Coffee Talk #549: Best of 2012 Recap

Just in case you missed it, here are my — and more importantly, your fellow RPadholics’ — picks for the “Best of 2012.”

Best TV Show of the Year
Best Comic Book of the Year
Best Gadget of the Year
Best Movie of the Year
Best Game of the Year

Now get ready to enter the bitter barn, as the rest of this week’s Coffee Talk columns will be about…more

Welcome to Coffee Talk! Let’s start off the day by discussing whatever is on your (nerd chic) mind. Every morning I’ll kick off a discussion and I’m counting on you to participate in it. If you’re not feelin’ my topic, feel free to start a chat with your fellow readers and see where it takes you. Whether you’re talking about videogames, getting review units of phones more than a month after the product has been released, Nonito Donaire’s 4-0 2012, or boxing’s return to network television, Coffee Talk is the place to do it.

Just in case you missed it, here are my — and more importantly, your fellow RPadholics’ — picks for the “Best of 2012.”

Best TV Show of the Year
Best Comic Book of the Year
Best Gadget of the Year
Best Movie of the Year
Best Game of the Year

Now get ready to enter the bitter barn, as the rest of this week’s Coffee Talk columns will be about games, movies, TV shows, etc. that you didn’t like in 2012. Hopefully things will get nasty as you talk about your “Worst of 2012” experiences!

Superman Man of Steel Trailer #2

People are going gaga over the second trailer for Man of Steel. While I enjoyed it and was impressed, I also feel a bit let down from all the Facebook/Twitter hype. It’s definitely very good, but I was expecting an inner-fanboy implosion (and that didn’t happen). Anyway, I’d love to hear your thoughts on the trailer. Check it out and kindly share your thoughts in the comments section! Continue reading “Superman Man of Steel Trailer #2”

Coffee Talk #545: Best Comic Book of 2012

In 2011, Geoff Johns reinvented Aquaman by acknowledging the jokes made about the character and showing what a bad-ass he can be. In many ways, it reminded me of his work in Blackest Night; he acknowledged the ridiculousness of having power rings in several different colors and still made the plot work. With Aquaman, he had a police officer ask the titular hero if he needed a glass of water and a patron in a diner saying that Aquaman isn’t allowed to eat fish & chips. Playing on the fact that many people see Aquaman as useless compared to Superman and Wonder Woman gave Johns…more

Welcome to Coffee Talk! Let’s start off the day by discussing whatever is on your (nerd chic) mind. Every morning I’ll kick off a discussion and I’m counting on you to participate in it. If you’re not feelin’ my topic, feel free to start a chat with your fellow readers and see where it takes you. Whether you’re talking about videogames, the X-Factor semifinals, returning to The Shire in The Hobbit, or the Los Angeles Dodgers signing Ryu when Dhalsim was clearly a better choice, Coffee Talk is the place to do it.

In 2011, Geoff Johns reinvented Aquaman by acknowledging the jokes made about the character and showing what a bad-ass he can be. In many ways, it reminded me of his work in Blackest Night; he acknowledged the ridiculousness of having power rings in several different colors and still made the plot work. With Aquaman, he had a police officer ask the titular hero if he needed a glass of water and a patron in a diner saying that Aquaman isn’t allowed to eat fish & chips. Playing on the fact that many people see Aquaman as useless compared to Superman and Wonder Woman gave Johns something to play off of. It helped him make Aquaman shine.

In 2012, Johns took things to the next level with “The Others” storyline. The plot showed Aquaman’s past and the person he used to be…and it wasn’t pretty. Before teaming up with the Justice League and becoming a mainstream hero, Aquaman was relentless and ruthless. He was a harsh man that surrounded himself with harsh allies. The storyline expanded on Johns’ idea that Aquaman is a bad-ass, but also showed how the character has evolved into a hero.

While I’ve been thrilled by several comics in 2012, Aquaman has been consistently great. I highly recommend Geoff Johns’ run on this book. It was easily my favorite comic book of 2012.

Now it’s your turn! What was your favorite comic book of the year?

