it. If you’re not feelin’ my topic, feel free to start a chat with your fellow readers and see where it takes you. Whether you’re talking about videogames, Verizon setting new sales records with the iPhone 4, why the hell people like astronaut ice cream, or your favorite Super Bowl food, Coffee Talk is the place to do it.

There’s no escaping 3D in 2011. In addition to more 3D movies and 3D televisions than ever before, you’ll see glasses-free 3D portable videogame consoles, mobile phones, and tablet computers in 2011. Will you buy a 3D device this year?

I don’t really have a choice. I need to write about the 3DS and its games. I actually wanted to buy a 3DTV last year so that I could write about 3D games (and I really need a new TV), but I haven’t scrapped up enough money.

You, however, do have a choice. Kindly vote in today’s Coffee Talk poll and discuss your decision in the comments section.

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What Are You Playing This Weekend?

My DC Univese Online character is now at level 26 and one of my goals is to hit level 30 before I head to Las Vegas for DICE 2011. This means that I’ll probably be playing nothing but DCUO over the weekend, which also means ignoring my copy of LittleBigPlanet 2. That said, Sackboy is awfully charming. I might have to play around in that world for a bit just to get those Media Molecule fuzzies.

How about you? What’s on your weekend playlist?

PlayStation Plus Subscribers Get Double Fine Game Free

PlayStation Plus subscribers will get Double Fine’s Stacking for free on Tuesday February 8, 2011. Although PlayStation Plus offers some nice benefits, I haven’t been interested in subscribing…until now. A free Double Fine adventure game plus the other benefits of PlayStation Plus might just get me on the hook.

How about you? Anyone else tempted by this offer?


What Should I Name My Next DCUO Character?

So I’m thinking of starting a new character in DC Universe Online. My first character is at level 25 and now that I understand the power/skill trees better, I want to give it another go. I’ll probably go with a staff-wielding healer type to mix it up a bit. I’m stuck on the name though. Any suggestions? So far I’m thinking:

  • Mauve Lantern
  • Young RPadTV
  • The Fuchsia Avenger
  • Alizarin Crimson

Yeah, I’ve always sucked at coming up with names. Ha!

More Deus Ex: Human Revolution Screens

Square Enix just sent over some new screens for the highly anticipated Deus Ex: Human Revolution. In case you missed them, here are links to the August 2010 and Novemeber 2010 batches. My friends that have played the game are really high on it. Several of them have called it the best cerebral shooter in years. For some reason, not a lot of you seem interested in the game. Tell me why (please)!

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Buy Pokemon Black/White Early, Get Special Victini

Gamers that buy Pokemon Black/White early will be able to obtain a new super-rare Pokemon: Victini! This new legendary Pokemon packs psychic and fire powers. Here are the details from Nintendo’s press release:

Consumers who purchase either of the new games between launch and April 10 will be able to receive a special Liberty Pass via Nintendo Wi-Fi Connection (broadband Internet access required), which will enable them to catch the never-before-seen Mythical Pokémon Victini.

Victini — the Victory Pokémon — is the first Pokémon that’s Psychic- and Fire-type and cannot be obtained through normal game play.

The game comes out in early March, so you don’t necessarily have to pre-order to get Victini. I’m psyched to meet Victini. Now I just need to think of a silly name for mine. I’ll probably use some pun-ridden form of martini. Any suggestions?

Castle Crashers Pink Knight Benefits Breast Cancer Research

The Behemoth has announced a nice bit of Castle Crashers DLC that benefits breast cancer research. On February 8, 2011 the Pink Knight DLC pack will be available for the game and all revenue from the add-on will be donated to charity. Here’s some more information from the developer’s blog:

Born out of popular demand, rumor, and Tom Fulp’s Beard, the Pink Knight is ready to bring the love in. The playable Pink Knight will come packed with the Lollipop and 4 other brand new additional weapons. Warning: Adorable.

The Pink Knight Pack will be available on PSN for $1.99 and 100% of The Behemoth’s revenue from Pink Knight pack sales will be donated to charities devoted to Breast Cancer Research. Pink for the Cure!

A release date for the XBLA version has not been announced yet, but The Behemoth says that it’s on the way.

This is a very cool move on The Behemoth’s part. I’m getting all kinds of warm fuzzies from a developer using a popular game for a charitable cause. After I get back from DICE 2011, I’m going to buy the PSN version of the game and this DLC so that I can contribute to the cause. Perhaps this could lead to a future invitational as well!


Batman Arkham City Screens

Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment has released a handful of screens for highly anticipated Batman: Arkham City. The follow-up to arguably the best comic-book videogame of all time, Arkham City has tremendous shoes to fill. While screenshots only tell part of the story, at the very least Arkham City should make Batman look better than ever! Check it out.

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MLB The Show Trailer Has Me Psyched for Baseball

I can’t wait for baseball season to start. In a few weeks, pitchers and catchers will report to spring training. I just feel better about the world when MLB baseball is being played. This trailer for MLB 11 The Show has me even more psyched for this season. Yeah, my Yankees aren’t as stacked as they usually are, but hopefully a strong bullpen, some good defense, and a surprise fifth starter (Freddy Garcia, Mark Prior) will make the season awesome. At the very least, I’ll be able to trounce the league in MLB 11 The Show.

Who’s psyched for a new MLB season? Any takers for the Fantasy Baseball Invitational?

Kinect Halo on the Way?

Microsoft has registered the domain name So in addition to the rumors of the original Halo being remade with the Halo: Reach engine, there’s a chance that Halo will be retrofitted with Kinect controls. It’s exciting and scary all at once.

It’s exciting because millions of gamers love Halo and would be thrilled to play the game with revamped graphics. It’s scary because…well, I’m pretty sure that it would be impossible to play Kinect Halo without looking like a complete tool.

What do you make of Kinect Halo? Is it something that you’d be interested in? Do you think that the game would get more “hardcore” Xbox 360 players to buy Kinect?

Source via Gaming Reloaded