Today’s Poll: HBK vs. Macho Man — Flying Elbow Drop Battle!

I got a new guest mattress the other day. Naturally, I’ve been giving it flying elbow drops to…you know, test it out. My markdom for Shawn Michaels and the recent death of Randy Savage has me thinking of flying elbow drops. Which wrestler did it better? Kindly vote in today’s poll and discuss!

[poll id=”118″]

Author: RPadTV

32 thoughts on “Today’s Poll: HBK vs. Macho Man — Flying Elbow Drop Battle!”

  1. Macho Man sold the impact better and really made it look like it hurt. HBK bounces to much after impact IMO and he'd be up on his feet in a sec to meet you with the SAWEEET CHIN MUSIC!

  2. Is this for real?

    If Macho Man ever Superkicked somebody, and even did it well, we'd still say HBK was the master. There is no question that Savage was the master of the elbow drop.

    Not to mention the stacked video examples. One is off a ladder and the other is standard. To the ignorant observer… it makes HBK's seem better.

    Way to say "He wasn't THAT great" not even a week after he died. At least let's get him in the ground first.

    1. Bare in mind that I also truly believe that if Heath Ledger was still alive, nobody would question that Nicholson played the Joker better.

      So… I truly am taking my personal grief into account when I say Macho was far better.

    2. I was telling my friend Joey that Macho's looked better — loved his pose before the elbow — but Shawn did his off the top rope, off the top of the cage, off an Elimination Chamber pod, etc.

      1. I'm sure if that was the thing in the 80s & 90s coked out Macho Man would have done it.

      2. Jimmy Snuka did the flying splash off the top of the cage too. But high spots like that were really rare in the old days. I mean, did the even have the ladder match when Savage was in the WWF? I don't think so, or if they did it was right at the end of his time there. The timeline is a bit fuzzy for me. But anyway, now guys throw themselves off of the top of the cage or a ladder like it's easy.

      3. They absolutely had ladder matches in Savage's days. HBK vs. Razor Ramon was on WrestleMania X. Savage was also on that card.

        Snuka's spot is timeless. That will always look and be cool. That's up there with the spots in 'Taker vs. Foley Hell in Cell.

      4. If tha twas his match with Crush, then it was his last WWF PPV match. Sooooo they basically invented the match on the last night he was on a PPV card. That didn't really give him much of an oppurtunity to participate in the match type there.

      5. Not in the WWF they weren't. And the gimmick has exploded to the point it's almost a regular match these days, where as it was extremely rare in Savage's days there (as in, they did 1 or 2).

      6. You're right that they were uncommon compared to today, but they happened more often than you think. Are you familiar with Savage's career prior to WWF? He wrestled in the CWA and AWA. Both territories had ladder matches.

      7. I don't think Michaels doing it from other than the top rope puts it above Macho Elbow.

        If we are going that route..then Glacier's super kick was better cause he had a cool mask!

      8. Of course it fits. You take the progenitor and add something to it. LIke you did with Michaels. It fits. Glacier added a mask.

        But really this is like arguing whether Guerrero's or Snuka's splash was better. Both did it well and it comes down to preference of the character.

        **disclosure** I have never liked HBK and I never will.

      9. Oh yes it does. He looked cooler doing it with the mask. Same goes for the ladder or a cage. Jumping about 10 feet in the air and landing on your ribs hurts no matter how far up it is so the ladder and cage don't really add anything for me.

      10. Okay… then I now see HBK as more of a Hollywood remake kinda wrestler.

        He didn't invent the Superkick, but he "enhanced" it.

        He didn't invent the Elbow, but he "enhanced" it.

        The only fair comparison between HBK and Macho I can come to is who had better mic skills. HBK was certainly more coherent and made sense, Macho (it's hard to believe considering) had EVEN LOUDER outfits than HBK and cut better overall promos. HBK broke alot of hearts, but Macho is rumored to have deflowered an underage Stephanie McMahon while bringing sexy chicks into wrestling… that's actually a tough call in my opinion.

        Another point… That Bill Simmons tribute you posted yesterday mentioned how Savage was the first person he ever saw do a high spot to the outside of the ring. Now… "extreme" wrestling wasn't the commodity it's become in Savage's WWF days. Stuff like that was far and few between. I say this because I remember watching Wrestlemania 8 live and when the Undertaker Tombstoned Jake The Snake on the outside of the ring… I seriously thought he had killed him. Because things like that were VERY rare especially for WWF. NWA, AWA, WCCW… different story.

        Also, the HBK character that spawned after the Rockers seemed a little manufactured to me. Macho Man was pretty much the same character from the beginning to the end of his career. HBK never really had a gimmick with longevity like that.

        I've said for years that even though Randy Savage is regarded the way he is, he was always underrated. He was always forced to be a professional second fiddle. Even when we was champ (and the first to unify the IC and Heavyweight belts), it as really all just a setup for Hogan to take a break.

      11. Overall… I have to agree considering they were about the same size and build in their respective primes.

        I do have to acknowledge the demand given the time periods though. By the time HBK was stepping up, alot of people had "been there, done that" by then, including Savage. In order for HBK to achieve what he did, he was kinda forced to kick up spots a notch or 4. The demand had changed and kept changing throughout his career.

        Macho left WWE around the right time to avoid that and landed a gig on a G rated program that was OVERLOADED with talent. But that eventually fell too (I blame Kevin Nash for that) and as I recall, Savage was smart enough to see that writing on the wall and didn't renew his contract 2 years before the collapse.

    1. I gotta see that. What's the name of a "movie" she's done?

      I'll watch it and post a "not a review" of it on the site. Don't worry, I'll keep it clean and let you guys know how big her penis is as well.


      1. LOL at Backdoor to Chyna.

        @ Iceman

        I warn you now… she's a hermaphrodite… and she has it pierced.

      2. I remember her playboy spread…. I was surprised that she seemed that feminine. I guess air brushing is pure magic.

        Porn movies have the best titles. I also find it funny she needs money bad enough to do anal.

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