Pokemon Black/White Sells 2.6-Million in Two Days

Enterbrain, courtesy of Andriasang, has reported that Pokemon Black and Pokemon White have sold more than 2.6-million units in its first two days of availability. This is a new record for the series. I’m posting this information for all those people that say things like, “Pokemon is so dead!” and, “People still play Pokemon?” Take that! Muahahahahaha!!! Like the season two theme song says, “We all live in a Pokemon world!”


Coffee Talk #217: Who’s Your Favorite Videogame Voice Actor?

Welcome to Coffee Talk! Let’s start off the day by discussing whatever is on your (nerd chic) mind. Every morning I’ll kick off a discussion and I’m counting on you to participate in it. If you’re not feelin’ my topic, feel free to start a chat with your fellow readers and see where it takes you. Whether you’re talking about videogames, Intelligentsia’s El Salvador El Ausol Honeyed Pacamara, Golden Boy Promotions suing Top Rank Promotions, or how the lawsuit is horrible for (the already messed up) sport of boxing, Coffee Talk is the place to do it.

Today’s column was inspired by RPadholic bsukenyan’s wish for more Judi Dench in videogames. While I was terribly amused by his wish, I also wondered about your favorite videogame voice actors and actresses. At the very least, strong performances can cover up some weak scriptwriting. At best, great voice acting can truly bring a game’s story to life. As for my favorite, it’s definitely the legendary Cam Clarke.

I became a Cam Clarke fan from his work as Maximillian Sterling and (especially) Lance “Lancer” Belmont in the Robotech cartoons. As I started paying attention to acting in videogames, I noticed that his name popped up…a lot. The man has performed in more than 100 games! From Metal Gear Solid to Baldur’s Gate to God of War to World of Warcraft to Assassin’s Creed, chances are you’ve played dozens of games Clarke has acted in.

Now it’s your turn! Who are some of your favorite videogame voice actors and actresses?

Vote For an October Xbox Live Deal of the Week

Microsoft is letting Xbox Live Gold members select an upcoming Xbox Live Deal of the Week. It’s a smart move that keeps the community involved and engaged. The choices include:

  • Deathspank for 33% off
  • Perfect Dark for 50% off
  • Assorted Dragon Age: Origins DLC discounts
  • Assorted Trials HD DLC discounts
  • Assorted Battlefield: Bad Company 2 discounts

I’m going to log in and vote for Dragon Age so that I can support the boys and girls at BioWare. What’s your vote going to be?


Cammie Dunaway Leaving Nintendo on October 1

Nintendo of America has announced that executive vice president of sales & marketing Cammie Dunaway will be leaving the company on October 1, 2010. Here’s a press release quote from NOA CEO Reggie Fils-Aime:

We appreciate Cammie’s contributions to Nintendo and the role she played in bringing the Wii and Nintendo DS experiences to millions of people.

Dunaway is a smart executive that got a lot of heat (deservedly so) for trying way too hard at her first Nintendo E3 press conference. While that had very little to do with her actual job, hardcore gamers never forgave that “performance”. Gamers never warmed up to her the same way they embraced Nintendo executives like Fils-Aime and Satoru Iwata.

What do you think of Dunaway leaving Nintendo? Is it related to the Wii’s declining sales? Is it a warning sign? Are you happy she’s gone? Or do you not give a damn about executives at console companies?

Hideo Kojima Wants to Reveal Next Game at TGS 2011

Konami’s Hideo Kojima has been busy overlording the upcoming Castlevania: Lords of Shadow, but he’s working on his own stuff too. According to Andriasang, the Metal Gear Solid developer wants to reveal his next game at Tokyo Game Show 2011. Here’s his translated tweet:

I think it would be nice if next year I can do not just editing, but introduce my own new game (game design, script and direction).

What do you think Kojima is up to? Another MGS title? Something new or exciting? Or perhaps it’s the return of Policenauts! Kindly post your theories in the comments section.


Capcom’s Keiji Inafune Hates Japanese Game Development, Capcom

Late last night I read this fascinating NY Times interview with Capcom global head of production Keiji Inafune. Since 1987, Inafune has helped create some of Capcom’s best games. It was shocking to hear him go off on Capcom and the Japanese game development scene. Check out this opening salvo:

I look around T.G.S., and everyone’s making awful games. Japan is at least five years behind.

It’s like we’re still making games for the last generation of game consoles.

Capcom is barely keeping up. The ideas, game play, design — there’s no diversity, no originality.

Wow…just wow.

I hold Inafune in the highest regard, but I’m not sure that I completely agree with him here. Certainly the videogame business — particularly game development — has shifted to the West. I’ve always chalked that up to the popularity of first-person shooters (and Japanese developers’ inability to make good games in the genre) and Microsoft’s gaming efforts. Gaming has been mainstream in Japan far longer than it has in America. The types of games that are popular have changed since the Sony PlayStation and Microsoft Xbox brought more Westerners into the mix. Personally, I’d love it if more Japanese developers made awesome turn-based RPGs…but perhaps I’m just old.

Read the entire interview if you have a moment. It’s really good. When you’re done, I’d love to hear your thoughts on Inafune’s words. Shout it out (please) in the comments section!


Coffee Talk #216: What Was Your Favorite TGS News?

Tokyo Game Show 2010 is over and there were so many interesting happenings at the show. What was your favorite bit of TGS 2010 news? As for me, I was thrilled with Team Ico’s announcements. The new trailer for The Last Guardian is fantastic — I think I’ve watched it around 43 times already. I’m also super psyched that Ico and Shadow of the Colossus are being re-released in HD (not so interested in 3D though).

Welcome to Coffee Talk! Let’s start off the day by discussing whatever is on your (nerd chic) mind. Every morning I’ll kick off a discussion and I’m counting on you to participate in it. If you’re not feelin’ my topic, feel free to start a chat with your fellow readers and see where it takes you. Whether you’re talking about videogames, The Miz and Bryan Danielson putting on a refreshingly old-school wrestling match last night, “Sugar” Shane Mosley’s horrific fight against Sergio Mora, or The Beatles vs. The Rolling Stones, Coffee Talk is the place to do it.

Tokyo Game Show 2010 is over and there were so many interesting happenings at the show. What was your favorite bit of TGS 2010 news? As for me, I was thrilled with Team Ico’s announcements. The new trailer for The Last Guardian is fantastic — I think I’ve watched it around 43 times already. I’m also super psyched that Ico and Shadow of the Colossus are being re-released in HD (not so interested in 3D though).

Now it’s your turn! Was there anything at TGS 2010 that made you especially happy, excited, or giddy (special bonus if it made you all three!)?