Make Your Own Batman & Robin Meme

Hey guys! Sorry I’ve been MIA today. I’m working on a really complex video piece (and by complex, I mean that I don’t have the equipment that would make this project easy). For now, would you kindly play a game with me (in addition to ShufflePix)? Let’s create some RPad.TV-themed memes using the infamous panel of Batman slapping the bejeezus out of Robin. I’ve posted a really basic example above, but I’m sure you guys and gals will come up with funnier stuff. The meme creator is here. Game on!

Author: RPadTV

5 thoughts on “Make Your Own Batman & Robin Meme”

  1. It won’t save for me. It just keeps spinning and says “Please wait, Uploading”.

    It’s been doing that for 30 min.

      1. Snow Leopard and Chrome.

        It’s just stalling for me. If I wanted, I have Photoshop and web storage, I could do more with that anyway.

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