What Are You Playing This Weekend?

I’ll be flying home tonight after an excellent DICE 2011 and I’m positive that I won’t play any games tonight. I’ve been getting by on a couple of hours of sleep for the last two nights, including one night of crazy partying. My body is looking forward to a nice night of sleep.

That said, I’m sure as hell going to jump back into DC Universe Online on Saturday. There are a bunch of level 30 missions waiting for me and the rest of the Super Buddies. Random DCUO observation: when I’m waiting for friends to join me online, I love beating the crap out of random Sinestro Corps members. As some of you know, I’m a big Green Lantern fan. Pounding the crap out of Sinestro’s minions and his dreaded lieutenant Arkillo is just gratifying. Getting Kilowog’s approval is pretty excellent too.

How about you? What’s on your weekend playlist?

Dungeon Siege III Screenshots

Here are some screens for the upcoming action-RPG Dungeon Siege III. I enjoyed the first two installments of the series by the excellent Gas Powered Games and I’m curious to see where Obsidian takes things. Obsidian has done a fine job creating follow-ups to strong originals (Neverwinter Nights 2, Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic 2, etc.) but was recently dinged for Alpha Protocol. I like those guys and I hope they do well with this game.

If you have a moment, kindly check out the screens and share your feelings like a Care Bear.

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THQ Attacks Facebook with UFC and WWE Games

THQ has launched a pair of interesting Facebook games that should interest fans of WWE, UFC, and men crawling around in bikini briefs. For those that prefer sports entertainment there’s WWE All Stars Fantasy Warfare. Here’s the official description:

The WWE All Stars Fantasy Warfare Application is a deep interactive video experience that showcases five Fantasy Warfare matchups between one WWE Superstar and one WWE Legend. Matchups feature a gameplay video in which users can choose from their favorite signature maneuvers to determine how they would finish off their opponent. It’s up to you to determine the greatest WWE Superstars of all time!

If you’re looking for more realistic Facebook violence then you should check out UFC Undisputed Fight Nation:

THQ Inc and Zuffa, LLC today announced the latest edition to the prominent UFC Undisputed sports videogame franchise with the launch of UFC Undisputed Fight Nation, the first official Facebook game based on the world’s leading mixed martial arts (MMA) organization, the Ultimate Fighting Championship. The interactive experience, developed by Embassy Interactive and available on Facebook allows players to take control of their virtual UFC careers in a fun and engaging environment by training moves, competing against others and sharing their results on Facebook, as well as enabling them to successfully manage their progress for the opportunity to compete against many of the UFC’s most renowned fighters.

It’s very cool that THQ is using social media to extend two of its most prominent franchises. It’s a great way to sustain interest between releases and generate hype prior to a launch. Whether it’s men in tights or swords & sorcery, you better get used to Facebook games based on your favorite console and PC titles. You’re going to see tons more in the immediate future.

If you get a chance to check out either Facebook game, please leave a comment and let me know what you think.

Coffee Talk #299: Memorable Deaths in Videogames

Forrest Gump’s mama told him that dying is a part of life. It’s a part of videogames too. A friend and I were talking about the classic Infocom text adventure Planetfall and how Floyd’s death was one of the most…

Welcome to Coffee Talk! Let’s start off the day by discussing whatever is on your (nerd chic) mind. Every morning I’ll kick off a discussion and I’m counting on you to participate in it. If you’re not feelin’ my topic, feel free to start a chat with your fellow readers and see where it takes you. Whether you’re talking about videogames, Coava’s Costa Rica Helsar, A-Rod being fed popcorn by Cameron Diaz, or your favorite fruit juice, Coffee Talk is the place to do it.

Forrest Gump’s mama told him that dying is a part of life. It’s a part of videogames too. Yesterday, a friend and I were talking about the classic Infocom text adventure Planetfall and how Floyd’s death was one of the most uniquely powerful moments of gaming. Naturally, we started talking about other videogame deaths. While I believe the game is overrated, I can’t deny that Aerith’s death in Final Fantasy VII was a powerful moment that touched millions of gamers.

What videogame deaths moved you? Did a character’s death ever make you cry? Anyone’s videogame death surprise you? Not to get all (digitally) morbid on you, but I think we could have a fun discussion about dying in videogames. Let’s get to it (the discussion, not the dying)!

Dragon Age II Achievements Listed!