Hilarious Bane Voiceovers (The Dark Knight Rises)

Here’s a hilarious video featuring scenes from The Dark Knight Rises, but with someone doing voiceovers that add a comical twist to Tom Hardy’s Goldmember voice that he used for Bane. Watch and listen as Bane talks about the fiber content of strawberries, fights Batman using numerous Mortal Kombat references, and shows his freestyle skills. Also marvel at Batman’s…interesting choices for driving music. Continue reading “Hilarious Bane Voiceovers (The Dark Knight Rises)”

Support Nightwing: The Series on Kickstarter

As many of you know, Nightwing is my favorite comic book character. With that in mind, I was thrilled when RPadholic Iceman sent me this Kickstarter link for Nightwing: The Series. Danny Shepherd and Jeremy Le are putting together a three-part mini-series on Batman’s former boy wonder and they’re looking for Kickstarter funding. The pledging prizes are pretty sweet — batarangs, a Nightwing mask, a Red Hood mask, and a full-on Nightwing costume. Check out the pitch video and the teaser trailer below. Continue reading “Support Nightwing: The Series on Kickstarter”

Jamie Foxx to Play Electro in Amazing Spider-Man Sequel

You’ve seen African-American Kingpin, but are you ready for African-American Electro?!? You better be, because Academy Award-winning actor Jamie Foxx is set to play Electro in the sequel to The Amazing Spider-Man. He recently confirmed the news and told Entertainment Tonight:

Electro is a great character. I met with the director, Mark Webb, I met with Andrew Garfield, and we talked. I think Electro will be an exciting character to play because he’s a…genius electrician-type person, and he gets the short end of the stick from the whole world, and the next thing you know he turns it on.

I’ve been a fan of Foxx since his days in In Living Color, but really came to appreciate his skills as an actor when he played Bundini Brown in Ali. He’s a great actor and I can’t wait to see his chemistry with Andrew Garfield. Considering Electro’s powers and modern CGI, the special effects should be awesome. Most of all, I’m hoping that Garfield busts out one of my favorite Spider-Man vs. Electro lines of all time:

There’s something I’ve always wanted to know. Are you AC or DC?

What do you think of Jamie Foxx playing Electro in The Amazing Spider-Man sequel?


Rumor: Darkseid is the Justice League Movie Villain

He’s obsessed with something called the anti-life equation. He can fire all-powerful “omega beams” from his eyes. And, according to Latino Review, he’s set to be the villain in the upcoming Justice League movie. I’m talking about Darkseid, of course. A Jack Kirby creation, Darkseid is one of the most powerful baddies in the DC Universe and is an appropriate villain for a team comprised of heavy hitters like Superman and Wonder Woman. In addition to wielding god-like powers, Darkseid rules over the planet Apokolips with an iron fist.

(Did you know that Darkseid’s face was styled after Jack Palance and his personality was loosely based on Adolf Hitler?)

It’s a rumor for now and lots can change before the 2015 release, but Latino Review has a strong track record. As a fan of Jack Kirby’s Fourth World characters, I’d love to see Darkseid on the big screen. Hopefully this rumor pans out.

How about you? What do you think of Darkseid taking on the Justice League in the upcoming movie?


Coffee Talk #541: Hawaii, Thanksgiving, and Gallstone Surgery

As some of you know, I was supposed to spend Thanksgiving holiday in Hawaii with my parents, brother, and sister-in-law. As some of you know, an unplanned surgery put the kibosh on those plans. Here’s an account of the whole affair, including several nerd thoughts that helped me get through my first major emergency room experience and surgery…more

Welcome to Coffee Talk! Let’s start off the day by discussing whatever is on your (nerd chic) mind. Every morning I’ll kick off a discussion and I’m counting on you to participate in it. If you’re not feelin’ my topic, feel free to start a chat with your fellow readers and see where it takes you. Whether you’re talking about videogames, being happy to see the fraudulent NY Knicks slowly being exposed, the perils of having a large bottle of Vicodin, or adult actresses posting extravagant Amazon wish lists and getting fans to fulfill them, Coffee Talk is the place to do it.

