At Tokyo Game Show 2012, Sony Computer Entertainment unveiled a new and slimmer version of the PlayStation 3 console. The company claims that it’s smaller (volume) and lighter (weight) than the original PS3 by more than 50 percent. Compared to the PS3 “Slim,” this bad boy is 20 percent smaller and 25 percent lighter. Other distinct features include a ridged top (like Ruffles!) and a “sliding disk cover.” The 250GB model will be available as part of an Uncharted 3 bundle for $269.99 on September 25, 2012. The 500GB model hits on October 30, 2012 for $299.99.
One curiosity that won’t be coming to America is the 12GB flash storage model, which will be available in Europe for €229. Similar to Microsoft’s entry-level Xbox 360, this model has a limited amount of local storage but can be upgraded later through peripherals. It would have been fascinating to see Sony Computer Entertainment America give this model a whirl at a very aggressive price. Sadly, it’s not meant to be.
As for the hardware that we will be seeing in North America, are any of you down for Sony’s new PlayStation? What do you think of the looks of the PS3 Slimmer?