BioWare has posted images of the achievements list for the upcoming Dragon Age II. This was probably the worst thing that could happen to me. Not only is it my most wanted game of 2011, but a bunch of my journalist friends got to see it last week and I didn’t. It’s awesome when the people handling your favorite developer ignore you. *sigh* I want to play now!!!

Anyway, check out the achievement images below and let me know if there’s anything that interests or surprises you (please).

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DC Universe Online: Week Two

After two full weeks of DC Universe Online, I’ve decided that I’m likely to continue my subscription for another month. Most of the reasons are positive, but there are also some negative issues fueling this decision. Let’s break it down in my rolling review of DCUO.

Documentation — In my first two installments, I forgot to mention how poor DCUO’s documentation is. The manual helps you get started, but does sweet FA at explaining anything in detail. Even the in-game documentation is horrid. So many facets of the game are poorly explained or not explained at all, forcing gamers to search for answers on the Internet or do some trial-and-error learning.

My biggest annoyance was poor or inaccurate details on skills, abilities, and powers. Some of them sound cool or useful based on their text descriptions, but in practice aren’t very good. This makes character customization more difficult and expensive than in ought to be. I had to re-spec my character twice — at $500 a pop — to get his abilities to where I wanted them to be. This is mostly because powers I selected turned out to be different and/or less useful than they were described to be.

This is the negative reason for paying for another month. If the game’s instruction manual was worth a damn then I would have had a much better idea of how to manage powers and abilities from day one. Instead, it has taken me two weeks to understand how to optimally craft my hero. Starting another character with considerably different skills would take even more time to learn…but I’ll just find a “How to Build a DCUO Healer” guide on the Internet. Hell, one of my DCUO friends bought a strategy guide and said, “The strategy guide is what the manual should have been.”

No More Going Solo — I forget the exact level, but somewhere in the mid-20s going solo became a no-no. I could get through the initial stages of a quest by myself, but the boss fights were impossible. Keep in mind that my character isn’t a tank and can’t absorb the amount of damage these high-level bosses dole out. Thankfully my companions in the “Super Buddies” league — Complication and MarVol — and some random questers helped me vanquish these tough bosses.

The funny part is that while the bosses are tough when going solo, they’re a frickin’ joke with three or more characters.

Life After 30 — I hit level 30 — the game’s current cap — over the weekend and was surprised by how much content it unlocked. I knew that there were be raids and duo quests, but I was completely wrong in assuming that the game would completely change its focus to PvP activity. I was surprised and pleased by all the story-driven quests that become available when you hit the cap.

My next observation could be totally wrong, but I seem to be bumping into more DC heroes randomly fighting crime than I did prior to hitting the cap. This is cool since it makes the world seem more alive and I mark out when I bump into established DCU characters…though it is off-putting when their voice sounds nothing like the one I imagined it to be.

Una Mas — The level 30 content combined with finally understanding more about character creation makes me want to give the game another month. I’m going to keep tackling the high-level content with my first character, but I also plan to make a staff-wielding healer and adventure with one of my Sony friends on another server.

It’s interesting that so many people in DCUO focus on damage-per-second and want to play it like a pure action game. I’d bet that PC players generally do a better job crafting characters into specific roles like tanks, controllers, and healers. In my two weeks with DCUO, I haven’t encountered many healers. Hopefully my next character will be able to help others out…and hopefully some of you will start playing too! Anyone? Anyone?!?

Coffee Talk #297: Will You Buy a 3D Device in 2011?

There’s no escaping 3D in 2011. In addition to more 3D movies and 3D televisions than ever before, you’ll see glasses-free 3D videogame consoles, mobile phones, and tablet computers in 2011. Will you …

Welcome to Coffee Talk! Let’s start off the day by discussing whatever is on your (nerd chic) mind. Every morning I’ll kick off a discussion and I’m counting on you to participate in it. If you’re not feelin’ my topic, feel free to start a chat with your fellow readers and see where it takes you. Whether you’re talking about videogames, Verizon setting new sales records with the iPhone 4, why the hell people like astronaut ice cream, or your favorite Super Bowl food, Coffee Talk is the place to do it.

There’s no escaping 3D in 2011. In addition to more 3D movies and 3D televisions than ever before, you’ll see glasses-free 3D portable videogame consoles, mobile phones, and tablet computers in 2011. Will you buy a 3D device this year?

I don’t really have a choice. I need to write about the 3DS and its games. I actually wanted to buy a 3DTV last year so that I could write about 3D games (and I really need a new TV), but I haven’t scrapped up enough money.