As some of you know, I was supposed to spend Thanksgiving holiday in Hawaii with my parents, brother, and sister-in-law. As some of you know, an unplanned surgery put the kibosh on those plans. Here’s an account of the whole affair, including several nerd thoughts that helped me get through my first major emergency room experience and surgery.

– The week of my scheduled flight, I had some abdominal pain and a fluctuating fever. The pain I could manage; I was always good at being able to deal with constant pain. The fever was much tougher to deal with; spiking to 104F and being in severe chills half an hour later made it difficult to function. The sad part was that I wasn’t really thinking about my overall health. Instead, I was thinking, “I can work through the abdominal pain, but the temperature spikes make it too difficult to write and edit video.”

– The night before my scheduled flight, I was feverish mess, but was determined to catch the plane. My Dad, in the latest of a lifetime of valuable advice, told me to get to the ER. My excellent friend Paul was kind enough to drive me over to Good Samaritan Hospital, which is about a mile from my apartment. Paul knew something was really wrong when the ER attendant asked me, “Why are you sweating so much?”

– The ER nurses gave me some tests and an ultrasound over the course of several hours. The whole time I was hooked up to all kinds of sensors and tubes. The sensors had me thinking about the process that turned a skinny Steve Rogers into Captain America. The tubes had me thinking of the Weapon X procedure that laced Wolverine’s bones with adamantium. I’m pretty sure that nerd thoughts are my mind’s first line of defense when dealing with serious health issues.

– But wait, there’s more! I went through three litres of intravenous fluid. I’ve never had an IV drip before, so the sensation was funky. You know that feeling you get when you down an ice-cold glass of lemonade on a hot summer day? Imagine that same feeling concentrated in your forearm and that’s what three litres of IV fluid feels like. At first, it made me feel like Iceman from the X-Men generating an ice shield. As the sensation spread, it almost felt like I had one real arm and one artificial limb, like Cable (the poorly named mutant savior, not the aptly named television service).

– Loopy on painkillers and generally tired from dealing with this illness, I was told by ER doctor that I had gallstones and would need my gall bladder removed. It sounded like a good idea, but at that point I would have agreed that a brain transplant would have been a good idea.

– I was admitted to a hospital room some time on Friday and scheduled to have surgery on Saturday morning. While prepping for the surgery, I was restricted to a diet of ice chip soup. More fluid, painkillers, and antibiotics were being pumped into my system through IV. At one point I noticed that the fluid was being pumped into my body at a rate of 120ml per hour. The first thing I thought about was vaping: “Wow, that’s like four bottles of premium e-liquid!”

– The surgery was successful, but more complicated than planned. Under optimum conditions, it’s just a series of small incisions that don’t traumatize the body that much; some patients are able to go home several hours after surgery. My gall bladder was really f*cked up. The doctor told me that I had several gallstones that were larger than golf balls and that he had never seen a gall bladder so damaged before. To make room for it all, what’s normally a 1cm incision became a 10cm incision. I currently have two small cuts with four staples and two staples, respectively, and one large cut with at least ten staples.

– Due to the more invasive surgery, I had to spend several more days under hospital care. I recovered quickly, graduating from ice chip soup to solid foods in a day. The Internet connection in the hospital wasn’t the greatest, so using my tablet was hit or miss. To pass the time, I watched a lot of television…and was quickly reminded why I hate a lot of television. Moonshiners?!? Mystery Diners?!? This is what people want?!? Crappy television shows and general impatience had me really anxious to leave on my third day of recovery. Thankfully, I was able to do so.

– So I’m back at home, healing up. The pain can be high and a lot of simple movements are difficult because my abdominal muscles are just wrecked. Laughing can hurt. Sneezing and coughing hurt a lot. My energy levels won’t be normal for a while too. Right now my goal is to make it to next week; my wounds should be healed enough by then so that I can get my staples removed. There are a lot of things that I want to write, shoot, and edit, but I need to take it easy. I’m sure you guys and dolls will be instrumental in making sure that I don’t go batty while I’m healing.

