Coffee Talk #53: All I Want for Christmas is…

Welcome to Coffee Talk! Let’s start off the day by discussing whatever is on your (nerd chic) mind. Every morning I’ll kick off a discussion and I’m counting on you to participate in it. If you’re not feelin’ my topic, feel free to start a chat with your fellow readers and see where it takes you. Whether you’re talking about videogames, Javier Vazquez returning to the NY Yankees, the taxation of indoor tanning salons, or your holiday plans, Coffee Talk is the place to do it.

Unless you’re excessively rich, chances are that you didn’t buy every game you wanted in 2009. (If you are excessively rich see the donation button in the right sidebar.) Games are expensive. The economy blows. There were a lot of fantastic games released in 2009. Something must have slipped through the cracks. What’s the one 2009 release you wish you had?

For me, that’s easy — The Beatles: Rock Band. I love The Beatles and I enjoy music games. As a (mediocre) guitar player, I think it’s awesome that the game has controllers shaped like classic Gretsch and Rickenbacker guitars. The visuals are way better than those found in any other music game. Unfortunately, it came out while I was flying all over Asia and when I got back, I couldn’t really afford it. That said, if I could have one game for Christmas, this would be it.

That’s just wishful and needless thinking though. I have plenty of excellent games to play and I have a bunch of video equipment that I’d like to get for the site. I’ll get The Beatles: Rock Band when it’s marked down — no rush.

Now for the important part. If you could have one game for a holiday gift, what would it be?

Author: RPadTV

49 thoughts on “Coffee Talk #53: All I Want for Christmas is…”

  1. Tough call. I know I am getting a gift card from Gamestop, torn between Borderlands,Dragon Age, Divinity II, and Mass Effect II.

    there are about 15 games i want including these though.

  2. I got just about all the games throughout the year. The only ones I didn't get that I would like to have is Borderlands and I have heard a lot a good things about Dragon Age so I would like to play that one too.

    @ Ray

    I hope someone gets you the Beatles Rock band for Christmas. That game is really awesome

  3. @Hrolf @ctlaltdel Get Dragon Age! It's an awesome game that can provide hundreds of hours of quality entertainment.

    @ctlaltdel I don't mind waiting a bit for The Beatles. The first three months of 2010 should be busy if I can do what I want with the site.

  4. The only games I want on my list still for this year (i think there's only one) is Dragon Age, which I should be picking up today, and Assassin's Creed II. I wanted Final Fantasy: CC : Crystal Bearers so I'd have use on my Wii but a few reviews I saw for it made me sad. Now if you were to ask about my wishlist for next year…..I've got 9 I want (so far) from Jan-April, and one in particular in Dec.

  5. Ratchet and Clank: Tools of Destruction – never played any of them but would love platformers. Figured I would start with the PS3 first one and then go from there.

  6. I picked just about everything I wanted to buy this year except the newest BUZZ! game and the God of War Collection. I had considered getting Batman AA and trying out Dragon Age.

    I originally wanted to buy Assassin's Creed 2 and Modern Warfare 2 but renting them and playing them for 2 days saved me a lot money that would have been wasted.

    My PS3 collection rolled past the 70 games mark this year already with plenty more to come in early 2010.

  7. @Lacenous

    Ratchet and Clank games are a blast to play. Tools of Destruction is a good first one to play. Don't get Quest for Booty unless you just get into the story, although it is worth the price on the PSN its just not very long.

  8. @Thunder

    I have all of the BUZZ! DLC and most of the games. Have you tried out that TV Show King? Also don't get SceneIt on PS3 it sucks, I never say this but the 360 version is better.

  9. Released this year: NBA 2k10. I wanted it, but never had the extra cash for that particular title. You could also include Killzone 2. I never picked it up.

    Merry Christmas.

  10. I got to play pretty much everything throughout the year that I was interested in other than inFamous and Uncharted 2. So I guess one of those. What I REALLY want is Mass Effect 2, but I've gotta wait til Jan 26th for that.

  11. Ratchet & Clank ACIT and Demon's Souls slipped through the crack for me. I'll get them when I can.

  12. I want a plane ticket to Pittsburgh for me and my family.

    But if I have to keep it on the games genre, a PS3 would be awesome, I could probably use a new TV for my games, and I believe I'm getting Borderlands and SvR 2010 already.

    What I really need for Christmas though is a job.

  13. Crap, totally forgot about Demon Souls…that might be a rental first. I get angry at trial and error games lol.

  14. I have a hard time buying game due to the fact I work at Blockbuster, and 5 free rentals a week allows for like 3 or 4 games and a few movies, so I always have to think if I didn't work hear would I buy this.

    Side note,

    Blockbuster just started this new thing called Direct Access, which basically allows you to rent things from our online store for a regular rental price, so if we don't have the movie we will mail it to you. I think they should have been doing this years ago, Even though the company is in bad shape, I really think this will help out a little bit especially compared to the other things we do.

    Side side Note,

    Just picked up a psp and FF: dissidia, A lot better than I expected it to be so much so I have a hard time putting it down.

  15. @nightshade

    Thanks for the hope but no, I will not be having a Merry Christmas, or Christmas Eve. But I'll be in NYC in like 3 days so no worries. Gonna party it up for New years, then come back and see all of my bills.

