Fat Princess Gets Patched and Porked

Fat Princess

Titan Studios has released patch 1.03 for Fat Princess, which includes the new Pork City map. Creative director Craig Leigh said:

Your faithful developers at Titan Studios and team at Sony Santa Monica Studio are extremely happy to announce that after careful thought and great labor, Patch 1.03 is complete and ready for imminent release.

Patch 1.03 contains the awesome New Pork city level, and due to the amazing support we have received from the community, we have decided to release the map for free! Yes you heard us right, for free!

While the new map is the most exciting and obvious feature of the patch, there are several stability enhancements that should improve the game’s overall experience. Full details can be found on Sony’s PlayStation Blog.

Would anyone be up for a Team RPad.tv session of Fat Princess? We could take over the world!!!


Author: RPadTV


11 thoughts on “Fat Princess Gets Patched and Porked”

  1. I would join in on that.Played last night actually but gpnna have to check out the new map today.

  2. @rbee90 I was actually thinking about a name for the community. Readers/viewers sounds too sterile. Maybe an homage to WWE Christian? RPeeps? Or I could go the Jericho route — RPadholics? Ha!

  3. Let me know when. I'll have to dig out my usb mic adapter, but I would be completely game for it. Still wondering where the pirates and ninjas are though lol.

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