Official Google Voice App for iPhone Available Now

One of the two biggest reasons I love the Android platform is its unmatched Google Voice integration. Today, that reason has been (mostly) eliminated thanks to the official Google Voice app for iOS. Currently available for iPhone only, Google Voice for iOS is a pretty excellent implementation of Google’s fine telephony product. According to Google’s blog, the app offers all the functionality of the HTML5 version and adds a few touches:

  • With push notifications, the app will alert you instantly when you receive a new voicemail or text message
  • Most of your calls will be placed via Direct Access Numbers, making them connect just as quickly as regular phone calls

Now that iOS has a strong (and official) Google Voice app, I’m exponentially more interested in the platform for everyday use. If Gmail integration continues to improve and Apple offers bigger screens then I just might head back to the iOS platform.

How about you? Any of you psyched for Google Voice for iOS?


Will Apple “Let it Be”?

Here’s an Apple post for you night owls and early birds. At 7AM PT, Apple will be making some big music announcements. Some people have speculated that the company will finally offer The Beatles music on iTunes. Others expect a streaming music service, possibly combined with cloud-based storage. What do you think it will be? What do you want from Apple and iTunes?

Coffee Talk #243: How Much Mobile Data Do You Use?

With the days of truly unlimited mobile data coming to a close, I’ve been curious about my mobile Internet consumption. My last billing cycle ended yesterday and I was pleased that I only used…

Welcome to Coffee Talk! Let’s start off the day by discussing whatever is on your (nerd chic) mind. Every morning I’ll kick off a discussion and I’m counting on you to participate in it. If you’re not feelin’ my topic, feel free to start a chat with your fellow readers and see where it takes you. Whether you’re talking about videogames, your favorite Indian dish, the hottest chick on Baywatch, or the horrible TNA belt Jeff Hardy ordered up, Coffee Talk is the place to do it.

With the days of truly unlimited mobile data coming to a close, I’ve been curious about my mobile Internet consumption. My last billing cycle ended yesterday and I was pleased that I only used 600MB of data in the last month. However, I was almost always on WiFi. If I’m traveling or working at an office that doesn’t grant WiFi access to contractors then I can see my data consumption going way higher.

With unlimited data nearing extinction, I’m going to keep tabs on my mobile data use. Do you ladies and gents already do that? Is it something you’re going to do? How much data do you use per month? Kindly take the poll, discuss, and be merry!

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Ininity Blade (iOS) Trailer is Ridiculous

Remember last week when I said that Infinity Blade would offer a glimpse into the exciting future of mobile gaming? My opinion has been completely solidified by this incredible trailer. I’m pretty floored that this game is for iPhones, iPod Touches, and iPads. I defy you to watch it and tell me you’re not impressed!!!

T-Mobile Has a Branded iPhone Cable Because….

TMoNews has posted a picture of an iPhone cable with T-Mobile USA packaging. Some are speculating that this is a sign that the iPhone 4 is headed to the carrier. Others believe that the company is simply selling lucrative accessories to its customers that use unlocked iPhones. What say you? Is this a sign of things to come? Or is it just a smart cash grab?


Epic Games and Chair Team Up For Infinity Blade on iOS

Remember that impending mobile gaming explosion I wrote about in Coffee Talk #204? It just got one step closer. Epic Games (Gears of War, Unreal) and Chair Entertainment (Shadow Complex) have officially announced Infinity Blade for Apple iOS (iPhone, iPod Touch, iPad). The game blends sword-based action with RPG elements. Here’s a clip from the press release:

Taking handheld gaming to new heights, the graphically intense “Infinity Blade” features adrenaline-fueled sword battles and epic boss fights set in the realm of a fully 3D castle. The game’s robust single-player mode features an intuitive combat interface and simple touch controls which enable hardcore and casual gamers alike to engage in fun, furious battles. As play progresses, players gain experience, build stats and earn more powerful items to prepare their knight for the final encounter with the game’s nemesis, the God-King.

And here’s a quote from my pal, Epic Games president Dr. Mike Capps…or as I like to call him, “Busta” Capps.

More than one million people have been introduced to the world of ‘Infinity Blade’ through our free app, ‘Epic Citadel,’ and soon everyone will be able to play our first fully featured game for iOS devices. With ‘Infinity Blade,’ ChAIR has created an amazing looking, incredibly fun game that really demonstrates the potential of triple-A mobile gaming.

To be honest, I only included his quote to remind y’all that Dr. Mike should be referred to as “Busta” Capps.

Seriously though, this is going to be huge for iOS gaming and more gaming in general. While there are loads of engaging games available in the iTunes App Store, most of them are visually unimpressive. The upcoming generation of iOS games will have deep gameplay and sharp graphics. Infinity Blade should set a new standard for iPhone, iPod Touch, and iPad gaming. I’m truly excited for this title. How about you?

