This Week’s Videogame Releases

We’re barely into 2011 and there are already some excellent games coming out. There are three very interesting titles shipping this week…and I want them all! First up is DC Universe Online. I still have dreams of forming The Super Buddies, Part Deux with some of you. Kingdom Hearts Re:Coded bundles some KH episodic content that was released in Japan. As a fan of the series, I’m psyched to play more of Sora’s adventures. Last, but not least, is Prinny 2, the sequel to a super-funny and super-challenging platformer based on those lovable demonic Disgaea penguins.

Any of you picking up new games this week?

Author: RPadTV

32 thoughts on “This Week’s Videogame Releases”

  1. I'm really interested in DC Universe Online, but I'll probably wait a little bit on it.

    1. Man since I found it on sale I have been playing it non-stop. I am glad the PS3 version came with add-on missions for free since I had already beaten the main story. Great value at $30.

  2. i'm interested to see what DCUO does. i'm going to get it. I'm really turned off by the fact that this is a subscription based game for the PS3. i think i should finish some other games before i start an MMO though.

    1. PS3 for shizzle.

      I still don't really like gaming on a computer. The only reason I did for a while was because I was unemployed and I could get (*cough) free games for it.

      My Mrs. said she might let me get my PS3 on Friday (fingers crossed).

  3. @N8
    Let me know what you think of the combat. In fact here's a checklist:
    Quest design
    How deliberate the game is.


    1. Sure.

      It may be a week or so before I get it. Also, I'm kind of second guessing the subscription thing though. I may do a test month to see what's up.

      1. @n8r

        i hear that the game comes with a free month but after that it's 15.95 or 15.99 a month.

      2. @n8r

        i agree, especially if Sony doesn't have dedicated servers like their other games. I can see this game being all glitchy like Black Ops.

      3. Maybe I should hold off until I get more opinions from suckers…. I mean logical consumers who adopt it early.

  4. @N8
    Sub games aren't bad. Most ppl fail to realize the value in it. Perpetually moving and changing world that has large content patches for free.

    I'm mainly interested to see how the PS3 version does without the ability to use custom UI and other mods.

  5. Hey, N8;

    Not sure if you read Slicky's request (or if you responded to it) the other day asking about what you thought of Dead Rising 2. He and I are both considering playing it, but we wanted to hear your thoughts on the game first.

    I don't think Slicky enjoyed the first one as much as I did.


    1. @ Slicky & Iceman

      No, I didn't read it. I've been busy as hell at work lately.

      I love me some zombie slaughter. DR2 is more like melee zombie slaughter, which is even better. Most of the guns are pointless.

      I love it and I'd love a reason to play more of it, so if either of you get it, invite me to the co-op and I'll show you around Fortune City.

  6. MMOs have dedicated servers and network teams to make sure they are online.

    An MMO is a service as much as it is a game. No other genre of game merits a sub in my opinion.

  7. @N8
    I think you are pretty safe with Sony, NCsoft, and Blizzard. The MMOs that fail are a result of a bad launch or too dramatic of changes. Square seems very reliable as well.

    The modern mmo scope is too large for anything less really. They have to compete with the 800lb gorilla.

    1. But see, when you slap a name on it like DC Universe…. you are now guaranteed the Superman and the Batman collectors.

      Seriously, we've talked about this before. You can count on one hand the good Superhero games of all time.

      Batman AA

      Spiderman 2

      Maximum Carnage

      …. I'm drawing a blank.

      1. I disagree. There are at least 10 that are good or better. The Hulk game was lots of fun. THQ's Punisher game was a nice surprise. I love the X-Men Legends and Marvel Ultimate Alliance games. Wolverine was very good. Marvel vs. Capcom is solid fighting series. That's just off the top of my head. I'm sure there are others that I forgot about.

      2. I had to YouTube the Punisher game because I vaguely remember that game now (after I YouTubed it). How I slept through that one… I'll never know.

        I never played the Wolverine one, but I should. I played the demo and that was pretty cool.

        Never really got in to Marvel vs. Capcom… have no idea why. Probably because it came out after I was exhausted of fighting games (much the way I am now about FPS's).

        The MUA and X-Men Legends games definitely get a nod though. Those are great games.

        However, maybe my point should have been that the ratio of bad superhero games as opposed to good ones is quite slanted.

      3. I should also add that maybe since Superman is in it, it has a high likelyhood of being crap.

        I think the best game I've played with an appearance by Superman is MK vs DCU…. and that's sad.

  8. @N8
    Yeah but you aren't using those characters this time haha. You can make a game based on those guys. The games you mentioned are too different to compare. DC universe has to be compared to WoW, AoC, and EQ.

    Most direct comparison would be City of Heroes and AoC it seems.

    Anyway I'm gonna try it in a month.

  9. I just watched a trailer for DC Universe. Very sad it isn’t cross platform…be a month before I have my PC built.

    Just imagine gen chat: LFG Joker

  10. does anybody know if DCUO is available to rent on Gamefly or blockbuster? i've checked both sites and dont see it.

    1. @Tokz

      It's an MMO…a service…you can't rent this game. Give it some time and they will offer a 10 day pass of some sort.

      1. @Smartguy

        Bah. i saw the create a character video and it makes me want to play it now.

        *waves fists in anger*

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