This Week’s Videogame Releases

March continues to come in like a lion with a number of strong videogame releases. THQ has high hopes for Homefront and is dropping a ton of marketing dollars on this action game. Yakuza 4 will appeal to gamers that want to spend some time in the world of Japanese organized crime. Top Spin 4 adds motion controls to 2K’s long running tennis series. Warriors: Legends of Troy is like Samurai Warriors, but with men in leather skirts and sandals. Ar Tonelico Qoga: Knell of Ar Ciel adds another installment to this quirky Japanese RPG series. Gods Eater Burst is one of my favorite videogame names in a long, long time — it’s just awesomely weird.

I’m still kicking around Kirkwall in Dragon Age 2, so I’m good for a bit. How about you? Any of you picking up new games this week?

Author: RPadTV

31 thoughts on “This Week’s Videogame Releases”

  1. my friend wants to try homefront, if it's in the redbox i will rent it tomorrow. i have enough shooters to deal with right now.

  2. I'm still playing DCU alot.

    I started 2 new characters mainly for trophies. Both are villains. One is the biggest girl I could make who's a brawler with super speed (ber name is Beefa). And the other is actually crazy fun to play with. He's a kid with wings and nature powers. Nature powers are awesome. You're a healer… But you don't heal as powerfully as the magic guys. However, that's made up for by the ability to take animal forms. I'm actually having alot of fun as that dude. I named him Dirty Kid, because Nature Boy was already taken (Woooooooo).

  3. If I'm going to buy a game now it will probably be Dead Rising 2 (for me) and Sims 3 (for my wife), but they are still a bit too expensive. I'll wait a bit longer until they get to around the $30 mark new.


  4. @ Iceman

    I'm totally up for some DR2 co-op. I'll show you all the awesome weapon combos.

    Get Case Zero first though… It helps.

    1. I've already bought, played, and beat Case Zero (see my XBL profile). I should be getting DR2 within the next few months. Don't worry as soon as I get it, you'll be the first to know.

      I love the drill bucket. Incredibly inefficient, but it looks damn cool.


    1. Just finished my first run last night. I can't say too much about it yet since I'm reviewing it for someone else, but I loved my rogue run. I'm eight hours into my warrior run; the gameplay isn't as interesting, but the story and characters are fantastic.

      1. I'm near the end of my first run, also playing the rogue. I'm currently regretting making a certain mage my primary healer now that my anger at him knows no bounds…..

      2. Yeah, I really appreciated the way they changed him as well. I really liked all of the characters. Well, except for Merill.

      3. Just beat it. I'm almost positive I got gipped out of a few achievements though. I might have to pick up the game guide for subsequent playthroughs either way.

      4. *** Semi SPOILER rant*** Played my first playthrough as a mage. Was very surprised with the mage in question. I have one real big problem with the last act… and kind of the whole way through. Chose the Non-crazy bitch ending… and low and behold, there was not single, blasted mage with a shred of self-respect in the whole lot of them. Why in the name of the gods am I going to stick my neck out for you only to watch you decide to become what the templars were afraid you would become.

        I did like the appearance (through the use of my old save) of a certain warden, a wonderfully homo-erotic rogue, and the bard of my warden's dreams.

        One more thing… what the heck happened to the Qunari? Was Sten (which apparently is more of a title then a name) just small for his kind? Did he not hit puberty yet and get his horns? Like wow on the redesign. Love it… but hot damn!

      5. I felt kind of the same way about the mages, whom I also sided with. I was left feeling like there was only one decent one in the whole city: Bethany. I understood why this was the case, they felt like their hands were "forced."

        But still it kinda ticked me off that I couldn't just be like, "Look let my sister go and I couldn't give a crap what you do with the rest of them. This city IS crawling with blood mages (Or it least it was now that I've killed 90% off them). She's the only one worth saving."

      6. Picked up the strategy guide tonight for use with subsequent playthoughs. Apparently I must have missed one of the "gifts" I was supposed to give Isabella to get the achievement for the romance plot, but even still I got the option to go with her on her new boat afterward…so I don't know. I definitely think I got gipped on the Exiled Prince Achievements though since I didn't get any of them and I'm pretty sure I fulfilled all the requirements.

      7. You know she can die too if Anders isn't in the deep roads with you right? That playthough would have sucked. No sister with healing to fall back on for the end fights, no other mages that can heal because one of them went and got himself stupid. Poor Carver and Mother too.

        Well, at least Isabella was there to keep my bed warm……Hot Rogue on Rogue action!!!

      8. Yes, I knew that was a possibility for her. You know, with all the bisexual characters in the game, I'm surprised BioWare's writers didn't go with an incest angle. They did it in Ultimates.

      9. Yeah I'm pretty sure Sebastian is the only one who doesn't swing both ways…..

        Isabella was the easy fallback for me in that regard. I couldn't stand Merril anyway, so that was out. Besides, I gravitate towards the roguish types anyway.

      10. Oh I so went for Merrill. I equated it for romancing what basically is this games' Salarian Scientist, given her patterns of speech.

    1. I can't believe Nate Dogg is gone! i will listen to Regulators today and the next episode.

    1. i recently saw the video last week as me and my friends were drinking late Saturday night. Holy crap that video is hilarious compared to today's rap videos.


    I gave it a shot. I may play a bit more this evening, but I highly doubt it.

    The graphics are nothing spectacular. The story has a good premise, but the dialog sucks.

    The computer AI gets in the way A LOT. When ducking behind cover and firing you had best not be in their spot otherwise they'll push you out. Many times you have to walk ahead of them to get them going only to get to a door that only they can kick in. Then you have to wait on them to enter or get stuck fighting with them to enter.

    The controls are bad. They are your typical shooter. Guns handle well. Takes a bit to get used to aiming and even then the shots seem off. I could shot in the area of their head sometimes and kill them other time direct hits to the forehead registered in their shoulders or chest.

    They have bullet penetration. You can't stay behind cover long. At least I think they have bullet penetration. Many times it just felt like a glitch rather than it being on purpose. I was shot through an airplane that appear to just be a set piece and in the same area a board would protect.

    I found you cannot run ahead of your team and attempt to outflank the enemy, because they will just spawn behind you again. I kept dying at one spot when I ran forward and killed everyone, but then I would be getting shot from behind and never found the guy. The next time I stayed back and sniped all of the enemies and then I say a guy appear out of thin air. He was the one just appearing and killing me.

    Then there was the final straw for me. I got to a part that had unlimited enemy spawning. I cannot stand that. I would kill 3 guys and then 3 more would appear, rinse and repeat. I was supposed to be taking out some machine gun nests but couldn't move for the constant wave of enemies that wouldn't quit. Once I realized I had to kill them before they stopped it wasn't hard, but it still irked me that they spawned unlimited numbers of enemies.


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