You, however, do have a choice. Kindly vote in today’s Coffee Talk poll and discuss your decision in the comments section.

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What Are You Playing This Weekend?

My DC Univese Online character is now at level 26 and one of my goals is to hit level 30 before I head to Las Vegas for DICE 2011. This means that I’ll probably be playing nothing but DCUO over the weekend, which also means ignoring my copy of LittleBigPlanet 2. That said, Sackboy is awfully charming. I might have to play around in that world for a bit just to get those Media Molecule fuzzies.

How about you? What’s on your weekend playlist?

What Should I Name My Next DCUO Character?

So I’m thinking of starting a new character in DC Universe Online. My first character is at level 25 and now that I understand the power/skill trees better, I want to give it another go. I’ll probably go with a staff-wielding healer type to mix it up a bit. I’m stuck on the name though. Any suggestions? So far I’m thinking:

  • Mauve Lantern
  • Young RPadTV
  • The Fuchsia Avenger
  • Alizarin Crimson

Yeah, I’ve always sucked at coming up with names. Ha!

DC Universe Online: Week One

I now have a full week of DC Universe Online under my belt and my character is at level 18. I’m still enjoying the game, but most of the same doubts remain from my first weekend in DCUO. A few other aspects of the game have been bugging me as well. Let’s go through the list in my rolling (not a) review of DCUO.

Voice Acting — DCUO’s voice acting is irritatingly inconsistent. There are some marvelous performance from Kevin Conroy (Batman), Mark Hamill (The Joker), and Arleen Sorkin (Harley Quinn) — voice actors with fantastic track records. Then there are disappointing performances from Dwight Schultz (The Flash) and Tracy Bush (Booster Gold). Frankly…they suck. The Flash sounds like a nob and Booster sounds like an even bigger nob.

Sure, I understand that Booster Gold hasn’t always been the best hero in the DC Universe. He’s attempted (and failed at) numerous get-rich-quick schemes and sold out his image for things like toothpaste commercials. Still, he has saved lives and the world on numerous occasions. His voice work in DCUO just makes him sound like a complete tool. I really, truly hate it.

Rescue Me! — The game’s scripted missions have been the same after 18 levels. It’s a lot of find X, beat up Y, and defeat boss Z. I’m still enjoying it, but there’s a recurring theme in these missions that’s really starting to bug me — a hero always needs rescuing. I’ve had to bail out Raven, Batwoman, Robin, Nightwing, Supergirl, Wonder Girl, and several other heroes that I can’t remember. In the comics they’re extremely capable beings. In DCUO, they can’t walk for more than 50 feet without getting kidnapped.

As a comic book fan, it’s off-putting. I’m supposed to be a new hero that’s still learning the ropes. The people I’ve saved are established characters that have pulled of marvelous feats time and time again. A scrub like me is supposed to be bailing them out?!? This would have made sense later in the game (maybe level 20?). Perhaps the writers could have used several of DC’s damsels in distress for the early portions. For example, it would have made more sense to me if The Flash needed my help saving his wife Linda Park while he was being assaulted by Gorilla Grodd.

Diversity — I spent some time doing “Wanted” missions, tackling really powerful villains that are impossible to take down alone. Teaming up with others to down Solomon Grundy and Bizarro was a real kick. The first time I did it was a complete accident. I was randomly running around Metropolis (at super speed) and saw four heroes beating on Bizarro. Naturally, I stopped to help. He was almost defeated by the time I got there, so I got a ton of experience for a minute of fighting. In my experience, you can always count on randomly passing heroes to stop and chip in.

The group missions I’ve tackled were fun too. Teaming up as a group of four, our party received various orders from Martian Manhunter. It was basically defeat X and gather item Y over and over again, but it was fun completing the task with strangers at various levels.

This week I plan on doing more PvP missions. Hopefully my character is ready for the challenge.

Still Fun? — Yeah, I’m still enjoying the game, especially when I get to team up with my friends. I’m still marking out when different heroes and villains make appearances in my adventures. I love earning and finding new gear that makes my hero even more powerful. But, I’m still not sure I want to play for more than the 30-day trial. I have an aching suspicion that the repetitive mission structure will bore me and the novelty of the cameos will wear off. Let’s see how it goes after another week!

As always, if you have any questions about my experience with DCUO, please leave a comment. If you’d like to play with me — and it would be way more fun if you did — I’m “RPad TV” on the Crisis server.