E3 2011 Microsoft Press Conference Live Blog

It’s time for Microsoft’s E3 2011 press conference! Microsoft is the only one of the “Big Three” that hasn’t confirmed new hardware for the show. Will the company counter with some hot games? How will it take Kinect to the next level? You think there’s a chance that there will be a hardware surprise? Follow … Continue reading “E3 2011 Microsoft Press Conference Live Blog”

RPad.tv E3 2011 Live Blog Schedule

Howdy boys and girls! I’m going to try live blogging the major press conference on my iPad 2 tethering off of a Verizon LTE connection. I’ve done dry runs and it should work, but I won’t really know if it will work under real-world conditions until I do it. If everything goes as planned, I’ll … Continue reading “RPad.tv E3 2011 Live Blog Schedule”

Win a T-Mobile G2X and a Trip to E3 2011

T-Mobile is holding a sweet contest that could snag you an LG G2X and a trip to E3 2011. Dubbed “The Battle for E3”, I’m fairly certain that the contest doesn’t contain any physical  battling. Instead, you’ll have to post a short video on T-Mobile’s Facebook page and let the fans decide if you’re worthy … Continue reading “Win a T-Mobile G2X and a Trip to E3 2011”

Mega64’s TruthPhones Help You Understand E3 2010 Keynotes

Here’s another hilarious video from the peeps at Mega64. This time around they reveal TruthPhones — a peripheral that helps you understand what’s really going on at the E3 press conferences held by Microsoft, Nintendo, and Sony. Check it out! It’s awesome!!!

Last Batch of Shacknews E3 2010 Stories

Finally…Raymond has returned to RPad.tv!!! It’s fun talking like The Rock. It’s also fun writing for Shacknews. Here’s the last batch of stories from E3 2010. Check ’em out and shoot off any questions you have about the games/people. (And yes, this post means that my full attention is back on this site.) Enslaved: Odyssey … Continue reading “Last Batch of Shacknews E3 2010 Stories”