Coffee Talk #404: Have You Ever Quit on a Console?

Last week I was intrigued by this comment left by RPadholic smartguy. He’s fed up with the quirks and annoyances of his PlayStation 3 and is on the verge of quitting it after Uncharted 3. It had me thinking about all the…

Welcome to Coffee Talk! Let’s start off the day by discussing whatever is on your (nerd chic) mind. Every morning I’ll kick off a discussion and I’m counting on you to participate in it. If you’re not feelin’ my topic, feel free to start a chat with your fellow readers and see where it takes you. Whether you’re talking about videogames, A-Rod getting the boo-bird treatment at Yankee Stadium, Stumptown’s Guatemala Antigua Buenavista, or how old you were when you started liking the taste of alcoholic beverages, Coffee Talk is the place to do it.

Last week I was intrigued by this comment left by RPadholic smartguy. He’s fed up with the quirks and annoyances of his PlayStation 3 and is on the verge of quitting it after Uncharted 3. It had me thinking about all the consoles I’ve owned in the past. I don’t recall any of them pissing me off to the point where I gave up on the system. How about you? Have you ever quit on a console? Or did you have issues, only to lovingly whisper, “I can’t quit you,” to your beloved gaming system?

Keep in mind that I’m in an unusual situation since the last few generations of consoles have either been free or work expenses for me. I love all of my gaming systems, but they’re all work machines — there’s no such thing as buyer’s remorse in my case. Even before that, I managed to put up with the completely ridiculous Sega Genesis Mega Stack of Doom. If a Voltron-like console couldn’t make me quit then I’m not sure what would.

So how about it? Has a console ever driven you to the point of disowning it? Have you ever quit on a console?

Author: RPadTV

36 thoughts on “Coffee Talk #404: Have You Ever Quit on a Console?”

    1. Everytime I see or hear nonquitters a certain 3 6 Mafia song runs through my head. Which of course makes me picture Jamarcus Russell

  1. The only console I quit and refused to play was the GameCube because I absolutely HATE the controller.

    1. I love the controller. It is my favorite controller of all time when it comes to comfort.

      1. For me that would have to go to the Dreamcast controller. That was the most shockingly refreshing experience in gaming hardware history in my books.

      2. lol The N64 is the only worse controller to me, but you probably have bigger hands than me. Most people who hate the GameCube controller, do.

      3. Haha, "The N64 controller looks like it was created for use by mutagenic alien arachnid spawn!"

        My favorite anti-controller quote EVER.

      4. I completely agree. What was it called again? The Wireless grey controller? The "Wavebird" or something like that? That has to be the best controller I've ever owned in my entire life. My siblings fought me for it whenever we played. The Dualshock 2 for PS2 comes in close second to gaming comfort on my list (it's a short list, alright?).

  2. My girlfriend might have quit on her Xbox. She was interested in a 7 day hulu+ trial but MS required gold. I agree that it is stupid to pay extra for a service you subscribe to like that.

    1. Yea I had to explain that to my mom. She was going to get a 360 for Netflix and some old school games (namco classics and such). She didn't understand why she needed XBL when she already has a Netflix account. I told her she basically has to buy a "key" to "unlock" the "internet" on the Xbox, then she fell in love with my Mac Mini and she is going to get one of those soon.

  3. that sega stack was awesome

    those early sega cd games were the absolute shit

    Night Trap? Sewer Shark? That horrible, impossible Sherlock Holmes game? Make your own video with Kriss Kross?

  4. I quit the Wii. I haven't touched it in months and finally lent it to my little nephew since he was in love with Wii Golf. That was a few months ago. The last two games I played on it were Okami and No More Heroes. I finished Okami, but not No More Heroes. I don't know; it's like the magic is gone. I'm really sick of wiggling and waggling the Wii remote for unnecessary reasons. The graphics and depths of a lot of the games are also disappointing. Why would I get "Driver: San Francisco" for the Wii when I can get a better experience on the 360 version? (according to Metacritic).

    When I get my Wii back, I'll get New Super Mario Bros. Wii and Mario Galaxy 2 to see if that can rekindle my love for Nintendo. Oddly enough, I've enjoyed the Gamecube and N64 a lot more than the Wii. I really think that the Xbox spoiled me.


      1. There's this guy called Yahtzee Croshaw who wrote an article that accuses achievements for being the cause of the Cheat Code's death. If this is true, I'mma gonna be soooo mad.

  5. That's a good question… the truth is , I don't know but I don't think so. Throughout this anecdotal rant, I'll say I gave up on them… but I never really did since I have emulators of just about all my old consoles and then some.

    I remember being in Kindergarten and playing Donkey Kong on a Colecovision. When I got the NES for Christmas when I was like 8 or so, The Colecovision just moved to an old black and white TV where I would still play the old Atari Classics like Boxing and Yars Revenge (a game I still don't think I fully understand).

