This Week’s Videogame Releases

It’s September! Do you know what this means?!? It means that my birthday is soon…and a rush of great videogames is upon us! Insomniac’s Resistance 3 is sure to dazzle PlayStation 3 owners looking for some excellent action. Driver: San Francisco adds a Quantum Leap-like twist to this fine vehicular-action series. Dead Island drew people in with its hauntingly beautiful trailer, but will the kids be pleased with the final product? Warhammer 40,000: Space Marine features a marine in space…kind of like another console shooter. Fans of vampires — the bloody kind, not the sparkly kind — will want to check out BloodRayne: Betrayal. Out of all the sweet games being released this week, I’m looking forward to Disgaea 4 the most. Tactical RPGs rule!

Any of you picking up new games this week?

Author: RPadTV

22 thoughts on “This Week’s Videogame Releases”

    1. I'm doing the same as Tokz so we can play through Dead Island together today. Hopefully all the redboxes have it in stock, online it keeps changing what it says for around here.

  1. I picked up Resistance 3.

    Warhammer Marines are nothing like Halo marines. It is more of a hack-n-slash. I played the demo and it isn't bad.

    Need to look for Dead Island now

  2. Been playing Dead Island, enjoying it so far. Waiting on my copy of Resistance 3 to come from amazon.

      1. So i'm really liking dead island. It was what i expected dead rising 2 to be like but just slightly better. It took us (bsu and i) awhile to get the multiplayer started but it turned out all we needed to do was turn off the xbox and start it off. I get a little upset when my data got corrupted after 45 mins of work but once u get used to the gameplay it's a pretty good game. I'll probably wait on picking it up though all the bad reviews should scare people off and bring the price on it down in a few months.

    1. what do you think about the controls? I think they feel a little clunky, and the start of the game feels a lot like Bioshock (slow moving, odd movement feeling, and the compulsion to search every single piece of luggage I come across).

      1. I'm enjoying it so far, having friends being able to jump in and out of the game is great. The controls felt really strange at first, took some time to get use to. I've been searching through everything i come across.

      2. when can you play co-op with friends? Trying to play with friends now but getting nowhere quickly. We all finished the prologue but can't join each other still.

      3. You have to set the option at the main menu. You can pick from lan, online with public slots, or with private slots. My friend and I joined at beginning of act 1.

      4. Yeah we all set it to cooperative with xbox live game visibility and set private spots—but we can't invite anyone to our games or join anyone's games.

      5. My friend couldn't send invites to his game, not sure if he found out what was wrong. I always had the option when selecting on game lobby. Haven't tried to jump into anyones game yet.

  3. IGN's first sentence of Dead Island's review reads: "Dead Island is Fallout 3 with zombies."

    If you listen closely, I think you can hear N8 climaxing in his pants.


  4. I'll wait for the demo on PC for Dead Island. Reviews have been not so hot as far as bugs go. That's upsetting.

    I'll grab Resistance 3 when it hits $20. They owe me for buying R2 at full price.

    1. yeah apparently there is gonna be a huge patch released today. I really am liking this game so far though (despite any problems).

  5. Driver is surprisingly good, btw. I finished it over the weekend and started a new game on my personal XBL account. The story gets silly, but the driving is lots of fun and the graphics are sweet. Lots of fun multiplayer too.

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