  16. I just went and bought Dragon Age for $45 @ Best Buy, also got The God of War Collection for $40 and BUZZ! Quiz World for $40. Batman AA was still $60 so I'll wait, but I just picked up the rest that I wanted. I expect that there will be some used copies after the holidays.

  17. @Sandrock;

    Aww, that's so sweet. I hope your loved ones read your posts on this site. It'll probably make their day.

    @Anyone playing (or will be playing) Demon's Souls;

    A friend of mine had the game and he said it was harder than Tiger Woods at the Playboy Mansion. He got frustrated and quit playing. I would like to know if he just sucks at games or if it really is that difficult.


    I would like TIME to play the seven games I have yet to take off the plastic wrapping.


  18. @Iceman

    I bought Demon's Souls on RRODs recommendation (but I just saw he doesn't have it yet lol)

    The game isn't hard exactly its just really time consuming. I didn't realize how much I paused games until I was fully unable to pause to answer the phone or go to the restroom.

    If you die in the game you start start back at the beginning of the level. The combat can take some getting used to and trying to memorize where enemies are coming from can be tiresome

    So it isn't really that it is hard as much as it is an exercise in frustration. Be prepared to still for sometime and to quit without losing your progress means playing through an entire level before you quit.

  19. I knew with the God of War Collection I got a voucher for the God of War 3 Demo, but I didn't know it was already available for download to play.

    So I'll be playing the ModNation Racers Beta and GoW 3 Demo during the holiday.

  20. @iceman

    yeah slicky nailed it about demon's souls. Its a great looking game, and its fun as hell. Its just repetitive as hell, and i suck at it.


    i cant even get passed the part with the dragon on the bridge, ive gotten to the knight boss like once, but then when you die, you start all the way back at the beginning, that sucks

  21. @Thunder

    I quit playing it before I even got to the first boss. I did however see my younger brother get past the first "level". Once he died the final time it only took him like 3 minutes to walk all the way back to where it took him 2 hours to get to and die previously.

  22. Steam is holding a big sale on most of their games. I downloaded Indigo Prophesy last night for $3. :) Now they just need to add Dragon Age to their sale and I'm good for the rest of the year.

  23. I got my Playstation Network store update e-mail just now and this is one of the ads

    "The Editor-in-Chief of Japan's Famitsu magazine is now in PAIN. Plus, he's FREE!


    How's that free?

  24. So I bought Dragon Age Origins yesterday, and I can't get into it. I feel like I have been playing it forever but I know I have just scratched the surface. I just finished the joining, but I don't know if I will play it much more because its boring so far.

    Do I need to play it more or is that pretty much how the game goes? So far it is walk around and hit 'X' once when you see a bad guy and then wait for him to die, then hit 'X' once again to kill the next guy and wait. Did I miss something???

  25. @Slicky

    Lol that is the same way I treat games and get chastised for it heavily. I felt the same way about Fallout 3.

    My have been a gamer long enough to know when enough is enough.

  26. @Smartguy

    Lol that's kind of what I was going with but I was hoping I there was something more to come.

    Like with Fallout 3 it took several hours to get into initially and I pretty much refuse to play through the beginning again because it is so boring.

  27. @Nightshade

    I feel ya man. We did Christmas with my girlfriend's family yesterday and someone thought it would be an awesome idea to get a five year old girl a karaoke machine…someone else thought it would be even more awesome to hook it up. I'm still hearing twinkle twinkle little star sung horribly in my head.

  28. HEY GUYS! BELATED MERRY CHRISTMAS!! its been a tough 2 weeks for me…my gf broke up with me, so i spent most of my time talking to her friends and family about why she did break up with me. i played more and more games since we broke up. it kinda helped. i was really happy that my mom bought me a new elite 360, and it helped me a lot with my coping. ( you guys should add me up gamertag: arbsnotdead90, psn: arbsnotdead. n8r i added you up) my only games now are mass effect and the 2 games that came with the console, which is pure and lego batman. i really miss this place; everyone and rpad. add me up guys! hope u guys had a wonderful christmas and an awesome new year!!! see you online!

  29. oh and btw. mass effect is AMAZING. i love that game. so much. im doing my second playthrough right now. i CANNOT wait for the sequel.

  30. @Rbee

    Sucks about your girl, but congrats about your console. I hope all goes well for you. I sent you a friend req on PSN about to do XBL.

    PSN: SlickyFats XBL: VitriolicMass


    Sending req to you too

  31. @ rbee

    My condolences for your relationship. I'm about to sign on and accept you in a few minutes.

    @ Slicky

    I'll send you one too. I'm A Judas Rimmer on XBL. Look out for it.

  32. @smartguy

    thanks dude, i added you up in XBL, ill add you up in psn later.


    its no biggie anymore man, im tired of doing crap for her, oh yeah, i confirmed you request,. :)


    yeah, its all whatever. her loss. i confirmed you dude, i thought ur name was still n8r on xbl.

  33. I'll add you guys or you can add me, whatever happens first.

    Maybe we can blow some stuff up in Borderlands or somethin. :)

    PSN: ieyke

    (Yes, that first letter is a capital "i" not a lowercase "L".)

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