Amazon + Google + Zynga = Lady Gaga Superstardom

Do you remember when it was cool, modern, and edgy for recording artists to expand their reach using music videos? Compare that to what Lady Gaga is doing today. I’m impressed by how Gaga and her management team have used modern tech to make her an even bigger star. She’s promoting herself with Google Chrome and a version of Zynga’s FarmVille called GagaVille. Her new album, Born This Way, was the best thing that ever happened to Amazon’s Cloud Player service. It’s just progressive marketing and fan outreach.

Although I only like some of her music, I have a crazy amount of respect for Lady Gaga. I love the way she talks about her fans and supports the gay community. I love that she’s a fantastic role model for young people struggling with confidence and identity issues. And I love her modern multimedia onslaught! Paws up monsters!!!

Author: RPadTV

8 thoughts on “Amazon + Google + Zynga = Lady Gaga Superstardom”

  1. random fact/trivia: I never could tell you what one of her songs was before Eric Cartman did PokerFace. So after hearing that I went to YouTube and searched for the real mccoy. Cartman's version was better I thought but what struck me hardest was another song of hers that had about 360m views. That's the largest number I've seen attached to a YouTube video.

    1. unfortunately it's only the second highest viewed youtube video. search for justin bieber and one of his videos is over 500,000,000 views and climbing steadily from what I hear. The tenth highest viewed video is at least over 100,000,000 views but I don't remember what it is exactly. I searched for a list before because I was curious. Dismayed to find that Lady Gaga and justin bieber held the top spots.

      1. I give both of them more respect than most pop stars. Gaga all of her own stuff. Bieber writes some of his own stuff. Most pop stars can't write and perform.

      2. Anyone who wears raw beef as a fashion accessory has my vote of confidence and deliciousness.


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