I’m pretty impressed with the Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time movie trailer. It looks slick and there are some nice nods to people that enjoyed the videogames. Initially, I wasn’t sold on Jake Gyllenhaal as the titular character, but he’s surprisingly bad ass! And I’m not just saying that because I lust for his sister. On the downside, Ben Kingsley looks like a dork.
Today’s Poll: Which Version of Dragon Age: Origins?!?
I’m torn on this matter. As a longtime Baldur’s Gate fan, it feels natural to play this game on a PC. Unfortunately, I’m all laptop these days and I worry that my Nvidia GeForce 8400m won’t cut the mustard. Plus, if I’m going to be sinking 100+ hours into a game, my couch would be more comfortable than my Herman Miller Mirra. That said, I’ve been reading about some nasty bugs on the PS3 version
. I’m not sure if the same bugs plague the Xbox 360 version
, but I’m going to do more research. Which version of Dragon Age: Origins to buy?!? I don’t know! How about you?
[poll id=”5″]
Warren Spector Still Has Deus Ex Stories to Tell
Although Junction Point president & creative director Warren Spector has his hands full with Epic Mickey, he’s still thinking about a franchise that’s near and dear to his heart: Deus Ex
. Longtime Spector fans will be pleased to learn that he’s not done with the series. He told Gamasutra:
There were and still are Deus Ex stories I would like to tell. That story is not done for me.
This is completely awesome news. Deus Ex is a top franchise and Warren Spector is a top creator. While I’m really looking forward to Epic Mickey, I’d love to dive back into the Deus Ex universe. How about you guys and dolls?
World of Warcraft Shut Down by Chinese Goverment
Apparently the only thing that can stop World of Warcraft is China, or at least Chinese government officials. According to Reuters, the latest expansion for WoW (in China) didn’t receive the proper approval, causing the General Administration of Press and Publication to go apesh*t:
Citing “gross violations” of regulations, the General Administration of Press and Publication said it had halted and returned NetEase’s application to operate “Burning Crusade
” — the latest version of the game licensed from Activision.
The regulatory body posted a statement on its Web site that demanded the NetEase affiliate company that operates World of Warcraft to suspend charging users to play the game, and disallow new account registrations.
Hopefully the expansion gets approved soon, so that new users can register for WoW. I’m convince that WoW is an integral part of America’s strategy to compete with China economically. If the game can turn half the country into addicts then productivity will plummet. Really, this might be America’s only chance to get some of its currency back from China — the old take-advantage-of-the-unrepentant-addict routine.
Xbox Live Rewards Squad Affinity Program Kicks Off
Microsoft has invited a select group of Xbox Live users to participate in the Xbox Live Rewards Squad affinity program. I mentioned the dealio a few weeks ago. The program is now live (for some) and the official site lists the following details:
For the next six months, the Rewards Squad will hook you up with Microsoft Points just for doing the stuff Xbox Live members do all the time. You’ll score points not only for renewing your Gold subscriptions; you’ll get a reward on what you spend on the Xbox Live Marketplace. The best part is, the more you spend, the more you get, and for each month you stay on Gold, the higher your monthly reward up to 5% of your Marketplace spend.
Here’s a giant graphic with some of the rewards players can earn. After you’ve gotten over its largeness, let me know what you think of Xbox Live Rewards Squad. Is the eventual goal to fight Best Buy’s Geek Squad? Probably.
Coffee Talk #17: PS3 vs. Xbox 360 Controller Battle!
Welcome to Coffee Talk! Let’s start off the day by discussing whatever is on your (nerd chic) mind. Every morning I’ll kick off a discussion and I’m counting on you to participate in it. If you’re not feelin’ my topic, feel free to start a chat with your fellow readers and see where it takes you. Whether you’re talking about videogames, Ozzy Osbourne hosting Monday Night Raw, Apple possibly getting into subscription television, or the French press vs. drip machine debate, Coffee Talk is the place to do it.
Prior to this console generation, Sony was the undisputed king of console controllers. Then out of nowhere (at least, that’s how it seemed to me), the Xbox 360 controller took the throne. Personally, I don’t get it. I love the shape of the Dual Shock, prefer its more precise analog sticks, and hate the d-pad on the 360 controller. All that said, I understand why the Xbox 360 became so popular. It all started last console generation….
Shooters became prominent on consoles. Initially, shooter aficionados scoffed at the idea of playing with anything that wasn’t a mouse and keyboard. As consoles became more popular and PC gaming less popular, a lot of gamers begrudgingly lived out their World War II and space-marine fantasies on consoles. Eventually, the control schemes became better and more precise. A lot of shooter fans — especially Americans — preferred the larger Xbox and Xbox 360 controllers for shooting.
