Dead Space 2 Gamescom 2010 Screens

I was very impressed with Dead Space 2 when I saw it at E3 2010 for Shacknews. The game appears to retain the creepy atmosphere and sense of helplessness that made the original so cool while adding new features that round out the gameplay. Check out the latest screens and let me know if you’re … Continue reading “Dead Space 2 Gamescom 2010 Screens”

Mortal Kombat Gamescom 2010 Screens

Mortal Kombat was on my list of games I wish I played at E3 2010, but didn’t have time to check out. The latest screens have me wishing I was in Germany, hanging out with other game writers, drinking large steins of beer, and playing this game. It looks old-school cool! These latest screens feature … Continue reading “Mortal Kombat Gamescom 2010 Screens”

Enslaved: Odyssey to the West Gamescom 2010 Screens

Back at E3 2010 I wrote the following about Namco Bandai’s Enslaved: Odyssey to the West: Combining action, puzzle solving, and escort missions, Ninja Theory’s Enslaved: Odyssey to the West offers variety, a cool setting, and a dose of Gollum. The game has a unique look and some fun “imitation cooperative” gameplay. While I’m not … Continue reading “Enslaved: Odyssey to the West Gamescom 2010 Screens”

Majin and the Forsaken Kingdom Gamescom 2010 Screens

Remember my Shacknews preview of Majin and the Forsaken Kingdom from E3 2010? At the time I said: Flying under the radar at E3 2010 was Game Republic’s upcoming title that combines Ico-like graphics, stealth, puzzles, and an adorably goofy creature that looks like a Studio Ghibli reject. The diverse gameplay on display was fun … Continue reading “Majin and the Forsaken Kingdom Gamescom 2010 Screens”

Deus Ex: Human Revolution Screens

Square Enix sent over a batch of new screens for Deus Ex: Human Revolution…and they’re hot! Check ’em out and let me know what you think (please)! As some of you know, I was bummed that I missed out on a demo for this game at E3 2010. Even though I didn’t get to see … Continue reading “Deus Ex: Human Revolution Screens”

Coffee Talk #193: Have Games Desensitized You to Violence?

After E3 2010, I vaguely remember an article by some guy I can’t remember saying that videogames have desensitized people. The premise was that gamers have spent too much time shooting enemy soldiers, decapitating villains, and blowing buildings up that it no longer seems shocking. I started thinking about the issue again after the excellent people at Gamasutra started discussing it.

NBA Jam Gets Manute Bol and Spud Webb

As if having the legendary Detlef Schrempf wasn’t enough, EA Sports has revealed that the late Manute Bol and the diminutive Spud Webb will be featured in the NBA Jam remake. This downloadable game brings back the old-school gameplay of the original and modernizes it with motion controls. I checked outĀ NBA Jam for Shacknews during … Continue reading “NBA Jam Gets Manute Bol and Spud Webb”

“Xbox Arcade” Games Easy Ports for Windows Phone 7

As many of you know, I’ve been anxious for details on how Microsoft’s upcoming Windows Phone 7 will interact with Xbox 360. Although Apple’s iOS is extremely popular and Google’s Android is growing at a crazy pace, Windows Phone 7 has a chance to stand out by positioning itself as the gamer’s mobile operating system. … Continue reading ““Xbox Arcade” Games Easy Ports for Windows Phone 7″

Milo and Kate for Xbox 360 Kinect is Coming: Do You Care?

Recently there was some controversy on whether Milo — the virtual indentured servant for Xbox Kinect that wowed some people and terrified others — was a real game or a tech demo. Microsoft’s American PR said one thing, but Microsoft Game Studios Peter Molyneux said something else. At the end of the day, it looks … Continue reading “Milo and Kate for Xbox 360 Kinect is Coming: Do You Care?”

Two Excellent Portal 2 Videos

Here are a pair of excellent Portal 2 videos for your drooling pleasure. As I mentioned in Coffee Talk #162, I didn’t have time to see the game at E3 2010, which totally bummed me out. The good news is that I can enjoy these videos with you and disccus ’em here! I know a … Continue reading “Two Excellent Portal 2 Videos”