Resistance 3 Billboard Spotted

Resistance 3 Billboard

A NeoGaf netizen posted a few photos of a Resistance 3 billboard spotted in Shreveport, Louisiana. Don’t get too excited — just because the game has a billboard doesn’t mean that it’s coming any time soon. User “nskinnear” noted:

This is a billboard in an upcoming movie called Battle: Los Angeles. Release date for the movie = early 2011. That’s when we can expect Resistance 3.

Hopefully the billboard doesn’t cause too many Insomniac fanboys to…uh…have a happiness explosion.


Researchers Use Super Mario Bros. in Adaptive Gaming Experiment

Should videogame difficulty automatically scale to the level of the player? That’s what Julian Togelius and Georgios Yannakakis (I caught Yannakakis from a mosquito in Thailand once) from the IT University of Copenhagen believe. According to New Scientist, the pair conducted an adaptive-gaming experiment using Super Mario Bros.

For those who fret that their hard-earned money might be wasted on a dud computer game, help could soon be at hand. A new breed of game aims to suit everyone by adapting to an individual’s playing style.

To investigate the idea, the researchers altered the game Super Mario Bros, varying parameters such as the number and type of enemies and the size of gaps between platforms in response to how the players fared. The game also records a player’s moves, including how often they run and jump, and the time spent standing still.

New Super Mario Bros

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Hideo Kojima Goes to the Gym and Comments on President Obama

Hideo KojimaApparently Hideo Kojima is working out again. While he’s at the gym, the Metal Gear Solid master likes to comment on world affairs, including American President Barack Obama winning the Nobel Peace Prize. While Kojima’s eccentricities are well known (though certainly embellished), pumping iron appears to have taken his thoughts to a new power level. His comments on Obama are interesting and confusing…and maybe a little scary. Andriasang translated his words:

“President Obama, who declared ‘A World Without Nuclear Weapons’ in Prague, has won the Nobel Peace Prize.

Has the era at last started shifting?

The start of the Peace Walker plan? I hope that comes to be.

‘Peace will not walk to you’

‘You must both walk towards one another.’

From the gym.”

It’s possible that something was lost in translation. It’s also possible the Kojima’s brilliance completely flew over my head. My personal theory is that the Stairmaster has made him a bit wacky. What do you guys and gals think?


PSA: Buy 2 Get 1 Free Deal Kicks Off at Toys ‘R Us

Toys 'R UsHere’s a friendly reminder that Toys ‘R Us is having its buy-two-get-one-free sale from 11-October to 17-October. The sale applies to games, as well as accessories from $5 to $100. The poor tippers at Cheapassgamer have a FAQ on the whole dealio. Sadly, Canadians do not get to take advantage of the B2G1-free madness.

Anyone hitting up Toys ‘R Us today? If so, what are you planning to pick up?
