Upcoming Clone Wars Reveal Secrets of Sith and Darth Maul

Future episodes of Star Wars: The Clone Wars will reveal a new villain that reveals major secrets of the sith and Darth Maul. The baddie, Savage Opress, will be revealed in 2010 at special screenings that you can attend. Here’s more info from StarWars.com:

For the first time ever, Sith training will be explored – and with it, truths about the very nature of the dark side itself!

A warrior forged by a dark sorcery as mystical and powerful as the Force, Opress will uncover shocking revelations about the galaxy’s tenuous balance of power, including secrets about one of the Sith’s most infamous villains — Episode I’s Darth Maul! From his origins to his fate, Maul’s mysteries will at long last be uncovered…

I haven’t been watching The Clone Wars, but several friends tell me that it’s really good. I also liked Darth Maul in Episode I, but a lot of that had to do with him being a mysterious character that didn’t say or reveal much (you know, the Boba Fett ploy). I’m intersted and a little afraid to learn about his origins. That said, I’ll definitely be tuning in to see if his background is any good.

How about you? Are you interested in learning more about Darth Maul, the sith, and Savage Opress?


Author: RPadTV


7 thoughts on “Upcoming Clone Wars Reveal Secrets of Sith and Darth Maul”

    1. there’s one chicago idk about joining this gofobo or whatever it is. if Rpad needs a not a review and can’t go i will go.

  1. I think the show is interesting at times. Sometimes I have enjoyed watching it, and other times it feels way too much like a kids show (I know it is, but they used to call Invader Zim and Pee-Wee's Playhouse kids shows too and they were very adult themed). Revealing more about the Sith is a good way to capture my attention and probably get me to watch the entire series though.

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