Welcome to Apple’s Winter Wonderland

Apple has had a ridiculously successful 2010, selling millions of iPhones, iPods, iPads, iMacs, MacBooks, and more. The crazy thing is, you ain’t seen nothin’ yet (b-b-b-b-baby, you ain’t seen nothin’ yet). The company is going to be one of the most dominant brands this holiday season — perhaps the most dominant brand.

The iPad will be available in more stores than ever, including electronics outlets like Best Buy and mobile phone stores like Verizon’s. Target recently announced that it will start offering the iPhone 4 on November 7, 2010. While Apple does well with its online store and Apple Stores, brick-and-mortar chains like Best Buy and Target have a much broader reach. The sales figures are going to be nuts!

What do you think? Will Apple be the most wished for brand this holiday? What else can touch it?

Apple Poised to Cut Carriers Out of the iPhone Experience?

Stacey Higginbotham (no relation to Michael Hickenbottom) at GigaOm snagged a fantastic scoop on Apple working with Gemalto on future iPhone SIM-card technology. The two companies are working on making the iPhone experience easier for customers while keeping carrier involvement to a minimum. Here are the details:

It’s rumored that Apple and Gemalto have created a SIM card, which is typically a chip that carries subscriber identification information for the carriers, that will be integrated into the iPhone itself. Then customers will then be able to choose their carrier at time of purchase at the Apple web site or retail store, or buy the phone and get their handset up and running through a download at the App Store as opposed to visiting a carrier store or calling the carrier. Either way, it reduces the role of the carrier in the iPhone purchase.

Before you get too excited, keep in mind that this is aimed (initially anyway) at European customers. Unlike the American market, the mobile frequencies used in most European countries are the same. Furthermore, there’s a lot more country hopping in Europe, so it would be super convenient for customers to be able to change carriers through a simple iTunes download.

The tech has all sorts of implications. Apple is very proud of the experience it offers through the Apple Store. As far as retail experiences go, it beats the crap out of an AT&T store. This technology makes carrier stores unnecessary at best and a minor nuisance at worst. Although the tech is being aimed at the European market, there are radio chips that can handle various types (GSM and CDMA) and frequencies of mobile signals, so it’s a possibility for America as well.

Lastly, the technology has the chance to help Apple succeed where Google wussed out with the Nexus One. Although Apple is making a killing through AT&T, the structure of that relationship will change as it moves to other carriers. I’m sure Apple is concerned about the various (crappy) experiences offered by the “big four’s” retail stores. This technology would eliminate their involvement or keep it to a minimum.

I really hope this technology comes to America. The carriers have way too much stroke here and disruption is overdue. The technology being worked on by Apple and Gemalto has a chance to drastically change the market and, hopefully, make it more competitive. Or perhaps I’m being wishfully naive. What do you think?


Today’s Poll: Do You Still Care About the White iPhone 4?

Depending on which story you believe, the white iPhone 4 has been delayed until March 2011 or completely canceled. At this point, do you even care? If it comes out in March, the iPhone 5 will be months away. Then again, it’s kind of like a super-rare Pokemon — cool to have and show off. Kindly vote in today’s poll and discuss!

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Coffee Talk #233: Data Caps vs. Data Throttling

The mobile world is a-changin’: AT&T has moved to a tiered data system, Verizon is launching its tiered pricing soon, and T-Mobile will unleash a strange hybrid of tiered plans complemented by throttled “unlimited” plans.

Welcome to Coffee Talk! Let’s start off the day by discussing whatever is on your (nerd chic) mind. Every morning I’ll kick off a discussion and I’m counting on you to participate in it. If you’re not feelin’ my topic, feel free to start a chat with your fellow readers and see where it takes you. Whether you’re talking about videogames, the last time you rode Amtrak, Phil Hughes rocking it tonight, or the Los Angeles Angels of Anaheim in Orange County brought to you by Disney, Coffee Talk is the place to do it.

The mobile world is a-changin’: AT&T has moved to a tiered data system, Verizon is launching its tiered pricing soon, and T-Mobile will unleash a strange hybrid of tiered plans complemented by throttled “unlimited” plans. The days of truly unlimited mobile data are coming to a close. Which scheme is worse? Tiered data plans with hard caps or throttling data after a certain number is hit?

On one hand, a lot of consumers — ones that use less data than they think — can save money in a tiered system. A lot of iPhone and iPad users don’t come anywhere close to the 2GB limit that comes with the $25 data plan. (Yes, some of these people are hipster lamers that never download apps.) Data hogs and those that want less restrictions will be happy with T-Mobile’s data rates…until they hit 5GBs of data and the company can throttle down bandwidth.

Both pricing schemes suck and stifle the future of mobile computing. Developers are limited in what they can do with mobile apps because they don’t want to create a brilliant program that consumers will avoid because it hits the Internet for too much data. Consumers won’t use the devices they have as much as they would if data were truly unlimited. Unfortunately, data caps and data throttling are here to stay. Which one do you think is worse?

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