– While I currently have the strength of a small kitten, I’m happy to be rid of the pain and fever I had before. I didn’t realize how bad it was. While I was bummed to miss a trip to Hawaii, I’m thrilled to be alive. While it wasn’t an ideal Thanksgiving, there’s definitely a lot that I’m thankful for.

Coffee Talk #539: Cyclops vs. Wolverine

Welcome to Coffee Talk! Let’s start off the day by discussing whatever is on your (nerd chic) mind. Every morning I’ll kick off a discussion and I’m counting on you to participate in it. If you’re not feelin’ my topic, feel free to start a chat with your fellow readers and see where it takes you. Whether you’re talking about videogames, not being fooled by the NY Knicks’ hot start, the best flavor of Jolly Rancher candy, or Lisa Whelchel getting West Nile Virus, Coffee Talk is the place to do it.

Thanks to another excellent 99-cent sale at Comixology, I finally caught up on X-Men: Schism and X-Men: Regenesis earlier this week. Prior to that, I was enjoying Avengers vs. X-Men and really enjoying AvX: Consequences. It has been interesting — and a bit disorienting — watching Cyclops and Wolverine change roles as these stories played out. The new Cyclops is pretty cool, but the new Wolverine is kind of a puff; so much so that I was originally going to call this column, “The Pussification of Wolverine.” Anyway, I thought this would be a good time to take a look back at these characters, see where they are now, and talk about their respective changes. Let’s do it!

For the longest time, Cyclops was the most straight-laced mutant in the Marvel Universe. He was the original field leader of the X-Men and Professor Xavier’s pet. Over the years, he has developed into a tactical genius and the poster-boy for good mutants. Recent events have pushed him to the edge and caused him to become extreme. While Cyclops was a play-by-the-rules hero for most of his life, he’s now determined to do whatever it takes to ensure the prosperity of the mutant race. His leadership skills and newfound ruthlessness are a formidable combination. Also, it’s a little bit funny that one of Professor X’s oldest students has become a lot like Magneto.

Wolverine was one of the original bad-asses of comics. Fans loved his berserker rage and in-your-face attitude. I’m positive that few longtime Wolvie fans imagined that he would become the headmaster of The Jean Grey School For Higher Learning. In recent years, Marvel’s writers have decided to develop his softer side. The rift between Cyclops and Wolverine opens up in X-Men: Schism because the latter doesn’t want young mutants in the battlefield. That really didn’t work for me. This is a guy that’s known for doing whatever it takes to win a fight. Why does he give a damn if teenage mutants are fighting sentinels, especially considering that the mutant race is on the verge of extinction?!?

In X-Men Schism, Wolverine gives a young girl a doll, eats ice cream with said girl, and runs off to become a teacher.

In Avengers vs. X-Men, Cyclops makes the world better for everyone, goes a bit insane (due to needless agitating by the Avengers), and is partially responsible for more mutants appearing on Earth. In AvX: Consequences, Cyclops cements his status as a bad-ass mutant extremist.

After following X-Men adventures for decades, I never imagined that these two mutants would become the people they are today. On one hand, I love the new, ruthless Cyclops. At first I was worried about the character being ruined, but it’s important to have the “by any means necessary” faction of the mutant race and he’s the best person to lead it. The new Wolverine…I don’t really get it. I’ve always understood the character having a soft side (see his relationships with Kitty Pryde, Jubilee, etc.), but it’s too much now. Like I said before, he’s kind of a puff now. Additionally, I don’t understand how he can run a school, adventure with his team of X-Men, and help out two different Avengers teams.

That’s my take anyway. I’d love to hear what you think of the all-new, all-different Cyclops and Wolverine. Leave a comment and let me know (please!).

Neil deGrasse Tyson Meets Superman

Here are two panels from Action Comics #14. This issue’s backup story features renowned astrophysicist Neil deGrasse Tyson. This is outstanding for several reasons. Firstly, Tyson is one of the most outspoken and coolest scientists in America today. He’s the closest thing the world has to Carl Sagan in terms of making science fun and approachable. In a country where religion is used to spread fear and misinformation, Tyson is a much-needed voice of reason.

Secondly, Tyson’s awesomeness has him in a comic book hanging out with Superman! That completely rules.