There are so many great games coming out this week! PlayStation 3 owners have God of War III to devour. Nintendo DS fans have Pokemon HeartGold and SoulSilver to suck up hours of their lives. Although Final Fantasy XIII has been the only game I’ve played since I came back from GDC 2010, I’m going to drop it like a bad habit when Dragon Age: Origins Awakening comes out.
But wait, there’s more! If you can’t get enough RPG excitement then you ought to check out Resonance of Fate from the fine people at Tri-Ace. Wii owners have Fragile Dreams: Farewell Ruins of the Moon
to keep them up at night. I’ve been saying this since last year, but my March is totally screwed. I have no idea how I’m going to be able to write for the site, work on Secret Project 2010 #1, play games, and sleep this month. Sheesh!
Let me know what games you’re planning to pick up this week. If you’re picking up a few, let me know what order you plan on playing them.
Well you can become addicted to redbull for starters, that would take care of the sleep issues. I mean come on, the famous RPAD has to sleep? So far what do you think of FFXIII, my bro picked it up yesterday and Im a lil iffy on it.
BTW I live in Boston so it seems like I have no life posting so early but eyes be on the way to work.
I'm actually going to pass on all titles this week. I will pick up God of War when the semester is over and hopefully it will be cheaper. Currently I'm keeping myself occupied with older titles I have as well as BFBC2 multiplayer. Throw in my 3rd playthrough of FF:IV for DS and I'm booked lol.
I might splurge and pick up The Show
@Big Blak I actually like to sleep. Ha! I'm loving the graphics, story, and music (especially) in FFXIII. A lot of my friends said that the gameplay doesn't get interesting until 20 to 25 hours. I'm pretty entertained by what the gameplay has become after five hours. Granted, I love experimenting with different "paradigms" and some other players might not.
@RPAD Thanks for your feedback homie! I just need 2 more options before I potentially lose my life to another FF game.
I meant opinions not options lol. I'd be getting it on the 360 so it might bring back memories of disc swapping (woo hoo!) on ther Ps1 days.
@Big Blak Ha! Disc swapping ftw!!!
I'm picking up GOWIII at midnight tonight. I'm so excited.
I didn't know your wife played.
@RRoD: We talked about gaming on our first date. I knew then she was a keeper. lol.
I am picking up GOW3 asap. Also going to buy Assassin's Creed 2 today, Best Buy has it for $29.99.
Side Note:
I played BF Bad Company 2 online yesterday starting around 11am. Then out of nowhere I realized I had not eaten anything yet and it was 1am. I was having a blast. I am not usually into online MP but this was actually fun. I wouldn't have played so long but a friend came over and we were trading out every other map.
I hear that. My wife is not a gamer but she doesn't mind me being one and never has a problem with me playing games whenever I want.
The upside to the 3 disc version of FFXIII for the 360 is that since I'm on the 3rd disc she started playing the game yesterday afternoon.
Huh, I could have sworn Resonance of Fate was released at the same time as FFXIII and people were in an uproar. Guess cause it’s still in the same month makes people not happy, but that game looks interesting. Of course tho, priority is to get my hands on GoW3 lol.
I’m going get GOW3! I can’t wait to finish off this series and then get started on FF13. BF:BC2 is a must buy for me but i’m still going to have to rent the 360 version, so i can make up my mind on which version to get it for.
@Topic: Picking up both GoW3 and DA:O:A. Don’t know when I’m going to be able to play either since FFXIII has taken over my life, but the preorders are already paid off.
@FFXIII Disc Swapping: I didn’t think the disc swapping would bother me, and under normal circumstances it would not. But the eject button on my 360 is suddenly not working and I have to eject everything from my dashboard now. And I discovered the hard way that for some reason FFXIII doesn’t save before you swap discs, but after. I ended up beating the boss at the end of disc 2 and then not being able to swap the disc because of it. So I had had to take the game and re-fight that boss battle in my wife’s 360 so that I could swap the disc. I’d already lost to that particular boss 3 times before I finally beat him, so having to go back and fight him a 5th time after I’d finally figured out how to beat him really ticked me off.
Anyway, the long and short of it is, when I finish FFXIII and start GOW3, I’m calling MS support and seeing if they fix my 360 (again). Might as well send it off while I wrapped up in a PS3 game so I wont miss it.
That's a keeper. My wife (girlfriend at the time) bought me a PS2 slim for my birthday one year and got me a Wii when it first came out for Christmas. I knew, since then, that she was the one for me and I married her. Women who don't mind your gaming habits are worth their wieght in gold in my humble opinion.