Coffee #166: Is PlayStation Plus a Better Value Than Xbox Live?

Sony made a bold move at E3 2010 with the announcement of PlayStation Plus. A premium addition to its PlayStation Network service, PlayStation Plus launches tomorrow, June 29. It’s available for $17.99 for three months or $49.99 for 15 months (one year + a three-month bonus). For this chunk of change you get free PSN games, the Qore video-magazine, PSN discounts, automatic update downloads, full-game trials, and more. Here’s a PlayStation Blog post with more details.

Shigeru Miyamoto Says That Cats Are Like Girls

During a roundtable discussions at E3 2010, Nintendo’s Shigeru Miyamoto revealed that cats were originally part of Nintendogs, but they didn’t behave quite right. For example, when dogs are happy they wag their tail. Cats…not so much. As with several Miyamoto games, a lot of the ideas behind Nintendogs + Cats were derived from his … Continue reading “Shigeru Miyamoto Says That Cats Are Like Girls”

What Are You Playing This Weekend?

E3 2010 is finally out of my head (i.e. I’m no longer having flashbacks), so it’s time to get gaming again! I recently picked up Turtles in Time: Re-shelled and want to get my t-u-r-t-l-e power on. My ankle is gimped, so I’m going to use that as an excuse to stay in bed and … Continue reading “What Are You Playing This Weekend?”

Hulu Possibly Coming to iPad, PS3, and Xbox 360: Do You Care?

You’ve already heard the rumors that Hulu is headed for the Apple iPad and Microsoft Xbox 360. Today rumors are swirling that it’s headed for the PlayStation 3 as well. Do you guys and gals care about Hulu on portable devices and consoles? I think Hulu is a great service, but I’ve never used it … Continue reading “Hulu Possibly Coming to iPad, PS3, and Xbox 360: Do You Care?”

Coffee Talk #163: Games You Want Patched for PlayStation Move

I’m totally psyched to play Heavy Rain with PlayStation Move support. When Sony announced that it will be patched for Move, I was excited. When I tried a Move-enabled demo at Sony’s E3 2010 booth, I was sold. The game completely lends itself to motion controls. Doing a quarter-circle movement with Move feels more natural than doing the same with an analog stick. Most importantly, I’d get to experience a brilliant game in a totally new way.

Sony’s Kaz Hirai Dismisses the Nintendo 3DS

In an interview with Sankei Biz, Sony Computer Entertainment CEO Kaz Hirai brushed off portable 3D gaming. While he didn’t call out Nintendo’s 3DS handheld by name, it was easy to see his target. Hirai said: Based off internally conducted research, naked-eye 3D for portables does not have high precision, and at present there are … Continue reading “Sony’s Kaz Hirai Dismisses the Nintendo 3DS”

The Search For Tony Hawk Shrek

When the GTTV guy tweeted about Activision unveiling a Tony Hawk Shrek game, I got super excited. I love Tony Hawk! I love Shrek! These are two great tastes that will taste great together, right? Alas, after three days of scouring the E3 2010 show floor, I could not find this game. I pestered dozens … Continue reading “The Search For Tony Hawk Shrek”

Shacknews Previews Batch One

Hey guys! Here’s the first batch of E3 2010 previews I’ve written for Shacknews. If you have a chance, please check ’em out. Feel free to discuss them over there or over here. Be nice to the Shackers if you choose to visit, okay? Splatterhouse — It’s bloody and has an area informally referred to … Continue reading “Shacknews Previews Batch One”

Today’s Poll: Will You Buy an Xbox 360 “Slim”?

Microsoft unveiled a new version of the Xbox 360 with a 250GB hard drive and WiFi. The design is smaller, uses less power, and is allegedly quieter than its forerunners. The design is angular and totally reminds me of Alienware desktop computers. It looks like a pretty sweet machine, but will you buy one this … Continue reading “Today’s Poll: Will You Buy an Xbox 360 “Slim”?”

First Project Natal Games Detailed by LA Times

The sexy Alex Pham of The LA Times has details on a handful of Project Natal launch games that will be show at E3 2010. Here’s a brief synopsis: River Rush: Steering a virtual raft past waterfalls, rocks and other obstacles requires lots of jumping and leaning. Ricochet: Players use their arms, legs, feet and … Continue reading “First Project Natal Games Detailed by LA Times”