Netflix Picks: Hitman Hart — Wrestling With Shadows

My Netflix pick for this week is an old wrestling documentary that’s fun to look at in a new light. Hitman Hart: Wrestling with Shadows recounts the tale of the “Montreal Screw Job” where Bret Hart lost the WWF Championship on a day he thought he was going to win. Various wrestlers and agents conspired to take the strap off of Bret out of fear that he would appear in WCW with a WWF belt. The documentary wasn’t produced by WWE, so it has a different feel — a bit on the raw side and a different bias than most WWE DVDs.

I loved this documentary when it first came out. I was amused that Hart was such a mark for himself — he really bought into his “hero” thing. Shawn Michaels and Triple H flat-out lied to Bret and his family regarding their involvement in the plot. They come off as disingenuous pricks. Over the years, Bret mellowed out and forgave the people that “screwed” him. Shawn became a born-again Christian and sorry for his role in the event. Wrestling with Shadows was fun to watch when they all hated each other and it’s even more interesting now that everyone has chilled out.

If you happen to stream my pick, I’d love to hear your thoughts on it. Now its your turn to suggest one movie we should all watch. Please make sure it’s available on Netflix streaming.

Author: RPadTV

8 thoughts on “Netflix Picks: Hitman Hart — Wrestling With Shadows”

  1. I watched that about a month ago (and when it first was released) and it is damn good!

    Chocolate was awesome too btw.

  2. I remember watching this years ago on like A&E or something and feeling like nobody came out looking good in the end.

  3. I'm not a big wrestling fan, but I have a couple friends that might like this.

    I didn't think Chocolate was too bad, there were a lot of great elements to it, but it just wasn't my style too much.

    I don't know if anyone watched the Pixar story documentary I recommended before, but I thought that was really good. I'd also have to recommend The Nines with Ryan Reynolds. It was an interesting movie for him; I've liked watching some of his other quirky movies and this was definitely one of them.

  4. Transcendent Man. Disc only :(

    I liked this a lot. I don't find it too far fetched either.

  5. My Netflix pick:

    Twin Peaks… the whole series.

    If you don't know who killed Laura Palmer, I highly recommend that you find out.

    1. does she get topless? because then the title would make sense to me without knowing anything about the series.

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