Kindle Dethrones Harry Potter 7 As Amazon’s Best Seller

Amazon has announced that the latest version of its Kindle e-reader has supplanted Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows as its best-selling item ever. With its low $139 price point, the Kindle has been selling like crazy in 2010. Some people believed that the Apple iPad’s versatility and coolness meant doom for the Kindle. Instead, tech geeks have bought both devices, while users solely concerned with reading books — a novel concept, I know — have snatched up the Kindle at its low price. Here’s a snippet from the press release:

“We’re grateful to the millions of customers who have made the all-new Kindle the bestselling product in the history of Amazon — surpassing Harry Potter 7,” said Jeff Bezos, founder and CEO. “We’re seeing that many of the people who are buying Kindles also own an LCD tablet. Customers report using their LCD tablets for games, movies, and web browsing and their Kindles for reading sessions. They report preferring Kindle for reading because it weighs less, eliminates battery anxiety with its month-long battery life, and has the advanced paper-like Pearl e-ink display that reduces eye-strain, doesn’t interfere with sleep patterns at bedtime, and works outside in direct sunlight, an important consideration especially for vacation reading. Kindle’s $139 price point is a key factor — it’s low enough that people don’t have to choose.”

I’m a big fan of the Kindle and the iPad. I understand why people would want both. How about you? Are you interested in the Kindle? Does its low price point appeal to you? How about being able to read outdoors (beach, pool, etc.)? Or do you think that the Kindle is a limited device?

P.S. This was my first post written on my Google Chrome Cr-48!

Author: RPadTV

9 thoughts on “Kindle Dethrones Harry Potter 7 As Amazon’s Best Seller”

  1. I kind of do want a Kindle. I wanted one previously if it was a possibility that I could buy my textbooks on it for much cheaper, but I didn't find a lot of them that I would end up needing. I'm not surprised though, they advertise the Kindle everywhere and you can't visit without being bombarded by the Kindle.

  2. no i am not interested in a kindle or iPad yet. I'm old school i think, i prefer having a book. holding it in my hands, flipping the pages and i don't have to worry about getting sand or water if i am on the beach or by a pool.

    1. I agree, I am actually a very fast reader and cannot read as quickly from a screen as I can from an actual book. However, the convenience of being able to carry all of a semesters textbooks around on a Kindle was almost enough to make me consider getting one before. With only one semester left though it isn't as worthwhile. Real books will always be better IMO though.

      1. This past semester I only brought my iPad to school. Used it for spreadsheets, books, etc. It's too convenient.

        Going into my last semester and will purchase what i need for it as well.

        Not so sure I want to pay for the law school I was accepted to, but I'm curious to know if they even allow digital books.

  3. i dont understand the kindle….my phone has a kindle app…why would i need to drop 140 bucks on that thing?

    1. E-ink is easier on your eyes. Good luck reading a book on your phone in situations with ample sunlight, such as the beach and pool scenarios I've mentioned. The screen and text are also larger.

  4. I still prefer a real book in my hand as well, as compared to a kindle or nook or any of the others. I can't seem to focus as good or read as fast looking at a screen as I can with real pages. Plus I'm hard enough on my eyes staring at a video game on tv, or a video/web page on the pc, or gaming at night on my DS, or doing my knitting. LoL my eyes are in a terrible state of blind as it is, why add more to it lol.

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