The Type-S controller for the original Xbox is also worth mentioning. The original Xbox controller was a giant piece of crap. The Type-S was much, much better — especially for shooters. The Xbox 360 pad is a nice evolution of the Type-S. Sony’s Dual Shock 3, on the other hand, isn’t much of a progression from the Dual Shock 2. Some, myself included, will argue that the company was right not to stray from an already excellent design. Others will say that Microsoft’s advancements give it an edge. I guess there’s something to be said about going to crap (original Xbox controller) to very good (Xbox 360 pad).
Anyway, I want to know which controller you prefer and why. Do you dig the small footprint and classic design of the Dual Shock 3? Or do you like the larger and more evolved Xbox 360 pad?
Final Fantasy Tactics Concert Hitting Japan on November 22
A lot of you know that Final Fantasy Tactics is my favorite game of all time. One of the reasons why I love the game so much is its excellent soundtrack. Apparently I’m not the only one that feels that way. A group of (mostly) volunteers is putting on an orchestral (plus saxophones?) concert of the FFT score. Original Sound Version noted:
Not only will there be a live concert featuring the music from Final Fantasy Tactics on November 22, 2009 in Japan, but arrangements of 61 songs will be performed in medley form, just ten songs short of the entire soundtrack.
This group of performers put the word out over a year ago, calling for players, conductors, and production staff to volunteer their time with the intent of tailoring their arrangements to whatever ensemble they could get together.
Man, I’d love to be in Japan to catch this…. I’m completely impressed that this event is happening. It’s a testament to how passionate Japanese gamers are about their hobby. I mean, I was already impressed by the intricate costumes of Japanese videogame cosplayers (they make Americans look like a joke), but this is taking it to another level.
Anyone want to put on an FFT concert with me? I’m pretty awesome with a triangle.
David Cage Explains Why He Chose the PS3 for Heavy Rain
If you’re not looking forward to Heavy Rain for PlayStation 3 then I probably won’t like you. Okay, I’m half-kidding about that, but it is the game I’m looking forward to the most in 2010. A lot of gamers are wondering why Quantic Dream chose to make this a PlayStation 3 exclusive. Company founder and co-CEO David Cage explained it all to Push Square
Whatever I answer, my answer will be suspicious… I think it had to be on PlayStation 3 for two main reasons: the hardware, the architecture of the PS3 is extremely powerful in the way it is structured. If you make a real PS3 engine, then you can have really fantastic performances. If you try to port from another platform, then it becomes difficult.
That’s a pretty reasonable answer. I’m also happy Cage pointed out the issue of getting better results when using “a real PS3 engine”. Too many developers get middling resorts because they have to go multiplatform, which causes some gamers to write off the PS3. But wait! There’s more!
Continue reading “David Cage Explains Why He Chose the PS3 for Heavy Rain”
Shigeru Miyamoto Says Next Zelda to Use Wii MotionPlus
Zelda fans better get their arms ready because series creator Shigeru Miyamoto confirmed that the next version of the game will use Wii MotionPlus for swordplay and targeting. Wired Game|Life’s Chris Kohler did a nifty bit of translating and reporting on the matter. In a recent Q&A session, Miyamoto said:
In this (installment of the series), we’re using MotionPlus to make you feel much more like you’re actually fighting while holding a sword in your hand. In the previous game, you aimed at things by pointing at the screen, but this time we’ll use MotionPlus to create a much more convenient targeting system and a more pleasurable playing experience.
I’m glad that Wii MotionPlus is being used in key Nintendo franchises like The Legend of Zelda. However, I expect that some purists are not going to be happy. How do you feel about Wii MotionPlus in Zelda? Love it? Hate? Or are you taking the wait-and-see approach?
Apple to Offer Subscription TV Through iTunes?
The word on the street is that Apple will be competing with cable and satellite providers by offering a subscription television service through iTunes. The proposed service would require a $30 subscription and would work with all iTunes compatible devices. All Things Digital has reported:
The company is trying to round up support for a monthly subscription service that would deliver TV programs via its multimedia software, multiple sources tell me.
A so-called “over the top” service could theoretically rival the ones most consumers already buy from cable TV operators–if Apple is able to get enough buy-in from broadcast and cable TV programmers.
I would love for cable and satellite providers to have another competitor. As it is, the service is too expensive. While $30 a month sounds brilliant, I worry about Apple getting all the programming I want. My TV tastes are all over the place. I’d want WWE shows, HBO series (Curb Your Enthusiasm and Entourage), boxing, baseball, American Idol, and superhero cartoons (just off the top of my head).
Would you be down with television provided by Apple?