Coffee Talk #592: Dragon Age Inquisition — What’s in a Name?

EA recently changed the name of Dragon Age III: Inquisition to Dragon Age: Inquisition. EA president Frank Gibeau explained the name change to IGN, saying, “We just wanted to draw more attention to the fact that Inquisition is an all-new chapter inside of the Dragon Age universe, as opposed to people expecting a follow-on to Dragon Age 1 and 2 in a literal, linear sense.” Never mind that the E3 2013 trailer for the game featured characters from the first two games. Never mind that the third game was supposed to unite the Hero of Ferelden (Dragon Age: Origins), the Champion of Kirkwall (Dragon Age II), and That Really Nice Guy From Antiva (my Dragon Age fan fiction). This is…more

What Are You Playing This Weekend?

I’ve had some time to recover from E3 2013 and my Mom has been staying with me for the last few days. She’s headed to Orange County to visit her brother tomorrow, so that means it’s time for some unpacking (probably not) and heavy gaming (most definitely). I’d love to play something on my consoles, … Continue reading “What Are You Playing This Weekend?”

Coffee Talk #590: The Killer Instinct Business Model and You

I was going to save this Coffee Talk for tomorrow, but RPadholic smartguy requested that I post it today, so here it is! At E3 2013, Microsoft caused several fanboy heart attacks (not actual heart attacks) by unveiling Killer Instinct for Xbox One. The game is an updated version of Rare’s beloved fighter from the ’90s. In addition to new graphics, new moves, and new fighters, the game is also introducing a new business model (for console fighting games, anyway). Instead of a traditional flat price, the new Killer Instinct will use a…more

Xbox 180: Microsoft Changes its Stance on Xbox One

In a major turnaround, Microsoft Interactive Entertainment Business president Don Mattrick announced that the company will not require an Internet check every 24 hours for Xbox One. Gamers will also be able to trade, gift, sell, and rent games freely. Here are the relevant bullet points from the announcement: An internet connection will not be … Continue reading “Xbox 180: Microsoft Changes its Stance on Xbox One”

Coffee Talk #589: Bungie, Destiny, Insomniac, and Sunset Overdrive

At E3 2013, I had at least ten conversations that went something like this:

Me: So what did you think of Destiny?

Colleague: *yawn* It looks like a Bungie game.

Me: It should. It’s being made by Bungie.

Colleague: No, I mean it feels and looks too much like Halo.

Me: There are a lot elements in the game that are nothing like Halo, but I guess there are some visual similarities. But so what?

Colleague: I’m just tired of them doing the same thing game after game.

At E3 2013, I also had at least ten conversations that went something like this…more

Random Thoughts on NBA Finals Game Five

After missing the last two games of the 2013 NBA Finals because of that E3 thingie, basketball has my full attention once more. Game five was a fantastic game to come back to. It was full of exciting runs, improbable performances, and Manu Ginobili’s glorious bald spot/receding hairline. Here are some random thoughts on last … Continue reading “Random Thoughts on NBA Finals Game Five”

Today’s Poll: Do You Want a PlayStation 4 or Xbox One?

After a pair of reveal events, a pair of E3 2013 press conferences, and an evening to think about it all, I’m sure that you have a pretty good idea of what the Microsoft Xbox One and Sony PlayStation 4 have to offer. Which next-gen console do you want more? Kindly vote in today’s poll … Continue reading “Today’s Poll: Do You Want a PlayStation 4 or Xbox One?”

Your Thoughts on NBA Finals Game Two

I totally missed the second game of the NBA Finals due to E3 2013 networking activities (i.e. drinking and eating)…in that order, but thankfully RPadholic 1ceman was on the scene! Below are some excellent photos that he snapped. From what I understand, the Spurs shot poorly and Mario Chalmers played out of his ass. Using Bill … Continue reading “Your Thoughts on NBA Finals Game Two”

What Are You Playing This Weekend?

Now that my AT&T U-Verse Internet and television service is up and running, it’s time to fix up my consoles and games. My consoles have been ready to go, just waiting for a solid Internet connection. My games are in boxes in the living room. I didn’t want to unpack them until the wiring was … Continue reading “What Are You Playing This Weekend?”

This Week’s Videogame Releases

The week before E3 is usually a dull one in terms of videogame releases. Still, there are few games that you should keep an eye on. Capcom’s Remember Me has been getting some buzz. This stealth-action game takes place in a futuristic version of Paris and uses some interesting sci-fi concepts. If you’ve missed out on Skyrim … Continue reading “This Week’s Videogame Releases”