Ever wonder what it would cost to be Batman or Iron Man? Yeah, I’ve never thought about it either. Thankfully (for your amusement), the people at HomeOwnersInsurance.com have! Check out the large infographic below that breaks down what Bruce Wayne and Tony Stark have have to pay to maintain their superhero lifestyles. Costs include equipment, housing, staff, transportation, and more. The final bill is…ouchie.
The Price of Being Batman and Iron Man

Batman is more awesome!!
Batman is more cheaper!!
All I need is another $188,959,000 and I’ll be there.
Will u let me borrow $10,350?!?
Uh… check your math dude. Although I do like the fact that you added an extra zero to my net worth.
Ok then I should expect that $1,350 soon then huh
Cost of being Superman… Priceless.
Except for the cost of his planet and family blowing up.
So, you’re rebuttal is “Yeah, well… Superman was adopted!”
He was a baby though. At least he knows what happened to his birth parents unlike most adopted babies.
After that, he doesn’t need to eat (but he likes to) since he gains his power from the sun like super plankton, his suit came in the spaceship with him, he doesn’t need health insurance, he has a cozy shelter he built from scratch at the North Pole, he doesn’t need to buy gas for a car (or any transportation costs), and he really doesn’t need to pay utilities since he’s impervious to weather and clean himself in several different free ways.
All of his costs revolve around maintaining the Clark Kent persona which he doesn’t really need to do. And those expenses, are less than yours or mine.
No, I’m being more literal than you’re thinking. He’s not Superman if Krypton didn’t blow up. He’d be living under a red sun and have no powers.
Right, I get it, but I thought this was about monetary cost. Those graphics up there say nothing about watching your parents get murdered or being constantly under the threat of shrapnel hitting your heart through your bloodstream. Seriously, you took a tangent and ignored the emotional cost of the original subjects to make Superman’s heartache seem more special.
The one I would have pointed out about Superman is the fact that he’s always going to know that he’s different than everyone else and therefore is alone no matter what.
Supergirl is Kryptonian too. I’m not sure what the deal is with Kandor in The New 52. Ohhhh, that reminds me. I hope they do something cool with Zod.
Ok, so his cousin that was devised for demographics, a total douchelord (shoutout to Thundercracker) and a city in a snowglobe… that will make anyone feel at home.
Had any good pizza lately?
I haven’t had good pizza since my trip to NY in August 2012. Am cry.