NPD Console Sales Figures Top 10 Games of October 2010

It’s time for NPD Group’s sales figures! It’s the second month of neutered NPD numbers (*sniff* *sniff*) and I miss the flame wars the old numbers started. That said, the game sales data is still interesting. Let’s have a look!

This Week’s Videogame Releases

As you’d expect in November, there are fantastic games coming out this week. Call of Duty: Black Ops should light up the charts. Actually, it should obliterate them. The PlayStation 3 has the wonderful The Sly Collection, as well as the Move-tastic The Fight: Lights Out and Singstar Dance. Konami has already pasted American Idol … Continue reading “This Week’s Videogame Releases”

Splatterhouse November 2010 Screens

Here are more screens for the upcoming Splatterhouse for PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360. I’m totally digging the game’s art — so stylish! I liked the gameplay I saw at E3 2010 and am hoping the game revives this classic franchise. Check ’em out and let me know what you think (please)! [nggallery id=29]

Today’s Poll: Will Xbox 360 Kinect Sell 5-Million in 2010?

Kinect for Xbox 360 is out! Microsoft has already spent millions on a lavish E3 2010 event and a ridiculously expensive launch in New York City’s Times Square. There are still plenty of marketing dollars to be spent and the company is feeling so bullish on Kinect that MS president Don Mattrick has increased internal … Continue reading “Today’s Poll: Will Xbox 360 Kinect Sell 5-Million in 2010?”

This Week’s Videogame Releases

This is probably 2010’s most important week in gaming since WWE SmackDown vs. Raw 2011 — the early pick to win “best writing” awards from every publication and professional organization in the civilized world — comes out this week. You should all buy this game (I’ll even autograph your box!). You want to hear about … Continue reading “This Week’s Videogame Releases”

The First Xbox 360 Kinect Commercial Leaked?

Here are two Xbox 360 Kinect advertisements found on YouTube. The first is allegedly Microsoft’s first commercial for the motion-control product. The second is a longer marketing video that looks like the one shown at E3 2010. Check ’em out and let me know what you think (please)! Big thanks to Timmy for emailing this … Continue reading “The First Xbox 360 Kinect Commercial Leaked?”

This Week’s Videogame Releases

Kirby’s Epic Yarn — my favorite game of E3 2010 — is out! What? You need to hear about other games too? Oh fine. There’s actually a bunch of interesting titles coming out this week. Fallout New Vegas will be popular with enthusiast gamers (it’s actually #1 on the Amazon charts as of this writing). … Continue reading “This Week’s Videogame Releases”

New Splatterhouse Screens Feature Blood and Splattering

Namco Bandai has released a batch of new screens for the upcoming Splatterhouse. A modernization of the classic beat-’em-up arcade game (also popular on TurboGrafx-16), I had fun checking out Splatterhouse for Shacknews at E3 2010. The art is super stylish and the gameplay offers ludicrous violent. Check out the screens and let me know … Continue reading “New Splatterhouse Screens Feature Blood and Splattering”