This Week’s Videogame Releases

There are lots of great games shipping this week, spanning a variety of genres. Fans of the beautiful game will be able to enjoy FIFA 11 on every platform known to man. If you’d rather kill zombies than play (international) football then there’s Dead Rising 2. Gamers that haven’t had their fill of Guitar Hero will want to check out Guitar Hero: Warriors of Rock. Nothing calling out to you yet? How about giant robots?!? Get some mech action going with Front Mission Evolved. Last, but not least, is an RPG for PS3 gamers: Atelier Rorona…or as I call it Atelier Reona Rewis.

Any of you picking up new games this week? Kindly let me know what’s on your wish list!

This Week’s Videogame Releases

This is a pretty huge week for the videogame business. In the short term, Halo Reach is out and it will surely be one of the biggest games of 2010. PlayStation Move is also out this week; while analysts are unsure of its short-term impact, Sony will be trying to make it a big deal for years to come. Lastly, Lord of the Rings: Aragorn’s Quest hits several platforms…which is great for gamers still living in 2004.

I know that some of you are buying Reach (thanks so much for those Amazon orders!). Anyone else want to fess up to their Halo purchases? Any other games on your wish list this week?

This Week’s Videogame Release

I’m still getting back into the swing of things in America, but as far as I can tell there’s only one interesting game out this week: Spider-Man: Shattered Dimensions. As a comic-book nerd and videogame nerd, I’m all over this one…except that the “Witch Hunt” DLC for Dragon Age: Origins is also out this week. Sorry Spidey, BioWare takes priority over you.

Any of you down with Shattered Dimensions? Perhaps there’s something else on your wish list for this week? Remember, with great power comes….

This Week’s Videogame Releases

The biggest release this week is, by far, 2K’s Mafia II for PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360. The buzz on the game is strong and I’m expecting some cool things from this one. Hopefully it lives up to the hype. Hockey fans can hit the virtual ice…on the Wii with NHL 2K11. Last, and definitely least, is Grease for Wii. Yes, it’s a game based on that crap musical. I’m hoping one of you plays it just so you can regale me with stories (that are much more entertaining than the actual game…in my head, anyway).

As always, let me know if you guys and dolls are picking up any new games this week.

This Week’s Videogame Releases

New games are still thin on the ground (what does that even mean?), but there are a pair of titles that might interest some of you. First up is Kane and Lynch 2: Dog Days for PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360. If old-school RPGs are your thing then you might want to pick up Ys Seven.

There’s really not much else aside from these two games…which is just the calm before the storm — from September to November you’ll be flooded with more titles than you can handle! Any of you picking up new games this week?

This Week’s Videogame Releases (Hint: Madden NFL 11)

There’s sweet FA coming out this week…except forĀ Madden NFL 11. Anyone picking it up (or any oldies) this week? Any of you interested in starting an online league? I probably wouldn’t be able to practice and participate due to travel, but who knows what can happen if enough of you are interested. The power is yours!

This Week’s Videogame Releases

In case you’ve been living under a rock for the last several years, Starcraft II: Wings of Liberty is coming out this week. This will be the biggest PC game release of 2010 and one of the world’s most important games. I’m pretty sure the release is a national holiday in South Korea. On consoles, hardcore fighters have a treat in BlazBlue: Continuum Shift. Last but not least is Arc Rise Fantasia for Wii. These are the only three releases that I thought would interest you. I was going to include Clash of the Titans as a joke…but it’s not that funny.

Any of you picking up new games this week? Are you attending any midnight StarCraft launches?

This Week’s Videogame Releases

There are pretty two games coming out this week. First up is NCAA Football 11 on multiple platforms. More importantly, Dragon Quest IX for Nintendo DS is here! I’m super looking forward to playing this. While Dragon Quest isn’t as popular in America as its sister franchise, Final Fantasy, it has a huge following in Japan. Sure, it doesn’t have Reona Rewis, but I’m expecting to dig this game as much or more than Final Fantasy XIII.

Any of you planning to pick up new games this week? List ’em (please)!

This Week’s Videogame Releases

There’s only one interesting game coming out this week — Crackdown 2. So…anyone planning to pick this title up? I enjoyed the first one and like what I saw when I previewed the sequel in April. The game is actually on my Xbox 360 now and I need to fire it up later today. You guys want a not-a-review for this?

This Week’s Videogame Releases

There are oodles of interesting games out this week — a perfect way to add some sizzle to your summer. On the multiplatform front, you haveĀ LEGO Harry Potter and Singularity. There are also several interesting exclusives out for all three major platforms: PlayStation 3 has Trinity Universe, Xbox 360 has Ninety-Nine Nights II, and Wii has Sin & Punishment: Star Successor (Treasure rules!!!).

As much as I can’t wait to play Sin & Punishment, my recommendation for the week is Hot Shots Tennis: Get a Grip for PlayStation Portable. It’s super fun in that Mario Tennis (the handheld versions) way. A (not a) review of this fine game is on the way.

Are any of you picking up new games this week? Let me know what’s on your wishlist (please)!