    I rocked that NES for years and got a Genesis when they came out. By this point, both my brother and I had TV's in our room and I actually OPTED to have the NES in my room instead of the Genesis. Why? Because I REALLY wanted the SNES in my room which I knew I would get within the year… and I did. This is when I finally gave up on my NES.

    Then, I was in high school when the Playstation came out. I somehow convinced my parents to get me one at launch and they paid like $300 or more for a god damn PS1!!! I was such an asshole… but that thing rocked the worlds of me and all of my friends until round about halfway through my senior year. I played my SNES still that whole time too… mainly for SF2. That was pretty much glued in the SNES for at least 2 years. My copy was even broke since I kept the console on the floor so the cables would reach farther and one day I got a double perfect on my brother 3 times in a row so he kicked my TV and it fell onto my SNES and busted the casing to the game.

    However, all the parts of those cartridges that actually ran the game were all in the bottom 1/8th of the cartridge. The rest was just plastic. So, I had half of a cartridge in my SNES for 2 years straight that needed to be removed and put back with needle-nose pliers when I'd play something like Beavis and Butthead, or MK.

    Anyway… PS1 was the shit. and come about halfway through my senior year, I put like 1000% of my focus towards music. The fact that I had to flip my PS1 on all kinds of sides to get it to play anything was irrelevant to the fact that I had no time for games. Then one day, my brother (he's 20 or so at this time) comes home from work with a 64. I'm sitting on my bed playing my bass when he shows it to me, and I'm like "meh". Then he says "Well, I was looking for a game you and I could play together, and I remember you always kicking my ass in those fighting games, but this was the only game they had that was anything like that…"

    And he pulls out… WCW vs nWo The World (the one before Revenge)… and I humor him. To my chagrine at the time, this is like the funnest I have ever played in my life. I'm now back, and I'm hooked. And to make it better… my brother and I were equally good with similar strategies and had amazing back and forth matches.

    If that's not enough for gaming to call me back, I would end up going to after parties and other events the music world had sucked me into, and there's the wresting game on a 40 man Battle Royal with people taking turns on sticks. I indeed end up taking my turns as well.

    After that, I got a job at a local videogame reseller like Gamestop… but before Gamestop and more mom and pop. I was working there when the Dreamcast came out. Ever since then, I've kept pretty up to date. I've also learned to buy brand new consoles 6 months to a year after launch.It's just a smarter investment.

  6. I've quit my PS2, Wii, and DS systems. There aren't any good games coming out for them anymore (save Skyward Sword for the Wii). None of my games have replay value anymore, so they're not worth it.

    1. In the case of the PS2, that's moving forward as opposed to quitting on them.

      They moved forward, you moved forward, that's a mutual break-up as opposed to a straight dump.

      1. Here's the thing though, I quit the system after I lost interest. I never did get a PS2, and this was about the time I became obsessed with portable games, so that was my fault.

  7. I gave up on the GameCube. I had one for about 6 months and then sold it back to GameStop. ironically, I married into one about a year and a half later, so we've got one sitting in the living room anyway.

    1. I always thought the Gamecube didn't have enough 3rd-party stuff. I mean, if you looked at the list of titles I have, not one of them was a 3rd-party game. Not. Even. One. And, while I'm still a fan of the 1st-party giants (mostly), I wish there were more games there that interested me. It was essentially my SSB Melee console for a coupla years before it died.
      Loved that game.

  8. So with about 5 minutes left in the Giants-Cardinals game and the good guys down by 10, I gave up and turned the game off. Turns out that was a bad decision…..

    Add in both Philly and Dallas losses and I had a very good football Sunday!

      1. The Dolphins are terrible. This is what happens when you hang your hat on a gimmick like the Wildcat instead of developing an actual gameplan for improving the team.

      2. No, this is what happens when you have a shitty coach, and a shitty quarterback, and a shitty offensive line, and shitty secondaries, and a shitty offensive coordinator, and a shitty running back, and a shitty conditioning coach, and a shitty defensive line, and a shitty- well, you get the picture.

        In all honesty, the Wildcat plays could work with the right players and the right execution, but we have neither. Also, it should be a disguised play meant to confuse, which means that you can only use it a few times before the defense adapts and it is no substitute for normal plays that actually require talent.

        Now if you'll excuse me, I have a brown paper bag to go cut eye holes out of…


      3. Yes, exactly. But since the one year they shocked everyone for a decent record by breaking in the gimmick offense. But now that everyone's adjusted to it, and they still haven't got the talent to compete without a gimmick offense, it shows they have no gameplan for actually developing a winner in Miami.

      4. Gha! Pour some more vinegar into my open wounds, why don't you?

        My paper bag mask is almost ready. Look for me on TV in the stands at one of our upcoming home games.


  9. I quit the 360. I used my old console a lot more than this S model. This one just won't go off, so it has been unplugged for quite some time. I haven't seen a good game come out for a long time and if it did I bought it on PS3.

    I guess I just don't have all of the issues that everyone else does, I had no problems playing Resistance 3. Yes GT5 had serious menu issues, but I attribute that more to the game than the console. PS+ have virtually removed any update delays for me.

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